2018-2019 Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

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Congrats! They emailed you I assume? Stats?

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I called this morning and admissions told me that people get secondary based on when their primary was verified, so I told her I was verified in June but haven't gotten a secondary while people who got verified in July have gotten theirs, she told me to call back on Monday to check.

Any update on this? I am not sure why so many people are still left hanging for their secondary...
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Hi guys! just got off the phone with PSU and the lady told me that the first batch of Secondaries was a "test batch" to make sure there were no IT issues! The rest of the secondaries should go out by the end of the week/ latest by Monday! Congrats to those that have already received an II! And YES EVERYONE GETS A SECONDARY SO NO ONE FREAK OUT!!
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Hi guys! just got off the phone with PSU and the lady told me that the first batch of Secondaries was a "test batch" to make sure there were no IT issues! The rest of the secondaries should go out by the end of the week/ latest by Monday! Congrats to those that have already received an II! And YES EVERYONE GETS A SECONDARY SO NO ONE FREAK OUT!!
Lol so if I got a secondary in the first batch, then I was a guinea pig for them :laugh:
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Any OOS II's yet? Submitted 7/31 but all I see are IS II's.
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For what it's worth I just got the secondary OOS
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verified 7/2. Still waiting on secondary. regular MD
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Secondary just received. OOS

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How long does it take to get a secondary when your primary is verified
Received secondary. I see they changed 2 essays. Hoping to submit by tomorrow :D
Maybe email them. I had my primary verified yesterday and received the Penn State secondary within 1 hour following the AMCAS verification email. I am OOS and a re-applicant.
Secondary received today. OOS, submitted first day
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For the prereq part of the secondary, is anyone adding "other experience" along with the coursework (like if you did research)
For the prereq part of the secondary, is anyone adding "other experience" along with the coursework (like if you did research)
I just put coursework for everything, if they ask during interviews, I'll talk about other experiences.
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I just put coursework for everything, if they ask during interviews, I'll talk about other experiences.

ditto, I figured I just needed to satisfy the requirement so no need to go overboard :)
Does marking a Pathway Program affect our changes for the regular MD program?
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so for non-trads here who have been out of undergrad for 3+ years, the consensus is that we can submit the letters that we have on file (either in a post-bac or SMP) without being at a disadvantage?
From what I heard, the UP program is a hands-on curriculum where you work with patients and learn that way, while the Hershey curriculum is more traditional.

Do you think it is worth applying to both programs? Is there a higher chance of getting in or does the UP program take very few people?
Secondary received 8/8 @9:57 AM
Primary Verified 8/7 @ 4PM
LizzyM 69 URM OOS
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Just submitted the secondary! One of my top choices so hopefully hear something good from them
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Just got complete email.

I wonder how many people submitted before me.
Secondary today. OOS. Verified 7/19.
I'm sure it's been answered, but can anyone discuss their opinions/experience with the Accelerated MD Programs?
I'm sure it's been answered, but can anyone discuss their opinions/experience with the Accelerated MD Programs?
This is a secondary experience but I've had the chance to talk to the program director of the accelerated EM program and on a separate occasion, one of the students in it. The director said it's really nice for people who *for sure* know that this is what they want to do and have no hesitancy about it. He wouldn't recommend it otherwise. The student I talked to, who was in his third (so final) year of MD and started residency this past june said that he loved it because the stress of matching was nonexistant to him and he was able to take that time to have a bit of a breather. One downside he did highlight was since everything is crunched into 3 years you don't really have a break between finals and having to study/take STEP 1, then starting 3rd year right after that. He said that was a really rough period for him since you basically have to do everything at the same time but some of the stress of this was eased by the fact that he just had to make a decent score since his residency was more or less secured.

That's another thing, you still have to technically match into the residency for the accelerated pathway. Basically what the director and the student outlined was that you are preferred for the residency but you are not guaranteed it, which I took to mean that if you **** up big time during med school or if you don't mesh well with the people in the residency program, they are within their power to ~recommend you exit the accelerated pathway, revert back to a 4 year MD, and pursue residency the traditional way via the match.
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I am applying to the University Park program, and am realizing that my "significant experience you have had working in a team setting" essay may be the best one to use for the UP essay about a team experience. Any thoughts on using the same experience for both essays? Thank you!
how do you guys even answer why pennstate in 75 words?

This is a secondary experience but I've had the chance to talk to the program director of the accelerated EM program and on a separate occasion, one of the students in it. The director said it's really nice for people who *for sure* know that this is what they want to do and have no hesitancy about it. He wouldn't recommend it otherwise. The student I talked to, who was in his third (so final) year of MD and started residency this past june said that he loved it because the stress of matching was nonexistant to him and he was able to take that time to have a bit of a breather. One downside he did highlight was since everything is crunched into 3 years you don't really have a break between finals and having to study/take STEP 1, then starting 3rd year right after that. He said that was a really rough period for him since you basically have to do everything at the same time but some of the stress of this was eased by the fact that he just had to make a decent score since his residency was more or less secured.

That's another thing, you still have to technically match into the residency for the accelerated pathway. Basically what the director and the student outlined was that you are preferred for the residency but you are not guaranteed it, which I took to mean that if you **** up big time during med school or if you don't mesh well with the people in the residency program, they are within their power to ~recommend you exit the accelerated pathway, revert back to a 4 year MD, and pursue residency the traditional way via the match.
Thanks for all of this! Do you know if you are bound to this if you apply? Or if you check a box, are you only considered for an accelerated program or can you still interview and be accepted as a regular MD?
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Thanks for all of this! Do you know if you are bound to this if you apply? Or if you check a box, are you only considered for an accelerated program or can you still interview and be accepted as a regular MD?

That’s just a general statement of interest in the program. You apply for accelerated MD after your acceptance to penn state.