2021-2022 Weill Cornell

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129 on CARS ... 3/4 points I missed came from it lmao. And they say "may be submitted" but they reiterate the english requirement on their website as well, so it makes me wonder if they'd actually accept the substitution. Don't wanna spent the 100 bucks if it's uncertain they'll even consider it, y'know?
You're fine!!! "May be substituted (not submitted - 🙂)" means just that. Why would they offer the substitution if they wouldn't actually accept it?

Don't torture yourself looking for hidden meanings. A TON of folks have AP English credits and did not take additional English credits to satisfy this requirement. They are aware. That's why they made the provision for the substitution.

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They just sent me a complete email for MSTP as well as the MD/PhD interview dates.

From the email: "The Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program Interview Days for the 2022 applicants will be: Thursday and Friday October 7-8, 2021; October 28-29, 2021; and November 18-19, 2021."
When you submit the secondary, did it immediately send you to the paying page with a checkbox for confirming its nonrefundable? For some reason there wasn't any of the usual confirmation boxes to check off (understanding the technical standards, everything provided is true, etc). I was wondering if it was because I missed these boxes because my computer has been freezing a lot lately or if it is because Cornell actually doesn't have these checkbox. Anyone remembers?
Did yall receive a confirmation email after you submitted your secondary?
Are y'all taking the COVID question as purely if it had any negative impact on your application? Since the wording is about "special circumstances" and "helping us get to know you better" I feel like it is a gentle way of being like 'tell us if there is something off about your app specifically because of COVID' but don't know if I am reading it wrong lol
does anyone have thoughts on this? I originally wrote something for it but there isn't anything off about my app bc of covid, I just talked about the way covid impacted me in other ways (new volunteer opportunities, etc.)
does anyone have thoughts on this? I originally wrote something for it but there isn't anything off about my app bc of covid, I just talked about the way covid impacted me in other ways (new volunteer opportunities, etc.)
n= 1; I left it blank. My comments could easily apply to most applicants, so I figured a response was not worthwhile or of significance.
Is it too late to submit my primary to Cornell? I just got my MCAT retake and my score is their median score and I really love this school
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Can someone share the prompts? Thanks a lot!
Please write a brief statement giving your reasons for applying to Weill Cornell Medical College. (1525 characters)
Please describe a challenge you faced and how you addressed it. (1525 characters)
If applicable, please tell us about any special circumstances related to COVID-19 that could help us understand you better. (1525 characters)
Can someone share the prompts? Thanks a lot!

Please write a brief statement giving your reasons for applying to Weill Cornell Medical College. (1525 characters)
Please describe a challenge you faced and how you addressed it. (1525 characters)
If applicable, please tell us about any special circumstances related to COVID-19 that could help us understand you better. (1525 characters)


If you are not attending college during the upcoming (2020-2021) academic year, what are your plans? (Optional) (1525)

129 on CARS ... 3/4 points I missed came from it lmao. And they say "may be submitted" but they reiterate the english requirement on their website as well, so it makes me wonder if they'd actually accept the substitution. Don't wanna spent the 100 bucks if it's uncertain they'll even consider it, y'know?
If you get accepted, they are 100% more likely to find a way to make your coursework fit than rescind it
Did anyone who applied to the Tri-I MD/PhD program get an interview yet?
Does anyone who got an II know where to find the attestation form to sign?
IS, ORM, 522/3.92, completed 8/9

after we submit the photo and attestation, does anyone know when they will send an additional email for interview scheduling?
Good luck to everyone waiting for secondaries! With a sub LM70 I am not expecting much from this school
Has anyone finished interview here? Any suggestions? I couldn't find much information about interview besides from SDN interview feedback and Cornell's email.

Thank you!
Also got a II today! Just wondering... for the photo upload, I accidentally didn't properly name my file (so it's just image1.jpg). Anyone think that matters?
I highly doubt they will be checking your file naming methods. Now if it said something like "oogy boogy hate this school.jpg" I might be concerned about the file name showing up at some point when they're preparing files for interviews.