2021-2022 Stony Brook

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Hi everyone 🙂 i just interviewed today wondering what the turnaround time is for results...
It took 7 ish weeks for me

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can anyone who has access to MSAR share the plan to enroll/commit to enroll deadlines for this school? My subscription ran out I'm having a hard time finding it on the school's website.
can anyone who has access to MSAR share the plan to enroll/commit to enroll deadlines for this school? My subscription ran out I'm having a hard time finding it on the school's website.
I just checked MSARs, and I couldn't find this information. 🙁
Based on their website, there are only a few scholarships available that are pretty limited to financial need/being of a disadvantaged background. I didn't find any information about merit scholarships or grant money 🙁
So aside from FAFSA are there other forms we need to fill out?
🙁 I had hopes because Buffalo (another SUNY) has few and sent a separate app for them. Stony actually is on the course to receive more funding after being named a “flagship school” recently, so maybe in the future!
maybe that's the case! idk. I just can't tell from the website
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is there an accepted students day? also has anyone received any financial aid information?
I emailed them about financial aid they said just fill out Fafsa, and you should here back in the spring. Not really sure about accepted students day though, hope there is one would really like to see the school in person!
For those who interviewed, were you able to choose which dates you had the info session (i.e., Tues vs Thurs)?
Accepted yesterday as well, interviewed december. Dumb question -- where they ask us to accept our seat in the class by emailing admissions our intention to enroll, this isnt in any way binding right?
Accepted yesterday as well, interviewed december. Dumb question -- where they ask us to accept our seat in the class by emailing admissions our intention to enroll, this isnt in any way binding right?
not at all 🙂 Congrats!
Do you guys think not attending the optional info sessions and only doing the interviews would lead to an R?
Does anyone know what the waitlist movement is like for Stony Brook? Is it very small, or do they take a decent amount of people from the waitlist?
Anyone interview 12/16 and hear back yet? I saw a few December acceptances. Can you guys mention if that was early December? (Sorry super paranoid + anxious rn)
Pre-II R, OOS LM 76, complete end of aug

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