2023-2024 SUNY Downstate (Brooklyn)

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Do I need to fiill out the pre-matric things in order to be considered? I do not have insurance right now and I do not want to fill out the health form unless I need it. It wilI literally cost me close to 200-300 to fill it out out-of-pocket (if I go to an urgent care)
Do I need to fiill out the pre-matric things in order to be considered? I do not have insurance right now and I do not want to fill out the health form unless I need it. It wilI literally cost me close to 200-300 to fill it out out-of-pocket (if I go to an urgent care)
Even if we do it they don’t even check it off. Paid 100$ for nothing 😂
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Do I need to fiill out the pre-matric things in order to be considered? I do not have insurance right now and I do not want to fill out the health form unless I need it. It wilI literally cost me close to 200-300 to fill it out out-of-pocket (if I go to an urgent care)
If you don’t have insurance, Don’t do it. If you have insurance, go ahead. There are people who got in without filling it out and also those who got in who filled it out, but for your price it’s not worth it
Do I need to fiill out the pre-matric things in order to be considered? I do not have insurance right now and I do not want to fill out the health form unless I need it. It wilI literally cost me close to 200-300 to fill it out out-of-pocket (if I go to an urgent care)

I did not do it and I received an A off the WL 2 weeks ago
It's tough out here. I know there's still movement going on but it's late May. Tuesdays been brutal for the past month 😆

What I'm holding out for at this point is June when accepted people have two days to take the offer, hopefully this leads to some rapid movement
Hi all!

I was wondering if you all received your financial aid packages as of yet? I'm also wondering how much they allocated for housing? Their estimate online seems super low, so just wanted to make sure.
I was accepted a week ago and got my aid package a few days later. It was just an offer for a combination of direct and PLUS loans up to the cost of attendance
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For those of you who withdrew your A to downstate and are IS to NY or are from NYC, why did you withdraw? Are you going to attend another IS med school in NY? Someone here posted that 44% of Downstate's accepted students matriculate or something like that, and I am really curious where those students end up going? If anyone is comfortable sharing, pelase do or PM me! I ma having a TOUGHHHH time trying to figure out where to go.
For those of you who withdrew your A to downstate and are IS to NY or are from NYC, why did you withdraw? Are you going to attend another IS med school in NY? Someone here posted that 44% of Downstate's accepted students matriculate or something like that, and I am really curious where those students end up going? If anyone is comfortable sharing, pelase do or PM me! I ma having a TOUGHHHH time trying to figure out where to go.
in-state from NYC and withdrew my A yesterday. Going to another state school in NY. I am ready to leave NYC and don't like living here lol
Same, I got into UBuffalo, and it ranks much higher than downstate and are adapting a new curriculum starting this Fall. Atleast they don't have a hospital closing down LOL
The hosp is not closing. They got the funding. Just an FYI
Wait whats the source? I thought downstate would send an email to us all, just like they did when the hospital is closing. I have been trying to search up some news about this, but could only find that the senator proposed a 1 billion dollar loan for the center, but didnt see that it was approved. The hospital closing is a big deal, imo, and definitely was affecting my decision, because someone told me that that affects opportunities for research?
Wait whats the source? I thought downstate would send an email to us all, just like they did when the hospital is closing. I have been trying to search up some news about this, but could only find that the senator proposed a 1 billion dollar loan for the center, but didnt see that it was approved. The hospital closing is a big deal, imo, and definitely was affecting my decision, because someone told me that that affects opportunities for research?
They protested and it worked
Wait whats the source? I thought downstate would send an email to us all, just like they did when the hospital is closing. I have been trying to search up some news about this, but could only find that the senator proposed a 1 billion dollar loan for the center, but didnt see that it was approved. The hospital closing is a big deal, imo, and definitely was affecting my decision, because someone told me that that affects opportunities for research?
When I toured they said the hospital was approved to stay open for a year, but students mostly rotate at kings county (across the street) so it doesn’t have a huge impact on med student life. Though the rule of thumb online seems to be to go to a school with a teaching hospital if you are able. Also from what I read it looks like Downstate is not as involved in research as the other SUNYs.
SUNY downstate definitely has a nice match list, but I think it is hard to find info about what their STEP 2 scores are like and the percentage of their students that match per year. It seemed like 204 students matched this year, but they take around 200 students per class.
SUNY downstate definitely has a nice match list, but I think it is hard to find info about what their STEP 2 scores are like and the percentage of their students that match per year. It seemed like 204 students matched this year, but they take around 200 students per class.
I haven't been able to find anything on that important stuff either. Although it looks like there are several years where they take slightly over 200, last year they took 207. Also their match list is really strong for NYC and more neutral for anywhere else. I am definitely not qualified to give any advice as I am not even accepted yet, but it seems like the school is best suited for people who want to train/practice in NYC specifically
When's the commit to enroll deadline for this school? I swear i've been hearing/seeing different things.
Wait whats the source? I thought downstate would send an email to us all, just like they did when the hospital is closing. I have been trying to search up some news about this, but could only find that the senator proposed a 1 billion dollar loan for the center, but didnt see that it was approved. The hospital closing is a big deal, imo, and definitely was affecting my decision, because someone told me that that affects opportunities for research?
Question about the BLS course we need to take for anyone completing that. I'm using the AHA course search and was looking at BLS provider courses because that's what it says to use, but it says those are open to general public. The ACLS course is geared towards health professionals but isn't what Downstate recommended in the pre-matric checklist. Anyone have insight as to which one to choose?
Cant answer your question on BLS, but they dont accept transcripts by email. I used parchment exchange and it was checked off in a day.
The issue is my university only has an internal transcript ordering service that they need an email to send transcripts to. I used [email protected] if anyone else has the same question, but I emailed to ask anyway and I'll update if that works or not.
Sorry I wasn’t clear when I said they don’t accept email transcripts. I meant they don’t accept transcripts sent by you. If you have your school send it on your behalf, then that email you listed is the correct one.


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Question about the BLS course we need to take for anyone completing that. I'm using the AHA course search and was looking at BLS provider courses because that's what it says to use, but it says those are open to general public. The ACLS course is geared towards health professionals but isn't what Downstate recommended in the pre-matric checklist. Anyone have insight as to which one to choose?
hmm i noticed that too but i submitted the bls provider cert i already had and it was checked off my pre-matric list by admissions, idk if anyone did smth different tho
Question about the BLS course we need to take for anyone completing that. I'm using the AHA course search and was looking at BLS provider courses because that's what it says to use, but it says those are open to general public. The ACLS course is geared towards health professionals but isn't what Downstate recommended in the pre-matric checklist. Anyone have insight as to which one to choose?
Don’t take ACLS. It’s very expensive and is far beyond the scope of a pre medical student. BLS is also a prerequisite for it. You won’t be taking ACLS until midway through medical school.
Called downstate, and this is what I got. The committee has already met for the rest of the year and will not meet again ( I’m pretty sure they said it’s up to the head Dean now). More decisions should be coming out either later this week or late next week. Not the news I was hoping for but at least it’s something I guess.