2023-2024 NYU (Grossman)

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that's probably all the II for NYU right? congrats to everyone who got one!
Last year’s thread had one person who got one between thanksgiving and the mid-December R wave, and my undergrad has also had at least one December II, although I think these are exceptional and not part of any planned wave. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, but I think the majority of the action has happened
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Also what are the chances if I send an update now that NYU admissions will see it?
Also what are the chances if I send an update now that NYU admissions will see it?

I submitted my secondary in July and just sent an update on November 1st but haven’t heard anything either way. It doesn’t hurt if you have the time to submit
If you don't mind me asking, since you submitted pretty late and got a II, what were your stats like? Anything in particular you think helped your app since NYU is also rolling so submitting later makes it harder to get the interview?
I don't mind at all! I have a LM 72

Not going to lie, I was fully expecting a pre-II rejection, so I waited forever to actually submit my app (I was super shocked and happy to receive an II!!). Tbh, I'm not exactly sure what made me stand out, but I am low SES and also have a really interesting/unique life story.

(Btw, shout out to all my lower LM folk applying to this school!!!)
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Just another data point: II received 2 days ago. LM 75 (3.92 gpa, 518 MCAT) URM. Interview dates were 11/29 and 12/5
For people with MSTP As, did you hear back from email/phone call or an update on the portal?
I only received an email titled "Congratulations from NYU MSTP". I didn't get a phone call yet 🙁. There was a formal acceptance mailed to me. The phone call may just come later? Hope that helps!
bump! curious if they’re just accepting those that they know they want right after interview, or whether they’ve been dipping into the CR pool yet
My understanding from Dean Rivera was that As 2-3 weeks post interview were very rare and that the majority of interviewees will receive CR at which point As will come. He said he does this as to not disadvantage late II and so he can spread out A phone calls. If this is inaccurate or someone else has more insight feel free to reply
I’m also wondering the probability of an acceptance from this. I don’t recall it being discussed on the MSTP only interview day?
I’m not sure if MTSP has different rules, but for MD-only, the breakdown Dean Rivera gave was: 1% A, 79% CR, 20% R for each interview day. Most As come from the CR pool
Sorry if this was asked already a lot….but how’s the interview experience? I haven’t been following this thread because I honestly thought I didn’t have a chance haha. Thank you!!!
Sorry if this was asked already a lot….but how’s the interview experience? I haven’t been following this thread because I honestly thought I didn’t have a chance haha. Thank you!!!
It is good -- friendly and relatively laid back compared to other places I've interviewed. As you know, it is MMI format, so there is not much required to prepare. Just go in, present your honest self, and you'll do great!
It is good -- friendly and relatively laid back compared to other places I've interviewed. As you know, it is MMI format, so there is not much required to prepare. Just go in, present your honest self, and you'll do great!

Thank you so much!! That’s really nice to hear 🙂 good luck to you on the rest of your cycle!
Sorry if this was asked already a lot….but how’s the interview experience? I haven’t been following this thread because I honestly thought I didn’t have a chance haha. Thank you!!!
I've done 2 MMIs and it was significantly more chill and the questions were way easier than the other one I did (Dell).
Me too. I wonder if anyone got post-II R or if it's only A or CR.
CycleTrack shows that there are were a bunch of As and Rs right around the 3-week mark post Oct 25 MSTP interview. Have CRs been going out sporadically/when did you get the email? Getting a little worried because Dean Rivera said everyone will hear back a decision (A, R, CR) within 3 weeks of their interview and it's almost been 6
CycleTrack shows that there are were a bunch of As and Rs right around the 3-week mark post Oct 25 MSTP interview. Have CRs been going out sporadically/when did you get the email? Getting a little worried because Dean Rivera said everyone will hear back a decision (A, R, CR) within 3 weeks of their interview and it's almost been 6
Can't speak to MSTP, but for MD, my understanding is that you get the CR or R email on the Friday of the third week after your interview date. At least that's what happened to me.
CycleTrack shows that there are were a bunch of As and Rs right around the 3-week mark post Oct 25 MSTP interview. Have CRs been going out sporadically/when did you get the email? Getting a little worried because Dean Rivera said everyone will hear back a decision (A, R, CR) within 3 weeks of their interview and it's almost been 6
My interview was early November and I got the CR the same day I made my first post
CycleTrack shows that there are were a bunch of As and Rs right around the 3-week mark post Oct 25 MSTP interview. Have CRs been going out sporadically/when did you get the email? Getting a little worried because Dean Rivera said everyone will hear back a decision (A, R, CR) within 3 weeks of their interview and it's almost been 6
I got my MSTP A 5 weeks after my interview. I don't think their process is quite the same as the MD process.