2023-2024 NYU (Grossman)

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Has anyone thats interviewed on 10/17 heard anything yet?
my guess is you'll get a continued review or R email this friday if you dont get an A call before then

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Was placed on CC since interviewing in early September and my hope is dwindling :/ Do they send repeat CC emails every once in a while or will I just not hear back until January?
From how I remember things being explained, I think you won't hear anything until January unless you get pulled off CR for an A before then
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Has anyone who interviewed 10/10-10/12 for the MSTP program heard anything back yet? I was expecting a CR email based on Dean Riviera's comments... but sadly nothing... it seems like MD students have largely heard back.
Has anyone who interviewed 10/10-10/12 for the MSTP program heard anything back yet? I was expecting a CR email based on Dean Riviera's comments... but sadly nothing... it seems like MD students have largely heard back.
I got an R yesterday afternoon 🙁 I guess they really didn't want me but best of luck to you!
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Have most ppl who get As first get into a CR pool? Or is it unlikely to go from CR to A?
Have most ppl who get As first get into a CR pool? Or is it unlikely to go from CR to A?
During the information session, I believe Dr. Rivera said that 90% of people who get acceptances come from the CR pool. I think the people who get accepted right away are in the minority, so definitely not a bad spot to be!
For people with MSTP As, did you hear back from email/phone call or an update on the portal?