2013-2014 New York Medical College Application Thread

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Did people who sent in updates ever get any sort of confirmation that their update was received? I've sent in 4 updates since completing my secondary but have gotten 0 responses from them. Tried calling the office to confirm they have received my emails but didn't get a response on the phone.

dumb question but where/who do I send an update to?

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Anyone know who we send additional letters of rec to (Through AMCAS, email, mail?)
All holds will be re-reviewed "at their discretion" (read: maybe, possibly, probably not, but if they're really desperate they'll look at your application again). Interview invites will go out for one-ish more weeks. I think for myself, stick a fork in me. See you all next cycle, but really, hopefully not.
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All holds will be re-reviewed "at their discretion" (read: maybe, possibly, probably not, but if they're really desperate they'll look at your application again). Interview invites will go out for one-ish more weeks. I think for myself, stick a fork in me. See you all next cycle, but really, hopefully not.
so you're saying give up and lose all hope if our application was put on hold?
Is it better to be on hold or to have not had any status updates? I know an interview at this point is very slim either way but I'm still hopeful.
Is it better to be on hold or to have not had any status updates? I know an interview at this point is very slim either way but I'm still hopeful.

I'm right there with ya, friend. Haven't been put on hold since submitting in Sept. Has anyone been put on hold and offered an invite?

From what I've read, it looks like most people went straight from under review to II.
Did people who sent in updates ever get any sort of confirmation that their update was received? I've sent in 4 updates since completing my secondary but have gotten 0 responses from them. Tried calling the office to confirm they have received my emails but didn't get a response on the phone.
I got no reply. During my interview today, they said that they don't send receipts but we should "trust them" that updates make it on our file--hope that puts your mind at ease! They also said we were interviewing for a spot in the class, not just the wait list. For those of you asking, I was never notified via email of a "hold status" but I could have been put on hold and never received a notification...
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Wow! II this morning. Complete in July with no correspondence until today
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I have sent in many letters of update and interest. But, I never got any response. Also, when I called to see if they got my letters, they always say they never got them. For people who send in updates, are you all in the same position? They even gave me another email address to send to and I never got any confirmation. I feel like they say they take them,but nobody really does.
Just got an II, any idea if I'll basically be interviewing for a waitlist position at this point?
nope. my updates have been pre-interview... hope they've gone thru...
I feel like they don't take anyone's updates although they may say it. Anyone post interview send in updates and get a response?
I sent an update post-interview, as well; but didn't get a response.
Just got an II, any idea if I'll basically be interviewing for a waitlist position at this point?

See below

They didn't tell us how many seats were available. But the director of admissions did mention that she was looking for students that would make a cohesive class with the students that they already chose. She reconfirmed that all individuals who interview are interviewing for a spot not the wait list; however, most students will end up on the waiting list.

EDIT: And congratulations :)
I feel like they don't take anyone's updates although they may say it. Anyone post interview send in updates and get a response?
Like I say above, the Dean of Admissions claims they add update letters to our files but they do not send notifications of receipt -- I'm thinking this is the most accurate answer to the question.
See below

EDIT: And congratulations :)

Thank you. I actually read that shortly after posting. The circumstances just seemed so bizarre: the email that I received said that they were extending the interview season " Due to an unprecedented number of interview days cancelled due to snowstorms this winter," which doesn't make sense as I doubt anyone would cancel an interview due to weather rather than reschedule it.

Plus the whole 'you are interviewing for a spot in the class but most of you will be waitlisted' sounds like code for 'we want a full waitlist just in case more people turn down their acceptances'.

But I always love a good conspiracy, so I might be reading too much into all of this..
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Thank you. I actually read that shortly after posting. The circumstances just seemed so bizarre: the email that I received said that they were extending the interview season " Due to an unprecedented number of interview days cancelled due to snowstorms this winter," which doesn't make sense as I doubt anyone would cancel an interview due to weather rather than reschedule it.

Plus the whole 'you are interviewing for a spot in the class but most of you will be waitlisted' sounds like code for 'we want a full waitlist just in case more people turn down their acceptances'.

But I always love a good conspiracy, so I might be reading too much into all of this..

Possibly, but if you're not holding an acceptance, you may as well go and try your best to wow them, right?
I sent in a few updates, and only received one automated response (the same one listed above) when I sent in an update after "business hours", around 6 pm. The updates that I sent in during the day received no response.
When I e-mailed them post-interview, I received an automated response stating my message was received and will be reviewed (I'm sure this counts as a notification of receipt). Should your original e-mail require a response (for example, if you had an inquiry/concern, interview rescheduling, etc.), an admissions coordinator will contact you via phone or e-mail.
I also received a response like this.
Thank you. I actually read that shortly after posting. The circumstances just seemed so bizarre: the email that I received said that they were extending the interview season " Due to an unprecedented number of interview days cancelled due to snowstorms this winter," which doesn't make sense as I doubt anyone would cancel an interview due to weather rather than reschedule it.

Plus the whole 'you are interviewing for a spot in the class but most of you will be waitlisted' sounds like code for 'we want a full waitlist just in case more people turn down their acceptances'.

But I always love a good conspiracy, so I might be reading too much into all of this..

Weather in ny has been rough this winter, the interview days we're actually cancelled by the school, forcing students to reschedule and the additional interview days.

They wouldn't waste their time interviewing you if there wasn't a spot for you in the class. It costs money, space, and time from the faculty and administration to run these interviews, dont for a second think that they are just stocking a waitlist.
Any one know if it takes longer to receive a rejection then an acceptance/waitlist post interview? I interviewed Jan 30th and haven't heard a peep. After reading the thread I see there are people who interviewed after me who have received an acceptance. Should I just assume it's a rejection? Yesterday will have been 10 weeks post interview.
Any one know if it takes longer to receive a rejection then an acceptance/waitlist post interview? I interviewed Jan 30th and haven't heard a peep. After reading the thread I see there are people who interviewed after me who have received an acceptance. Should I just assume it's a rejection? Yesterday will have been 10 weeks post interview.

They said during my interview it would take between 6-12 weeks so don't panic there's still time
Any one know if it takes longer to receive a rejection then an acceptance/waitlist post interview? I interviewed Jan 30th and haven't heard a peep. After reading the thread I see there are people who interviewed after me who have received an acceptance. Should I just assume it's a rejection? Yesterday will have been 10 weeks post interview.
We were told 6 to 8 weeks not 6 to 12. I would call them and ask what's up with your application.
Anyone get an email requesting updated transcripts? I'm guessing this means I'm at least not rejected after my interview since they wouldn't bother asking for them if this were the case?
Accepted!!!! I'm soo happy. This is my first acceptance and I was seriously starting to worry as I am only wait list at two other schools. Yay!!!
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Accepted a few minutes ago!!!! I'm so excited! Totally did not expect this as I felt my interview didn't go amazing.
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Accepted a few minutes ago!!!! I'm so excited! Totally did not expect this as I felt my interview didn't go amazing.
Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

would you mind sharing your stats ?
Accepted as well! Congrats everyone
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