2013-2014 New York Medical College Application Thread

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It was MMI last year too. They switched in 2012-2013 cycle. This year the school closed due to lots of snowstorms in the NE, which prolonged the interview cycle for a bit due to rescheduling.

Err that's what I said... They switched to MMI last year which means there probably wasn't much waitlist movement compared to years before that even though a lot of people posted saying they withdrew.

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i don't know if this helps, but the facebook group for the class of 2018 only has 143 people in it.
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Not to be a buzz-kill, but that's slightly above average.

Even if we assume no administrators/upperclassmen, that means there are still ~65 spots left. I know it's a massive waitlist, but at this point some odds are better than no odds!
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And there are several upperclassmen in the fb group as well.
If you send an update, are you supposed to get a reply? I remember sending an update months ago and receiving a confirmation email saying they received it but I sent one last week and haven't heard anything
If you send an update, are you supposed to get a reply? I remember sending an update months ago and receiving a confirmation email saying they received it but I sent one last week and haven't heard anything

I'm in the same boat as you, sent in an update a month or two ago and sent one in recently, but no response :/ talked to someone else who was also in the same situation, and they said they got no response when they sent an update but the person who wrote them a letter of rec got a response
If you send an update, are you supposed to get a reply? I remember sending an update months ago and receiving a confirmation email saying they received it but I sent one last week and haven't heard anything
If it gives you some reassurance, I just called admissions and they said they received my updates
Has anyone gotten off the wait list here yet? I'm wondering if its just nobody on SDN has gotten in off or if they're just late on sending out wait list acceptances.
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Has anyone gotten off the wait list here yet? I'm wondering if its just nobody on SDN has gotten in off or if they're just late on sending out wait list acceptances.

I think the class is currently full....... :'(
Just spoke to admissions, they said they will start looking at wait listed applicants at the end of this month.
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Speculation. The only clue we have is the Facebook group, which "only" has 148 members in it for a class size of near 200.

which we all have to remember has upperclassmen and/or administrators. so the real number of students maybe lower. Also keep in mind they just finished interviews a few weeks ago, and they were pretty backed up through the winter due to the storms! keep the faith everyone!
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Just spoke to admissions, they said they will start looking at wait listed applicants at the end of this month.

Thanks for letting the rest of us know! Good to know that the waitlist hasn't moved because they haven't started drawing from it. Although it is still possible that the class is full...
When I spoke with the admissions office I was under the impression that the class is currently full, but they expect things to change a little, allowing some wait list movement, over the next month or so
accepted off the wait list just now!

interviewed end of jan, waitlisted in feb, and sent an update letter/letter of interest (not intent) early may
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Congrats, were you notified by email or phone call?
By email- saw "congratulations" in the subject and was like, wait, what? YAY!
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Just withdrew my acceptance. I'm glad to see some wait list movement here, hope my spot goes to one of you!
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Hey everyone,

Sorry to hijack this thread, but I was wondering if any of you could provide some advice for me.

I am a Canadian applicant applying to American schools for the first time, and particularly interested in NYMC.

My cGPA is a 3.4 with a strong upward trend (first 2 years were poor, last 2 years were good). My science GPA is probably around the same. I am doing a 5th year of undergraduate studies next year in Canada to raise my marks.

My MCAT is a 31 (but I am studying to do a rewrite in July). (I also have 2 lower MCAT scores on record).

I do have considerable involvement in extra-curricular and leadership activities (some are clinically related, like physician shadowing), as well as employment-wise.

Here is my question: Do I stand a chance at NYMC?

I'm looking through this thread and a lot of the stats for OOS accepted applicants have GPAs 3.7+...so I'm just wondering as Canadian applicant, what my chances really are. How important is GPA, really? Would they still consider my application?

Another reason I'm asking is because I haven't taken a full-year of English...and may choose to do that right now in the summer. But I'm just not sure if it's worth it, if my chances aren't very good to begin with.

Any help/information would be super appreciated. Thanks guys!

(Also, if anyone has more schools they could suggest I apply to, please let me know)
So just one acceptance from the waitlist so far?

Just some info from a long time lurker:
3.6, 30
Interviewed Feb 25
Waitlisted Mar 27 (better turn around time than expected *silver lining*)
Email about interest re waitlist: May 13
Still eagerly waiting...
Everyone has a chance to get into any school. However, a few things I wanted to point out when reading your post is:

1. You will have 4 MCAT scores on record if you do decide to retake. Many schools would immediately flag your application for review and if invited for an interview, it would have to be addressed. Schools have to pick prospective students that would be able to succeed in medical school. You will not be able to write the Step multiple times (unless you completely fail the first time). A 31 is a good score. I do not know how big an improvement this was from your first 2 previous scores. I would recommend speaking to your adviser about this 4th retake.

2. Almost all allopathic medical schools in the U.S. require 2 semesters/1 year of English. Whether or not you think "it's worth it," if you're looking to apply to other schools in the US, you'll definitely need it, so get it done ASAP (schools will see that 5 years of undergrad should be more than enough time to get 2 semesters in).

3. GPA is just as important (though depending on your institution, and other factors) as the MCAT. A 3.4 is on the low end and many people look towards completing a master's degree in order to improve this factor. You're doing a 5th year of undergrad, which is a good opportunity to improve this.

Anyways... should you decide to apply to medical schools in the U.S., I wish you the best of luck!

Hey EmpyreanGrace,

Thanks for your helpful advice! I'll consider what you said. :)

Just an FYI - The reason I'm taking the MCAT again is because most Canadian schools will accept either your most recent or highest score, and don't discriminate against the number of times you take the MCAT...so while it would help for Canadian schools, I suppose it would put me at a disadvantage for American ones...

Thanks though!
Just withdrew my spot. Hope one of you get it. Best of luck to all!
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So just one acceptance from the waitlist so far?

Just some info from a long time lurker:
3.6, 30
Interviewed Feb 25
Waitlisted Mar 27 (better turn around time than expected *silver lining*)
Email about interest re waitlist: May 13
Still eagerly waiting...

Does this mean you received an additional e-mail from them about staying on the wait list or that you e-mailed them about wanting to stay on the wait-list?
Does this mean you received an additional e-mail from them about staying on the wait list or that you e-mailed them about wanting to stay on the wait-list?

I got an email mid May asking If I wanted to stay on the waitlist, they did it last year as well around the same time. They seem to email it to people who were waitlisted before April/May to see if they remained interested. I think that's what he's saying.
I got an email mid May asking If I wanted to stay on the waitlist, they did it last year as well around the same time. They seem to email it to people who were waitlisted before April/May to see if they remained interested. I think that's what he's saying.

Interesting... I was waitlisted months ago and didn't receive an additional email asking if I wanted to say on the waitlist. I only received the original email to which I replied to, although I never received a confirmation email afterwards...

Hope I wasn't removed from the waitlist somehow
Interesting... I was waitlisted months ago and didn't receive an additional email asking if I wanted to say on the waitlist. I only received the original email to which I replied to, although I never received a confirmation email afterwards...

Hope I wasn't removed from the waitlist somehow

The email I received was asking if I'd like to remain on the waitlist even though they can now see I've been accepted at another institution.
This morning I received an NYMC waitlist application update. It pretty much encouraged me to apply to the New York Medical College 1-Year Accelerated Master of Science Program (AMP) in the Basic Medical Sciences to strengthen my basic medical sciences. Did others receive this email as well?
This morning I received an NYMC waitlist application update. It pretty much encouraged me to apply to the New York Medical College 1-Year Accelerated Master of Science Program (AMP) in the Basic Medical Sciences to strengthen my basic medical sciences. Did others receive this email as well?

Nope didn't receive anything
It looks like last year had virtually no waitlist movement on SDN. Are we experiencing the same thing this year?
It looks like last year had virtually no waitlist movement on SDN. Are we experiencing the same thing this year?

At least 3 people who post on SDN got off the waitlist last cycle. Start reading at June 19th and continue until late July. My phone won't let me post the link for some reason but I assure you there was movement. Also try to remember that the vast majority of applicants don't post on here so lets try to keep the negativity in check:)
At least 3 people who post on SDN got off the waitlist last cycle. Start reading at June 19th and continue until late July. My phone won't let me post the link for some reason but I assure you there was movement. Also try to remember that the vast majority of applicants don't post on here so lets try to keep the negativity in check:)

My bad:) I just posted this thinking I was in a different thread. I'm a tool. Ignore everything I just posted. I'm super sorry.
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Question for current student or anyone who knows the answer: does NYMC drug test? Feel free to PM me with answer. Thanks in advance!
Accepted this morning!
Mind sharing your stats? I am still on the waitlist and not feeling very hopeful. Last year it was pretty brutal getting rejected during their orientation week
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