2009-2010 Medical College of Wisconsin Application Thread

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declined my interview yesterday. good luck to those still waiting for an interview - i hope you can take my spot!

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invite today. The email said its for the last few remaining spots of the class and the waitlist

So in other words, this invite is for the waitlist and the waitlist is just about full?? &#*! this small pool - that was a very slow and painful drowning that began on 8/18 :mad:
So in other words, this invite is for the waitlist and the waitlist is just about full?? &#*! this small pool - that was a very slow and painful drowning that began on 8/18 :mad:

waitlist isn't full. plus they don't separate waitlisters into tiers or rank until the end of their interview period if i remember correctly.

oh and i'm probably going to drop my acceptance soon. so there is at least one more spot for you potentially. :thumbup:
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Interview invite today, small-pooled 9/2

Going to decline so someone else can have the slot
waitlist isn't full. plus they don't separate waitlisters into tiers or rank until the end of their interview period if i remember correctly.

oh and i'm probably going to drop my acceptance soon. so there is at least one more spot for you potentially. :thumbup:

Haha thanks and sorry if I overreacted. I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't for being in that small pool for so long! The frustration from trying to wait patiently has finally started getting to me.
So in other words, this invite is for the waitlist and the waitlist is just about full?? &#*! this small pool - that was a very slow and painful drowning that began on 8/18 :mad:

I dont think that the waitlist is almost full. I am guessing there will be a handful of actual spots and the rest will be for the waitlist for my interview. Not too bad, they did say that they move into the waitlist every year.
So in the interviews I know we are explicitly told not to expect any emails with an acceptance or rejection, but it seems that a lot of sndners who were accepted got an email on Friday...should we expect that or no?
maybe they just say not to expect it because there's a possibility that a) for some reason they don't send emails that day or b) your email filter / evil internets caught the email and they don't want you thinking you were rejected when you weren't? Anyway, if you aren't expecting something good, then you are a lot more exciting about it if it does come!
Just got the e-mail. Interviewed last week. Accepted! :)
Got the email this afternoon. Interviewed last week. Good luck guys!
Got the Acceptance email!!!!!!!!! First acceptance! I still cannot believe how random it is that I even applied here!
thanks for the dates--if you don't mind sharing, what section of the WL were you and when did they let you know you were accepted?

(for some reason I think they do 4 sections, but I remember where I got that from)

Hey sorry, slow response, but I was on the top section and I got the phone call on 5/19 (I had to look through my chat logs for that, haha). Hope that helps.

Oh, and interviewing for waitlist spots sound...unappetizing (and I almost didn't go because of that) but they probably have a lot of movement going on, like accepted people not deciding to matriculate, soo chances are not that bad. I mean, why would they waste time/resources to interview a bunch of people they don't expect to need to fill their class, right? That's just my guess though, take with grain of salt pl0x :D

btw congrats on the interviews + acceptance!! and don't forget the fun world of Facebook (MCW 2014 fb group) if anyone decides to attend MCW. :)
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Congratulations to those who got accepted! Good luck to the rest of you who will be interviewing at MCW! Hope none of you end up in my situation...got an acceptance email yesterday just to have a committee member call me today and apologize for mixing up an acceptance and a rejection. Yes, I've been rejected, but I was expecting that.
Congratulations to those who got accepted! Good luck to the rest of you who will be interviewing at MCW! Hope none of you end up in my situation...got an acceptance email yesterday just to have a committee member call me today and apologize for mixing up an acceptance and a rejection. Yes, I've been rejected, but I was expecting that.

That is simply emotional torture at its best. How the hell could they do that!!! I am sorry for that. I hope you get in to your first choice school
bakamon...that really really sucks.

so weird situation I've got going:

So i was a complete idiot and didn't really check the status of my MCW application and I found out that my app wasn't complete since they didn't check my committee-letters for my graduate advisor, and so i called them up, and they were like, OHHHHHH, then i was 'officially'complete last week, and just today I got notification that I've been put in the small pool. Any chance of an interview after being complete this late in the game? 32Q/3.7:confused:
So the craziest thing happened here for me

I interviewed on 1/8 and was hoping for an acceptance email the following Friday, as my understanding was that accepted applicants will receive an email according to all the people who post here.

1/15 came around and I did not receive an email, and I was upset because I thought my interviews went well, and my faculty interviewer told me "I'd like to see you back here".

I then received an email at the beginning of the following week asking for the background consent. I figured it was for a waitlist offer at MCW since I didn't get the acceptance email. But then, after a few days, my family called me and told me they received an acceptance packet in the mail :D :thumbup:

This was my first acceptance, and I still don't think it has really hit me even 2 weeks later. I love MCW, and would happily attend here, so I am really grateful for this offer.

To those who are waiting for an email post interview, don't stress until you get something in the mail.

- LaCasta, Snuck in to the Class of 2014
Bakamon, that's a nightmare! They shouldn't have made that mistake, no matter how swamped they are. I hope you find better luck in your other schools.

magnetoscope: :\ Another school did the same thing to me last year...my alma mater too! Hope you get your interview, your stats are definitely fine.

LaCasta: congrats!! :D Hope to see you at MCW
Congrats to all of those who have gotten in! I received my interview invitation and will be interviewing on the 5th of March. What types of questions did they ask you for those who have already interviewed?
Congrats to all of those who have gotten in! I received my interview invitation and will be interviewing on the 5th of March. What types of questions did they ask you for those who have already interviewed?

Good luck with your interview! Honestly from my experience the interview was actually very enjoyable...it was by far my favorite interview in all of the schools that I interviewed at. I got some of the usual questions, why do you want to be a doctor, what are the biggest problems facing healthcare etc...but you can really drive the interview to anywhere you want with the topics you bring up and how you answer questions. I think they just try to figure out what you are all about and see what kind of personality you have. Just relax and act as though you are talking to your favorite prof and it will go great. From what I understand the interview is all they use to determine whether or not you get in once you are invited to interview, so just be sure to knock their socks off!!

Good luck to everyone still waiting!
Congrats to all of those who have gotten in! I received my interview invitation and will be interviewing on the 5th of March. What types of questions did they ask you for those who have already interviewed?

I thought they only send out invites once a month? Was this the January invites? I've been small pooled since 8/25 and i'm beginning to worry. I really want a chance to interview at MCW...anyone have any news and/or advice on how I can help my chances of getting an interview?
I thought they only send out invites once a month? Was this the January invites? I've been small pooled since 8/25 and i'm beginning to worry. I really want a chance to interview at MCW...anyone have any news and/or advice on how I can help my chances of getting an interview?

Not sure if they only send out invites once a month, because I got mine on 1/4.
So I am thinking about going back to Milwaukee in March and taking my fiance with so that we can decide between there and some other schools based on city etc...for people that are from there, is the public transportation system legit enough to get around the city? I have used public transportation a lot but I just want to make sure I will be able to access everything that I want to see...Also, what should we look at? What is there to do in March? We are thinking of coming for 3-4 days between the 13th-21st...thanks!
So I am thinking about going back to Milwaukee in March and taking my fiance with so that we can decide between there and some other schools based on city etc...for people that are from there, is the public transportation system legit enough to get around the city? I have used public transportation a lot but I just want to make sure I will be able to access everything that I want to see...Also, what should we look at? What is there to do in March? We are thinking of coming for 3-4 days between the 13th-21st...thanks!

There is public transport to get around to everywhere but I've never used it, and I don't think many students do. Most/all either live close enough to walk, or drive to school.
So in other words, this invite is for the waitlist and the waitlist is just about full?? &#*! this small pool - that was a very slow and painful drowning that began on 8/18 :mad:

Don't worry, you still have a chance. I got an acceptance from MCW but rejected it, so my spot is open too.
Just to make it clear though, I really loved the school but it makes more sense to me to go to school 15 min from my house, so...
Good luck. It's a great school!
So in the interviews I know we are explicitly told not to expect any emails with an acceptance or rejection, but it seems that a lot of sndners who were accepted got an email on Friday...should we expect that or no?

I got an email from MIchael Istwan on Thursday (the day the committee was meeting). I replied right away with the rejection and asked them not to send me the packet, so hopefully they moved somebody up from the waitlist. BUt you are right, they did tell us not to expect emails...weird. Did you interview on Jan 22?
Congrats to all of those who have gotten in! I received my interview invitation and will be interviewing on the 5th of March. What types of questions did they ask you for those who have already interviewed?

Among other usual questions he asked me what I would do if there was no chance for me ever to get into a med school. I said I would go into nursing. He liked the answer because he said that many people chose something completely off the wall. they want to see your dedication to medicine, not just an ambition to be a physician. They were nice and laid back. Well, they also asked me how I was going to manage a baby (coming soon) and med school and what my husband thought of moving to Milwaukee.
Just relax and be yourself. If one of the interviewers likes you and the other one not that much, they call you for a third interview.
Congratulations to those who got accepted! Good luck to the rest of you who will be interviewing at MCW! Hope none of you end up in my situation...got an acceptance email yesterday just to have a committee member call me today and apologize for mixing up an acceptance and a rejection. Yes, I've been rejected, but I was expecting that.

Wow! It's insane! I got a call from my top choice school while I was on my interview tour. They told me I was accepted so I canceled EVERYthing! 6 remaining interviews and 1 acceptance (from MCW btw). I can't even imagine what I would do if they called me back and said they had made a mistake!!!! I hope you didn't change your plans right after the email!

Why were you expecting a rejection?
I have an interview coming up here at MCW, and I signed up for the student host program. I have questions to people who have interviewed here already and have stayed with student host the night before.

So for student host program, do they match one medical student to one interviewee? Or is it more like matching one medical student to several interviewees?

Also, do I need to take my pillow, bedclothes(quilt), etc? Or are they going to be provided? I need to know this for sure.

Finally, did you guys take laptops? Or is there a place where I can get access to computers?

Thank you so much in advance.
I have an interview coming up here at MCW, and I signed up for the student host program. I have questions to people who have interviewed here already and have stayed with student host the night before.

So for student host program, do they match one medical student to one interviewee? Or is it more like matching one medical student to several interviewees?

Also, do I need to take my pillow, bedclothes(quilt), etc? Or are they going to be provided? I need to know this for sure.

Finally, did you guys take laptops? Or is there a place where I can get access to computers?

Thank you so much in advance.

I used a host. She was very nice. As far as I know it's always 1 interviewee per host. Usually you don't need to bring anything unless they specifically told you so.
I brought my laptop but you can access internet in the library there, it's free, you don't even need a password or anything. You can also use wireless on your laptop also at the library. YOu will have to ask somebody who works there to set it up for you.
Congrats on the interview there. It's a very nice school. You will like it! Good luck!
Anyone else have an interview coming up? I'm getting pretty excited about mine. :) Except for the cold weather, I've heard very positive things about MCW.

Question though: Is the social the night before pretty informative? I've signed up for it, but am wondering if it's really worth attending?
Anyone else have an interview coming up? I'm getting pretty excited about mine. :) Except for the cold weather, I've heard very positive things about MCW.

Question though: Is the social the night before pretty informative? I've signed up for it, but am wondering if it's really worth attending?

congrats! I'd recommend going. No effect on whether if you get accepted/rejected/waitlisted, but you do get to find out more info about the school.
I have another question for people who have interviewed here already. What is social night like? For social night, do you have to prepare questions to ask? I want to save questions so I can ask them at the interview. I don't want to burn up my questions. Is it ok to not ask any questions at the social night?

Thank you guys.
I have another question for people who have interviewed here already. What is social night like? For social night, do you have to prepare questions to ask? I want to save questions so I can ask them at the interview. I don't want to burn up my questions. Is it ok to not ask any questions at the social night?

Thank you guys.

I think social night is an opportunity for you to talk to current students and get to know the school and student life from an insider's perspective. You may not have an opportunity to ask questions as candidly during the interview. Your questions at the interview, on the other hand, are going to be directed at faculty so you could ask more about things related to the direction the curriculum is headed or about research that students may not be as informed about. Or worst case scenario - you run out of questions - just ask one you already got an answer to from another person to get a different opinion or insight from another perspective.
I have another question for people who have interviewed here already. What is social night like? For social night, do you have to prepare questions to ask? I want to save questions so I can ask them at the interview. I don't want to burn up my questions. Is it ok to not ask any questions at the social night?

Thank you guys.

Its a really informal Q&A. There'll be a lot of other applicants there, so there's no pressure to ask questions (or speak, really) if you don't want to. But its a good opportunity to chat with some students and ask them things you wouldn't necessarily want to ask during the actual interview.
Its a really informal Q&A. There'll be a lot of other applicants there, so there's no pressure to ask questions (or speak, really) if you don't want to. But its a good opportunity to chat with some students and ask them things you wouldn't necessarily want to ask during the actual interview.

yup. You can ask about bars/clubs at social. Not recommended for the actual interview, restaurants would be fine though.
Anyone else have an interview coming up? I'm getting pretty excited about mine. :) Except for the cold weather, I've heard very positive things about MCW.

I was positively surprized by the school! First of all, people in Milwaukee in general are awesome! I met a few people at the airport during my flight/layover. They told me that the cancer center they have is great and the children's hospital is second best in the country! Not even mentioning the research! On my flight back I met a woman with her daughter that had just been discharged from the hospital. They live in New York and she said they always bring their kids to Milwaukee if they need medical attention! I was amazed!
I was positively surprized by the school! First of all, people in Milwaukee in general are awesome! I met a few people at the airport during my flight/layover. They told me that the cancer center they have is great and the children's hospital is second best in the country! Not even mentioning the research! On my flight back I met a woman with her daughter that had just been discharged from the hospital. They live in New York and she said they always bring their kids to Milwaukee if they need medical attention! I was amazed!

CHW is good, but I'm surprised she didn't just take them to CHOP or CHB

PZ. I love how your avatar iz a cat, but you mizzpelled zurprized as "surprized"...
just lurking through the thread. haven't been on SDN in awhile. for the person who asked about never being small-pooled: i applied last year a little later than most (~october) was never small-pooled but received an interview invite.

i was in the 2nd interview date in January where they said there were a handful of spots open (sounds like they're not interviewing for waitlist yet this year so that's good news). got waitlisted and didn't hear back until July 1 where Istwan gave me the choice of deferring a year if i committed to MCW. so there's always a chance even if u get into July, have one waitlist left, and had already started new secondaries lol. gl to u guys, look forward to meeting any of u who decide to go to MCW
Hey im a student here at MCW. Just wanted to throw some advice out there to people getting invites around January/February. If you've been invited for a March date, try calling the office to see if anyone is cancelling a February interview. This might open up an opportunity to interview before all the waitlist interviewing begins. I remember some people got lucky and were able to get a Feb interview and were interviewing for an seat in the class rather than the waitlist.
I am planning on visiting again (I wrote this awhile back in the thread) and I am trying to figure out some "have to see sights" and such for my fiance and me. Also, what dates are spring break for MCW? I was thinking I might be able to sit in on a class or two if possible...does the school offer any kind of "second look" activities or help you meet up with students to show you around? Thx!
I am planning on visiting again (I wrote this awhile back in the thread) and I am trying to figure out some "have to see sights" and such for my fiance and me. Also, what dates are spring break for MCW? I was thinking I might be able to sit in on a class or two if possible...does the school offer any kind of "second look" activities or help you meet up with students to show you around? Thx!

don't think there's second look, but I'm sure you can sit in on a M1 or M2 class.

Here's the calender:
So I am thinking about going back to Milwaukee in March and taking my fiance with so that we can decide between there and some other schools based on city etc...for people that are from there, is the public transportation system legit enough to get around the city? I have used public transportation a lot but I just want to make sure I will be able to access everything that I want to see...Also, what should we look at? What is there to do in March? We are thinking of coming for 3-4 days between the 13th-21st...thanks!
Eh, public transit in Milwaukee leaves something to be desired. I'd recommend renting a car. Traffic is usually negligible, and the city isn't hard to navigate. There isn't a whole lot to do in March :p but I'd recommend checking out the downtown area, the Third Ward, the East Side (just north of downtown), and Wauwatosa (the suburb that MCW is actually in). Mayfair is a nice big mall about two miles north of MCW with a bunch of restaurants around it.

I am planning on visiting again (I wrote this awhile back in the thread) and I am trying to figure out some "have to see sights" and such for my fiance and me. Also, what dates are spring break for MCW? I was thinking I might be able to sit in on a class or two if possible...does the school offer any kind of "second look" activities or help you meet up with students to show you around? Thx!
Try posting this in the MCW class of 2014 thread. I'm an M4, and I haven't even been on campus since...mid-December? There are some M1s and M2s who post in the class thread though, and they might be willing to talk to you or something.
Anybody who interviewed last week get the e-mail yet?
I have an interview coming up in about a week. Can anyone tell me how much I'm going to be walking outside for the social the evening before as well as during the interview day?

Coming from CA, I'm used to wearing hoodies outside during winter. :D Just don't want to be caught unprepared. Thanks!

I had an interview last week and just got an email from Michael Istwan informing the acceptance. The email says that the "formal acceptance package" will be mailed today (as said on the day of the interview). I wasn't expecting an email so I'm thrilled~

Hope there are good news for lots of people at this forum!!

I had an interview last week and just got an email from Michael Istwan informing the acceptance. The email says that the "formal acceptance package" will be mailed today (as said on the day of the interview). I wasn't expecting an email so I'm thrilled~

Hope there are good news for lots of people at this forum!!

I got the same email this morning. Congrats!
I have an interview coming up in about a week. Can anyone tell me how much I'm going to be walking outside for the social the evening before as well as during the interview day?

Coming from CA, I'm used to wearing hoodies outside during winter. :D Just don't want to be caught unprepared. Thanks!

Are you taking the airport shuttle? The shuttle drops you off right outside the building where the social is. After the social my host drove me to his house, but I guess there is a chance you may have to walk if your host doesn't have a car. On the day of the interview you spend the whole day indoors.

Just bring a warm coat and you'll be fine. Good luck.
I got the same email this morning. Congrats!
nothing so far:scared:
what exactly did they say about the emails - i had a third interview so missed the info
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I have an interview coming up in about a week. Can anyone tell me how much I'm going to be walking outside for the social the evening before as well as during the interview day?

Coming from CA, I'm used to wearing hoodies outside during winter. :D Just don't want to be caught unprepared. Thanks!
A hoody will definitely not be enough.
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