OUWB (with half ride) vs Wayne

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OUWB or Wayne

  • OUWB with half ride ($26,000/year)

  • Wayne State ($33,000/year)


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7+ Year Member
Jan 15, 2015
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I am considering 2 schools that I was fortunate enough to have been accepted to and wanted some input from my sdn peers. I was just granted a half ride to Oakland University and haven't heard back from wayne about scholarships yet so assuming I don't receive a scholarship from Wayne, what school should I go to and why?

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I would probably pick Wayne in this case. The extra 7K seems like it would be worth the extensive alumni network and hardcore urban clinical training.
Definitely depends on what you're looking for. Very different schools. I'd personally choose Wayne because it'd be a way better fit for me (location, opportunities, peers, large class size, alumni network, trauma exposure, etc).
I would choose OUWB. $7000*4 years + interest is definitely something to consider. And OUWB is in a much better (and safer) location than Wayne. I personally don't think Wayne's reputation is so much better than OUWB to justify the additional cost and worse location.
I would choose OUWB. $7000*4 years + interest is definitely something to consider. And OUWB is in a much better (and safer) location than Wayne. I personally don't think Wayne's reputation is so much better than OUWB to justify the additional cost and worse location.

That one is ultimately a personal distinction. At the same cost, I would NEVER choose Oakland over Wayne because I love being urban. That being said, if you don't like urbia, then fine, the location is better for you. But I urbia >>>>>> suburbia > rur . . . ia for me.
^For me personally, suburbia is pretty torturous. Lol. Definitely depends on OP's preferences.
That one is ultimately a personal distinction. At the same cost, I would NEVER choose Oakland over Wayne because I love being urban. That being said, if you don't like urbia, then fine, the location is better for you. But I urbia >>>>>> suburbia > rur . . . ia for me.
Putting personal preference of location aside, why else would wayne be a better choice, and please try not to be bias while differentiating between the two schools. Is there any factual readoning as to why you would rather go to wayne?
This is what I've come up with so far based on speaking directly to students from both schools:

-Work directly with undeserved
-A lot of research funding
-Great rotations
-A lot closer to home

-More expensive
-Unresponsive administration
-Competition drives students apart

-Better associating hospital system (9 nationally recognized specialties including neurosurgery, orthopedics surgery, and heart surgery)
-Everyone has an equal opportunity to honor = no competition = Community atmosphere
-Very responsive administration
-Research incorporated into curriculum = better chance at residency placement
-Clinical experience starting your first semester.

-70% attendence mandatory for Honors
-Lengthy drive = must live on campus
-Reletively low research funding
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Did you mean half of total CoA or half tuition? I am guessing half tuition based on the 26K.
I would probably say you should put learning style as priority 1 in this case. Wayne is older and well known in the Great Lakes region, but OUWB is up and coming and no slouch based on the two classes that have matched. If you go to Wayne, you may end up woth a lot of Canadians in your class and that is fun 😛.
Did you mean half of total CoA or half tuition? I am guessing half tuition based on the 26K.
I would probably say you should put learning style as priority 1 in this case. Wayne is older and well known in the Great Lakes region, but OUWB is up and coming and no slouch based on the two classes that have matched. If you go to Wayne, you may end up woth a lot of Canadians in your class and that is fun 😛.
Actually one of the biggest reasons why Wqyne was put on probation was because they were unresponsive to their students needs and refused to update their curriculum for the benefit of their students, in accordance with statistical evidence which showed a higher success rate when utilizing the new medical curriculum.

And it is half of tuition but at both schools, 20,000 is added to tuition for total cost of attendence.
Putting personal preference of location aside, why else would wayne be a better choice, and please try not to be bias while differentiating between the two schools. Is there any factual readoning as to why you would rather go to wayne?

I won't put location aside. Honestly, location was the number one reason I chose my medical school, and I don't regret that choice for a second. Living in an urban setting was crucial for me.
I understand that many of you are choosing blindly because you recognize wayne because it's existed for so long and others may be choosing ouwb because they may not like wayne but please give good reasons for whatever side you take.
I won't put location aside. Honestly, location was the number one reason I chose my medical school, and I don't regret that choice for a second. Living in an urban setting was crucial for me.
Even if everything else about the school was messed up? I doubt that was the only reason but if it was, that doesn't help because that reasoning is subjective and I'm trying to look at this objectively. Regardless of the location, as long as I'm helping my community, it doesn't matter where I practice medicine.
Even if everything else about the school was messed up? I doubt that was the only reason but if it was, that doesn't help because that reasoning is subjective and I'm trying to look at this objectively. Regardless of the location, as long as I'm helping my community, it doesn't matter where I practice medicine.
Where will you be happier? Of course it doesn't matter where you practice, but where do you prefer to LIVE?
Even if everything else about the school was messed up? I doubt that was the only reason but if it was, that doesn't help because that reasoning is subjective and I'm trying to look at this objectively. Regardless of the location, as long as I'm helping my community, it doesn't matter where I practice medicine.

Are you trying to tell me that everything about Wayne is messed up? This isn't a binary decision. Different schools have advantages and disadvantages. Location is one of those things, and its priority varies among people.

Large dogs
Are you trying to tell me that everything about Wayne is messed up? This isn't a binary decision. Different schools have advantages and disadvantages. Location is one of those things, and its priority varies among people.

Large dogs

I didn't say that but there must be other things that are since you are getting so defensive. I even made a pros and cons list for each school in this thread so that shows I didn't mean it in that way.