2023-2024 Minnesota

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I got accepted!!!!

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I did not get accepted but I wish you all the best ❤️
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OOS waitlist just now by email
interviewed 12/8
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Got the A call @ 2 pm for TC. My interview date was 11/14. In-state applicant. LM 70.
Still no communication lol, might just be waiting for the R now
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OOS WL, genuinely bummed about this one
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IS WL. Interviewed on 12/19. I am devastated. Historically, do we know how much WL movement we can expect in April?
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IS WL. Interviewed on 12/19. I am devastated. Historically, do we know how much WL movement we can expect in April?
Last year #28 reported an A from the WL in June, so a decent amount of movement. Looks like it’s a ranked list but not sure when we receive our number (I’m assuming it’s in April)
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Last year #28 reported an A from the WL in June, so a decent amount of movement. Looks like it’s a ranked list but not sure when we receive our number (I’m assuming it’s in April)
The ranked alternate list usually doesn't come out until late May or early June.

Last year there was also some waitlist movement before they made the ranked alternate list, then they reached #28 on the ranked list like you mentioned. I don't think there's any way to tell how many total offers were extended to folks on the WL, but there is definitely a chance of acceptance from the WL.
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The ranked alternate list usually doesn't come out until late May or early June.

Last year there was also some waitlist movement before they made the ranked alternate list, then they reached #28 on the ranked list like you mentioned. I don't think there's any way to tell how many total offers were extended to folks on the WL, but there is definitely a chance of acceptance from the WL.
Awesome, thanks for the info!
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Does anyone remember when they said we would receive an email with more info? I think I blacked out during the phone call today from joy!
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Has anyone received post II r’s?
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Does anyone remember when they said we would receive an email with more info? I think I blacked out during the phone call today from joy!
Dean Patel said we should get emails later today! Congrats on the A, fellow applicant :)
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Same. I am not too hopeful now because I am guessing that they notified all the people they accepted. I am waiting for that R or WL.
Maybe but it does seem they’ve done this in the past as well (including to ppl who got A’s)
Dean Patel said we should get emails later today! Congrats on the A, fellow applicant :)
I recall the person who called said it might be today or it might be next week. Haven’t gotten anything so I’m guessing it’ll be early next week?
HOLY JUST GOT THE A EMAIL at 11 CST!!! No call earlier today, OOS w moderate ties
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Alright this is probably a bit neurotic...but does anyone else who is on the WL not see the entry on the AMCAS CYMS page? I'm waitlisted at another school that is listed on the CYMS tool as "Alternate List," but UMN does not show up for me
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Alright this is probably a bit neurotic...but does anyone else who is on the WL not see the entry on the AMCAS CYMS page? I'm waitlisted at another school that is listed on the CYMS tool as "Alternate List," but UMN does not show up for me
Yea same. UMN and another school don't show up for me
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Got rejected. Submitted in Aug. I continue my run of public schools rejecting me.
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Is Minnesota done interviewing? I have not gotten an R or an II or a hold yet.
There are 7 more interview dates, the last is March 14. There may still be a few IIs to spare for the last interviews, but if you haven't heard back yet the most likely outcome is unfortunately an R.
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Is anyone else confused by the low acceptance rates? Based on total acceptances/total interviews wouldn’t their post II acceptance rate be give or take 40%? Or am I missing something
Is anyone else confused by the low acceptance rates? Based on total acceptances/total interviews wouldn’t their post II acceptance rate be give or take 40%? Or am I missing something
Probably includes waitlist movement tbh
OOS scholarship just received - OOS waiver to get IS tuition
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IS scholarship earlier today! Have any other IS applicants received scholarship info so far?
Anyone know when we'll get a registration form for Admitted Students Day?