2023-2024 Jefferson (Kimmel)

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Is it ok if I carry a purse with me during the interview day?

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Is it ok if I carry a purse with me during the interview day?
In all seriousness it is definitely okay. They also have a room where you can drop off your things (bags, luggage, etc) before the day starts if you would rather not carry it around.
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Anyone know how strict SKMC is for LORs? I'm applying this upcoming cycle and only have (1 science, 1 non science, 2 research, 2 clinical supervisor)
They were done with giving interviews at this point last year, too, I think.
Does anyone know when we may hear about scholarships? And are there any current students who can talk about clinical rotation sites? With a class that large I’m sure not everyone can be placed in Philly
These super low yield schools (tufts, jefferson, tulane, georgetown, gwu) confuse me. What are you looking for that of 14000-15000 applicants, only 600-700 applicants have and the other 13000-14000 don't have lol
I don’t think it’s as black and white of have vs don’t have. They can only interview so many, so they have to reject many people that are great candidates that are qualified for an interview. I think it’s a bit of a crap shoot and some luck (coupled with the right stats, connections, mission fit, personal narrative, writing, time app was complete etc) 🤷🏼‍♀️
I interviewed 1/17 and haven’t heard anything yet hmmm anyone in the same boat?

They said during interview day that it could take up to 6 weeks and depends on when your interviewer can come to the meeting, so people who interview on the same day might hear back at diff times
I called the office on Feb 1. They said they would interview until the end of March lol. The admissions team gave out different info...?
I am unreachable by phone due to work several Wednesday afternoons over the next month (I interviewed in Jan), in the good fortune that I am accepted and receive a phone call during this time - should I call back after work? Just wait for email communication?
I am unreachable by phone due to work several Wednesday afternoons over the next month (I interviewed in Jan), in the good fortune that I am accepted and receive a phone call during this time - should I call back after work? Just wait for email communication?

I feel like they would leave a voicemail, then next steps will prob be via email or portal.

Hoping you hear good news