Can anyone give any insight to what a M-F looks like for an M1, schedule wise? Ty in advance!
Each thing is booked for 3 hours, doesn't always take that long
Mon: Generally no class (rarely something miscellaneous is scheduled, used as a free day generally)
Tues: In person + virtual Anatomy lab in the morning (not every week), PPCC/doctor class in afternoon (standardized patients, etc)
Wed: Sometimes ISC/science class in morning, PPCC/doctor class in afternoon (miscellaneous like pop health)
Thurs: ISC/science class in morning, CBL (case based learning) in afternoon
Fri: ISC/science class in afternoon
Could be different for incoming class, things change
Lectures are given in video format at least the week before, expected to review before Wed/Thurs, quiz on Fri
ISC/science class generally is reviewing practice questions in small groups/asking faculty questions (most people appreciate this)
For other questions...
You'll see what you need to buy in later emails, I'd just wait - no rush
Abigail Geisinger Scholarship can be a great deal for people that want to stay in the area, Geisinger pays for primary care fairly well, really depends on your needs for location. One nice perk is with how it's currently set up you can back out later anyway if you'd like.
White coat ceremony has been weird with scheduling during COVID - I wouldn't bet on any definitive date just yet (but likely around the first week if things are okay)