2023-2024 SUNY Downstate (Brooklyn)

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Called downstate, and this is what I got. The committee has already met for the rest of the year and will not meet again ( I’m pretty sure they said it’s up to the head Dean now). More decisions should be coming out either later this week or late next week. Not the news I was hoping for but at least it’s something I guess.
is it bad that i’m still hopeful😔😔 i don’t want to reapply or go anywhere else😭

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Called downstate, and this is what I got. The committee has already met for the rest of the year and will not meet again ( I’m pretty sure they said it’s up to the head Dean now). More decisions should be coming out either later this week or late next week. Not the news I was hoping for but at least it’s something I guess.
That’s odd because I called an hour ago and they said the class is not even full yet so there will continue to be more movement
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Called downstate, and this is what I got. The committee has already met for the rest of the year and will not meet again ( I’m pretty sure they said it’s up to the head Dean now). More decisions should be coming out either later this week or late next week. Not the news I was hoping for but at least it’s something I guess.
Who’s head dean?
This is very neurotic of me but I see there are 144 students in the accepted chat. I think it’s safe to assume that not all accepted students joined the chat, also balancing that with students bound to get off other school WL and withdraw from Downstate, I’ll say that ~165 are now accepted? Is that a good estimate lol.
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yay. high gpa MCAT 511. No gap years . I did only what was easy to do on the checklist. I did not send in health forms bc i never got netid
Would you mind elaborating on what you did because when I check it it looks like there's nothing for me to do as an alternate? Like they say don't do anything unless your accepted?
man I literally have to commit to UB on the 17th, i was hoping to see some movement before then.
Downstate automatically withdraws ppl who commit elsewhere off of AL correct?
Received the A call this morning, still in shock 🥹 3.8 cgpa, 3.6 sgpa, 512 mcat, non-trad with prior healthcare research career. My fingers are crossed for more good news for everyone in the coming weeks! Sending you all the best vibes.