2020-2021 Mt. Sinai (Icahn)

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Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai

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Does the regular MD program application require Casper? I see the FlexMed does..
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Does anyone know how friendly Icahn is to OOS applicants? I really love their mission.
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Does anyone know if Icahn requires stats course? I took AP stats but no normal stats course during undergrad. I tried calling their office and emailing but haven't gotten a response for the last month...
Does anyone know how friendly Icahn is to OOS applicants? I really love their mission.
According to the MSAR data, there's not a significant advantage for being in-state (~15 percent of OOS students were offered an interview compared to ~16 percent IS).
Anyone know if they'll even consider someone with a 514 MCAT. I feel like the rest of my application fits perfectly with them but fear I may get immediately weeded out due to MCAT.
Anyone know if they'll even consider someone with a 514 MCAT. I feel like the rest of my application fits perfectly with them but fear I may get immediately weeded out due to MCAT.
According to MSAR, 514 is the 10th percentile of accepted students for Icahn, so someone with 514 (or below) must get in. Might as well be you.
For last year's optional essay,

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity or a commitment to a particular community, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Aspects might include, but are not limited to significant challenges in or circumstances associated with access to education, living with a disability, socioeconomic factors, immigration status, or identification with a culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine. Completing this section is optional. (100 words)

Can talking about unique extracurriculars and how it plays into my medical motivations work? Or is this something more related to factors youre predisposed to?
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  • Have you previously applied to the MD or MD/PhD Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai/Mount Sinai School of Medicine (including an Early Assurance Program such as FlexMed)?
  • Have you, in the past years, applied to any other medical school?
Are there significant gaps in time that are unaccounted for in your application? Y/N

If you are currently not a full time student, please briefly describe the activities you are participating in this academic year. (100 words)

Were there any adverse circumstances in your premedical preparatory journey including but not limited to recent impact from COVID-19? 100 words to explain if yes

Are you submitting your application with a future MCAT date that was rescheduled because of COVID19? Y/N

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity or a commitment to a particular community, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Aspects might include, but are not limited to significant challenges in or circumstances associated with access to education, living with a disability, socioeconomic factors, immigration status, or identification with a culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine. Completing this section is optional. (100 words)

Some more yes/no questions.

Secondary Prompt:
What is the toughest feedback you ever received? How did you handle it and what did you learn from it? (250 words)
Describe a situation that you have thought to be unfair or unjust, whether towards yourself or towards others. How did you address the situation, if at all? (200 words)

Sorry about the weird and unorganized way I posted this, it was kind of hard to copy and paste

Other info:

If you are currently not a full time student, please briefly describe the activities you are participating in this academic year. (100 word count)

Were there any adverse circumstances in your premedical preparatory journey including but not limited to recent impact from COVID-19? If yes, please explain. (100 word count)

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity or a commitment to a particular community, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Aspects might include, but are not limited to significant challenges in or circumstances associated with access to education, living with a disability, socioeconomic factors, immigration status, or identification with a culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine. Completing this section is optional. (100 word count)

Main essays:

What is the toughest feedback you ever received? How did you handle it and what did you learn from it? 250 word count

Describe a situation that you have thought to be unfair or unjust, whether towards yourself or towards others. How did you address the situation, if at all? 200 word count

I quickly copied and pasted so I might be missing some.
  • Have you previously applied to the MD or MD/PhD Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai/Mount Sinai School of Medicine (including an Early Assurance Program such as FlexMed)?
  • Have you, in the past years, applied to any other medical school?
Are there significant gaps in time that are unaccounted for in your application? Y/N

If you are currently not a full time student, please briefly describe the activities you are participating in this academic year. (100 words)

Were there any adverse circumstances in your premedical preparatory journey including but not limited to recent impact from COVID-19? 100 words to explain if yes

Are you submitting your application with a future MCAT date that was rescheduled because of COVID19? Y/N

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity or a commitment to a particular community, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Aspects might include, but are not limited to significant challenges in or circumstances associated with access to education, living with a disability, socioeconomic factors, immigration status, or identification with a culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine. Completing this section is optional. (100 words)

Some more yes/no questions.

Secondary Prompt:
What is the toughest feedback you ever received? How did you handle it and what did you learn from it? (250 words)
Describe a situation that you have thought to be unfair or unjust, whether towards yourself or towards others. How did you address the situation, if at all? (200 words)

Sorry about the weird and unorganized way I posted this, it was kind of hard to copy and paste

Do you know if they ask for expunged arrests or misdemeanors?
Do you know if they ask for expunged arrests or misdemeanors?
None that I see, only a question asking whether "Were you ever the recipient of any action for unacceptable conduct violations (e.g. dismissal, suspension) from military service?" I suppose the additional information is where one could explain anything like that.
sorry for the late response guys, i am at work.
aren't these the same essays as last year?
MD/PhD Secondary Received

Can anyone else not answer any of the prompts / checkboxes? They are all greyed out for me. The only portion of the application I can interact with is paying the secondary fee lol
Question for you guys on the "toughest feedback prompt"

I'm wondering if it would work to talk about the time I applied/auditioned to Berklee College of Music but was ultimately rejected (I was a music major in undergrad). I would talk about how it inspired me to work on my shortcomings, practice more, etc. I would also talk about how failing is painful, but you can learn a lot from it. I would also touch on the fact that learning a complex skillset (like medicine or music) requires a lot of little failures along the way and how it's important to recognize that, etc.

I guess it's not feedback in the absolute sense since I just received a rejection letter, but I'm wondering if my example would work?
Are most people leaving the optional essay blank or filling it out if appropriate?
"Were there any adverse circumstances in your premedical preparatory journey including but not limited to recent impact from COVID-19? 100 words to explain if yes"

Is anyone going to use this space to just talk about the activities that were interrupted by COVID? Its not that adverse but I feel like I should still let adcomms know.
is anyone else not able to upload a pdf file in the "document upload" section to submit an update? I keep getting this message: Could not find a part of the path.... 'G:\App_Content\Docs\2021\O_40045_1.pdf'.
Is it normal to have a red exclamation mark by Letters of Recommendation even if they have received letters from AMCAS (under "see document status for details"?
Is it normal to have a red exclamation mark by Letters of Recommendation even if they have received letters from AMCAS (under "see document status for details"?
I think it is! I have that same mark in my portal and they've received my letters from AMCAS as well.
Hope getting into med school isn't as hard as passing the Hunter Exam 😆

I hope getting into med school is as surprisingly easy as Captain Levi versus the Beast Titan!
(I realize this reference won't mean a thing to you if you haven't seen Attack On Titan lmao. If you haven't, my apologies.)

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