2020-2021 LSU New Orleans

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Don't worry, you will do great! You know what experiences you've had that brought you to this point in your life. Just practice articulating them and it will feel like a piece of cake! Also, don't freak out if the interviews are shorter than the allotted time, that doesn't mean it went poorly. One of my three interviews only lasted roughly 15 minutes. That interviewer only had 4 or so questions for me. The rest of the time we talked about my hobbies. :nod:
Thank you so much for the encouragement, I really appreciate it! Good luck on the rest of your medical school journey! Maybe we’ll even be classmates lol
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For those who have also been NFA’d: should we expect a letter after each meeting of the committee with another NFA or a final decision, or do we just get a letter once they decide to accept or reject us?
For those who have also been NFA’d: should we expect a letter after each meeting of the committee with another NFA or a final decision, or do we just get a letter once they decide to accept or reject us?
I believe if you are NFA'd you will receive an update letter after each committee meeting that will continue to say NFA until a final decision is made! That's what I gathered from reading last year's thread
good luck everyone! LSU Nola even though it's a state school is so fortunate to be in New Orleans. You got this boys
I believe if you are NFA'd you will receive an update letter after each committee meeting that will continue to say NFA until a final decision is made! That's what I gathered from reading last year's thread

I remember Dr. Eubanks made a point to say that they discuss all NFA candidates during the two large advocacy meetings, but you could also be brought up during normal committee meetings where they go over the last batch of candidates they interviewed that month. If you are NFA'ed I'd keep updating the admissions committee of new shadowing/volunteer experiences, publications, or anything else that you've been up to or achieved during the application year. During my interview, he made it a point to say multiple times to view the admissions cycle as an ongoing process.
NFA means no final action. Once you get invited for an interview for LSU-NO, they give you an initial decision within about a month. You can either be 1)out right accepted 2) out right rejected 3) given an NFA letter. Dr. Eubanks said most people get NFAs and can eventually be accepted later in the cycle particularly after the two large advocacy meetings.
Any re applicants who have already interviewed have any advice? I interview next Monday and am a re applicant: any questions specific to re-apps? other advice?
OOS still haven't received a secondary, is this normal?
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Hey you guys! I’m a current L2 at LSU. For anyone with upcoming interviews, relax and be yourself! The interviews are very relaxed and easygoing. Also, be prepared to answer your definition of professionalism and your definition of success (yes, you will be explicitly asked this during your interview!).
Hey you guys! I’m a current L2 at LSU. For anyone with upcoming interviews, relax and be yourself! The interviews are very relaxed and easygoing. Also, be prepared to answer your definition of professionalism and your definition of success (yes, you will be explicitly asked this during your interview!).

The interview questions asked are confidential and confer an advantage to everyone who knows this now. I didn't have advanced preparation to respond to these questions for MD/PhD admissions. Especially as a student at LSUSOM, you should have a little more integrity here with ensuring a fair interview process for all.
Found here as well: Louisiana State University New Orleans School of Medicine Interview Feedback. Honestly, I would say that the other user should have prepared better since that link pops up first when you type in "sdn lsu interview".

I'd also like to point out that anyone can anticipate these questions just by doing their homework and reading the LSUHSC School of Medicine website. They have an entire section on medical professionalism.

There is absolutely no reason to be attacking the integrity of @underdog985.
The interview questions should of course be anticipated, they're among the easiest questions to answer. There is nothing particularly unique or difficult about LSU's interview.

I apologize @underdog985 for such a targeted statement. It really was uncalled for. In general, I question contributors to any repository of material that isn't provided or endorsed by a school or an embedded program therein, especially when asked to keep the information private. Otherwise, the material is likened to a test bank students share amongst themselves behind a professor's back.

If I conflated details and policy of LSU's interview process with others I've attended, then that's on me.
The interview questions should of course be anticipated, they're among the easiest questions to answer. There is nothing particularly unique or difficult about LSU's interview.

I apologize @underdog985 for such a targeted statement. It really was uncalled for. In general, I question contributors to any repository of material that isn't provided or endorsed by a school or an embedded program therein, especially when asked to keep the information private. Otherwise, the material is likened to a test bank students share amongst themselves behind a professor's back.

If I conflated details and policy of LSU's interview process with others I've attended, then that's on me.

While I can understand your sentiment, I think your frustration is misplaced. Presumably you and I (and everyone else) is on SDN to gather more information and get advice/tips that will aid us in the application process and further assist us on our journey to becoming a doctor.

Free resources such as SDN or pre-med Reddit or Medicalschoolhq.net (shoutout to Dr. Gray) in my humble opinion are quintessential equalizers in our current medical school application climate. For the record, there are fee for service consulting companies out there that are composed of current and former admissions committee members who can assist in all aspects of the application process including doing mock interviews and writing essays. There are plenty of books and resources out there that can be bought to get "insider advice" including lists of interview questions from people that have served in such roles. For those of us that do not readily have access to individuals in our lives that are familiar with the application process or the funds to pay for such services, SDN members (of which some are current admissions committee members) serve as a free resource and a public good.

If we want to talk about inequity in pre-med or medical education, it goes further than sharing test banks or having the funds to hire a private services. There will always be those that have resources whether it is economic, social or cultural capital that will help them get ahead. To touch on your point of Q banks, the professors that get it right, make Q banks available to all so that it isn't just those that have siblings or friends that previously took the course benefitting from having access. The answer isn't for no one to share knowledge or resources, it is for everyone to have equal opportunity to access such resources.

AAMC data shows that 20-25% medical students have a parent that is a physician (if not two). 4.3% of matriculated students come from households that make less than 24k (I belong to this group),12% of matriculated students come from households that make less than 45k, and 22.7% of matriculated students come from households that make less than 75k a year. This means that >75% of medical students come from families making more than 75k a year which is much greater than the median of all household incomes in the United States. [https://www.aamc.org/media/9596/download]

Having parents, siblings, or family friends that are physicians (some ad com members themselves) provides some applicants resources that are not available to those that do not have access. I'm a first generation high school and college graduate who comes from that bottom quintile. I'm grateful that resources such as SDN exist as it has assisted me greatly in getting encouragement, advice, shadowing opportunities and a wealth of information from those that have come before me that I may not have otherwise been privy to. A free repository of information and material should be heralded as a sign that we are moving toward a more meritocratic process, not less.

Just my 2 cents...🤣
how long have people been under active review? sent an update here and called earlier today.
Two things that I read about are that grades are H/HP/P/F and that we have to buy a specific laptop for classes. Can any current students shed light on that stuff?

Does the grading system really make things as stressful as people say? Any plans you have heard of it changing now that Step 1 is going P/F?

What kind of laptop is it? I would assume Windows, do people just have two laptops if they want a Mac or do most people just end up using the specific laptop? Also, cost (the website shows the laptop cost to be ~1k+)?
Two things that I read about are that grades are H/HP/P/F and that we have to buy a specific laptop for classes. Can any current students shed light on that stuff?

Does the grading system really make things as stressful as people say? Any plans you have heard of it changing now that Step 1 is going P/F?

What kind of laptop is it? I would assume Windows, do people just have two laptops if they want a Mac or do most people just end up using the specific laptop? Also, cost (the website shows the laptop cost to be ~1k+)?

The grading system is H/HP/P/F. There were some questions from students about changing this grading system, but there will not be a change in the foreseeable future according to our faculty. It may add additional stress to stay competitive but to be honest it gives incentive to master material instead of just “passing”. I wouldn’t stress over it your first semester though. Your third year is worth way more in credit value than your first semester.

Our school laptops change between Dell and HP almost yearly. We have not had Mac as a school laptop so if that’s what you prefer you will have to use your own. We do use our school computers to take exams. They run about 1200 which is added to your fees for the first semester and will be covered by student loans.
how long have people been under active review? sent an update here and called earlier today.
I can’t stress enough that it is still VERY early in the application cycle. I didn’t receive an II until mid March and my interview was late March. There are so many people to interview with such little time! Don’t stress!
Does anyone know if LSU New Orleans does NBME shelf exams like Shreveport?
I interviewed on 10/26 and have heard nothing yet.
They met this past Thursday (last night) so letters should be going out this Monday or maybe next Monday because of the Thanksgiving day holiday. Stay positive!
Has anyone received their letters yet?
I interviewed last week (11/18) and we were told that the committee met on Friday (11/20) and to expect letters the week after Thanksgiving!
Has anyone who interviewed on 11/2 heard back yet/ know when we should?
Interview this morning for 1/26! In state complete 9/13
Got my letter today - NFA. Which I was expecting after Dr. Eubank's opening at the interview orientation
Just got my NFA letter. Slightly bummed but also expected this. Here’s to hoping for an acceptance down the line!