2023-2024 Jefferson (Kimmel)

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Does anybody know the chances of being accepted off of the high-priority wait-list? Will I find out for sure in May?

I’m interested to hear more about this. Did you apply for something specific or did they just notify you? What did you have completed? What can you tell us?
Thank you! They just notified me a couple months after I was accepted. I interviewed in Oct. and that was the last thing I did for them. I am not sure how they go about selecting
Anyone else still waiting for a rejection or an interview? I truly feel like these schools play games with my heart😕
Idk why they're stringing us along but I hope it ends with an interview invite
You may never know, called them this morning and they said they were holding interviews until April

what? I just called them and they said next week was the last week for interviews. Did I get punked

To be fair though this cycle I have gotten multiple different answers when calling admissions …
what? I just called them and they said next week was the last week for interviews. Did I get punked

To be fair though this cycle I have gotten multiple different answers when calling admissions …
Oh hmm wonder if they’re holding onto us just in case someone cancels their interview next week
Does this school favor IS applicants or people who live close to Philadelphia for IIs? I remember they asked where we lived in the secondary…