2010-2011 New York Medical College Application Thread

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Video of the NYMC-Touro joining. Official today.


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Hey guys, Touro student over here. I was curious what you all thought about it. I've gotta a chance to talk to a few of the students at NYMC in real life (egads. we have real lives?) but figured I'd post here to see how everyone felt about the joining.

I think its pretty cool, and it probably saves your school from a lot of the tough cuts it was facing under diocese purse strings.
Incoming student here. I will cry if nymc becomes touro college of medicine T.T
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Incoming student here. I will cry if nymc becomes touro college of medicine T.T

Eh we already have a touro college of medicine. Three infact. It's still NYMC, it just simply has a little subscript below it that say "a member of the touro college & university system" where it used to say something akin to "A science university in the catholic tradition". NYMC is a brand name. It's apparently the 6th or 7th most applied to medical school in america if one of your classmates i'm friends with is correct. It may not be Columbia or Sinai, but it has name recognition nation wide. And that's recognition that Touro would be stupid to mess with. I figure the little subscript is more than enough to make the touro system happy.
Hopefully not much will change with NYMC because the Touro establishment is not one that is revered in the medical community, IMO. http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=696146

I disagree that NYMC has name recognition nationwide, I would say that the layman would confuse it with NYU. I'm not saying the school I'm going to does, but honestly I didn't know what NYMC was until I applied there.
If it supposedly has the application numbers I've heard (I haven't factually checked it, but the comment was made in a political forum, so someone would have fact checked it just to be an ass if he was wrong, I'm sure) it is extremely well recognized nationally just based on the number of applications it receives.
Hopefully not much will change with NYMC because the Touro establishment is not one that is revered in the medical community, IMO. http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=696146

I disagree that NYMC has name recognition nationwide, I would say that the layman would confuse it with NYU. I'm not saying the school I'm going to does, but honestly I didn't know what NYMC was until I applied there.

Who heard of most med schools (other than the Ivies and a few big names) and where they were before they started becoming interested in the application process?

People in the actual field will know the schools, the average person in America wouldn't have a clue. The average person also thinks you "major" in specializations or you go to med school for nursing (according to those many anecdotes in that thread about telling people you were accepted to school). So I think name-recognition is overrated, unless we're talking about the reputation of a school as perceived by residency directors.
oh god the name ...sorta changed on the website. I was on http://www.nymc.edu/ this morning and it didn't have "A Member of the Touro College and University System"
I'm trying to decide between here and SUNY Upstate, not sure which one would work better w/ what I want to do in the future (probably specialize in something w/ the resp. system). A friend of mine at the school said that the new administration intends to put the focus on PCPs in the future according to the speech new president gave at the school. It's just unclear what kind of say they have on that kind of stuff but we'll see in the future I guess - everything just seems in the air

And yea, I heard this thing is going to change up the school for the students, especially on Saturdays. Apparently the library, printers, and everything on campus are gonna be closed/shut down. The closest library is in White Plains I believe, don't know what the commute is like to there... might be interesting during wintertime. Anyone know of anything else about the merger/the school? Either way I'm definitely going to defer my acceptance for next year no matter where I decide to go

EDIT: btw I'm getting a pretty decent scholarship from here, which is what makes it a tough choice
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Who heard of most med schools (other than the Ivies and a few big names) and where they were before they started becoming interested in the application process?

People in the actual field will know the schools, the average person in America wouldn't have a clue. The average person also thinks you "major" in specializations or you go to med school for nursing (according to those many anecdotes in that thread about telling people you were accepted to school). So I think name-recognition is overrated, unless we're talking about the reputation of a school as perceived by residency directors.

I was just correcting the other poster who said it's a renowned school around the nation.
no. libraries are still open on saturdays. everything is normal hours. yes, you can still use printers, blah blah. no changes. only change is that the cafeteria is now kosher.
I'm trying to decide between here and SUNY Upstate, not sure which one would work better w/ what I want to do in the future (probably specialize in something w/ the resp. system). A friend of mine at the school said that the new administration intends to put the focus on PCPs in the future according to the speech new president gave at the school. It's just unclear what kind of say they have on that kind of stuff but we'll see in the future I guess - everything just seems in the air

And yea, I heard this thing is going to change up the school for the students, especially on Saturdays. Apparently the library, printers, and everything on campus are gonna be closed/shut down. The closest library is in White Plains I believe, don't know what the commute is like to there... might be interesting during wintertime. Anyone know of anything else about the merger/the school? Either way I'm definitely going to defer my acceptance for next year no matter where I decide to go

EDIT: btw I'm getting a pretty decent scholarship from here, which is what makes it a tough choice

Did you take into account the cost of living in Upstate is much cheaper? Do you mind cold winters? Do you like the location where NYMC is? These are all important considerations you should make before making a final decision. Personally I preferred Upstate, but that's just me. Good luck!
Library is still open on Friday/Saturday as you can see from the library website: http://library.nymc.edu/

So Shabbat = "study only" hours. Whatever that means. If you don't want to study in the NYMC library there's always the study modules. That's what they're there for.

Westchester has an extensive public library system (http://www.westchesterlibraries.org/) with the Greenburgh library just a few miles away. The one in Ossining is also popular. The one in White Plains is further away.
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ACCEPTED!!!! Totally unexpected!!

First MD acceptance :D

(edit: no waitlist.
Complete - Aug
Invite - Jan
Interview - 3/14
Accepted - 6/1

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Just got in off waitlist.

GPA 3.6/ MCAT 32

Look forward to seeing you all
Hey guys, I did not receive any financial aid package yet and therefore panicking.... What about you guys? Also, how to find out what books we need, what electronics, etc.? I feel like abandoned child!
Hey guys, I did not receive any financial aid package yet and therefore panicking.... What about you guys? Also, how to find out what books we need, what electronics, etc.? I feel like abandoned child!

Current first year here... I wouldn't worry too much about the financial aid packages, they'll get there.

As far as books, don't buy any until you get here. You'll figure out what you need from second years. You will need a microscope for histology (I doubt they changed this) for labs and practicals. You'll also need a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff for clinical medicine, but again, don't buy ANY of this stuff until you get here. You might also want an AC if you're living on campus, but second years will be selling those too.
Everything that the above poster said is right. Do not buy any books before you get to campus.. First off, 99% of the students don't even read the textbooks. The first years now will be selling their textbooks right when you get to campus and you will have ample opportunity to buy as many textbooks as you want for way cheaper. If you can find a cheap microscope somewhere I'd go ahead and get one. Student's will be selling theirs, but you most likely be paying 150-250 on campus because that's what most people paid for it. Good thing is, is that you can sell it back to the first years when you become a third year. If you have an AC and its easily transferable to NYMC I'd do that. It does get hot here in August. There will be plenty of people selling them on campus as well, but there's usually more of a rush for AC's. If you have any specific questions, send me a message.
Guys, I just created the Facebook group called "NYMC Class 2015". Please join!
Confused, are you going to Einstein or NYMC?

A group already exists. "New York Medical College - Class of 2015"

Did not realize it existed!!!
So far I am going to NYMC and pretending I am not on AE waiting list, but AE is my first choice and there is still hope since I am on priority waiting list... BUT NYMC is also a good medical school and I am practically got my feet into it to the point that I almost wish that I was not on any waiting list... In other words, I am focused too, lol.
Did not realize it existed!!!
So far I am going to NYMC and pretending I am not on AE waiting list, but AE is my first choice and there is still hope since I am on priority waiting list... BUT NYMC is also a good medical school and I am practically got my feet into it to the point that I almost wish that I was not on any waiting list... In other words, I am focused too, lol.

Yeah, waitlists are rough. Good luck with Einstein.
Hey guys,

So what do think are the possibilities matching into Opthalmology from this school?
Hey guys,

So what do think are the possibilities matching into Opthalmology from this school?

Depends....what is your Step 1 score going to be?

In all seriousness, you can match into any specialty from any US med school. Just work hard, show interest/do research in the field, do as well as possible on the boards and put yourself in the position to succeed. Almost all of this is independent of the school you attend.

Look at past years match lists for an indication, but they vary year to year based on people's interests, so really just go for it!
Hey guys,

So what do think are the possibilities matching into Opthalmology from this school?

You have just as good of a chance here as anywhere. We are affiliated with New York Eye and Ear in the city which has a great Ophtho program and have opportunities for med students to do research.
Accepted just a few min ago!!!!
hey all, I'm one of the first years at NYMC -- we've only got a week left and it got me thinking of next year's class. If you guys have any questions feel free to message me or post in the thread. I know I had a lot of questions last year at this time.
Anyone know how fast the wait list is moving? I need to get in this school.
ATTN:Everybody enjoying the waitlist fun...... Here to tell you to keep hoping- I am about to start 3rd yr at NYMC (STEP 1 wednesday....:confused:) and I was accepted off NYMC and SLU waitlists in July my year. There is gonna be a lot of movement everywhere in the next months as everyone gets in places and withdraws elsewhere, :) so don't worry too much yet! good luck to ya'll!!!!
ATTN:Everybody enjoying the waitlist fun...... Here to tell you to keep hoping- I am about to start 3rd yr at NYMC (STEP 1 wednesday....:confused:) and I was accepted off NYMC and SLU waitlists in July my year. There is gonna be a lot of movement everywhere in the next months as everyone gets in places and withdraws elsewhere, :) so don't worry too much yet! good luck to ya'll!!!!
here i am, on multiple waitlists...already sent my transcripts to AMCAS for verification for next year, preparing for the crash n' burn that was the 2010-2011 medical school admissions process....

ATTN:Everybody enjoying the waitlist fun...... Here to tell you to keep hoping- I am about to start 3rd yr at NYMC (STEP 1 wednesday....:confused:) and I was accepted off NYMC and SLU waitlists in July my year. There is gonna be a lot of movement everywhere in the next months as everyone gets in places and withdraws elsewhere, :) so don't worry too much yet! good luck to ya'll!!!!

Good luck to you on the Step 1! :)

I don't even want to begin thinking about that yet.
I just withdrew my acceptance from here, so another spot just opened up! Good luck to all of you waitlisted!
The waitlist does move. It continues to move quite late. I was accepted late July a week before orientation. I can understand that it's frustrating stuck in limbo. It sucks to be on the waitlist and not know what the heck is going on or if anything will happen. Something will happen soon whether it be a good or bad outcome. How the waitlist moves no one really knows.

My advice: best thing to do is keep on doing what you're doing. If you're reapplying, then focus on that. Think about possible next steps instead of dwelling on the past. Focus on anything else other than worrying about the waitlist.
Hey guys,

Do you know if it is worth sending in a letter of interest to NYMC if you're on the waitlist? Do those factor in at all?

Hey guys,

Do you know if it is worth sending in a letter of interest to NYMC if you're on the waitlist? Do those factor in at all?


Yes. They recommended this during the interview day. As the wait list is unranked they want applicants to express interest in the school. It won't be a deciding factor, as they said they try to replace students who withdrawn with students from the wait list with similar applications/'personalities', but it will be helpful in demonstrating your interest and attracting their attention to review your application. If this is your top choice, then you should be sending a letter of intent at this stage of the game.
I have turned down my recent acceptance off the wait list. Hope it goes to one of you guys!! Best of luck!
Accepted!! Interviewed 9/22, waitlisted 12/2. Thanks to those of you who dropped your spots! ;)
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