2022-2023 UT Houston (McGovern)

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Do you guys think that the time we accepted the waitlist invite will have any effect on if we get removed from the waitlist?
well I guess "we can dream"
But I think you should all acknowledge or accept your WL email with a positive reply to whatever school adds you

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Didn't match on Friday, waitlisted yesterday, got the A today!! Only texas II so super pumped
You didnt match anywhere or didn't match to McGovern?

I know of someone who was invited to the waitlist yesterday and then had an email today offering them a spot in the class off of the waitlist!
Different person from the person above?
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Asking this for someone on waitlist but no access to phone. is the waitlist acceptance a phone call or email?
There’s a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is that I’m a Houston native and all my family/friends are there. 🙂
I heard @MCAThiccy's family is wanting to adopt an UTSW student since he is running away from home. We will take care of him if he makes it to Houston.
I officially withdrew my acceptance today. OOS. Good luck to everyone, and it was a pleasure interacting with all of you.
I wonder if they’ll try to coordinate it so that the next spot goes to another OOS applicant or if it’s just one big waitlist
Just got the “Withdrawal” email from McGovern and they ask “why you won’t be matriculating to McGovern?”
I think it’s a nice survey 🙂
I also got a super nice email back from Laura inquiring about my plans. McGovern is a super nice place.
Just double checking. April 30th is the last day to get off the waitlist if we are already accepted to another TMDSAS school (i.e. we ranked Mcgovern higher but got into a school we ranked lower?)
What is the difference between the April 30th vs May 15th deadline? Also can we even make our account/portal for another med school and still get accepted into Mcgovern? Or as soon as we make our account with a different medical school (does this confirm enrollment?) we are effectively committed to the other school?
Just double checking. April 30th is the last day to get off the waitlist if we are already accepted to another TMDSAS school (i.e. we ranked Mcgovern higher but got into a school we ranked lower?)
You can stay on the TMDSAS waitlists until May 15th. After that, your current school is definitely your Texas school.
It seems like an awesome school, but I have an offer elsewhere that I just can't turn down, so I'll probably be withdrawing here
thanks for letting hopeful Texan WLers know. You have had an amazingly successful cycle, @snowman888