ok, only because my above post sounded cynical, and I don't want to bash Jeff TOO much, I'll say this.
1. Location. If you've never lived in Philly, it's an amazing city. Virtually everything in the city is walkable, so much so that not only do you not need a car the first two years (and can probably go without in your last two years), but you barely even need to use mass transit to get to an amazing amount of entertainment. Jeff's location in Washington Square West is both affordable (Wash West was later than other center city neighborhoods to gentrify) and central.
2. Facilities: Don't need to really go into detail there... Jefferson does the bright and shiny very well. By the time you get here and doing rotations, most of the hospital will have been renovated (I had to go most of my 4th year without the hospital cafeteria due to construction...probably why I'm so bitter)
3. Departments: Some outstanding departments here, specifically Ophtho (Wills Eye), Ortho, Neuro/Neurosurg, and we have one of the few non-crappy Family Med programs on the East Coast.
4. Clinical Skills center... only because Drs. Berg, Berg, and Majdan are all awesome.
1. Cost: Duh.
2. Size: Make no mistake. This isn't undergrad. with 250+ per class you will be a number here. Individual problems tend to fall on deaf ears unless enough people in the class are affected and complain loudly enough.
3. Affiliate Clinical Sites: Some places are great (Reading, Belmont, Latrobe, DuPont*), others are awful (not going to name names...). Plus there's the travel element. Places like Reading and York house you in dorms, places like Christiana family med or anything with Main Line Health require a commute that can be hellish. Plus issues at affiliate sites tend to be greeted with "not my hospital, not my problem" by the admin here.
4. Student affairs: a problem with size again. They're hard working but overworked, and do a great job of making you feel like a number.
5. The Dean of medical education... not going into detail here, just trust me. Not a nice person.