2015-2016 Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine Application Thread

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LOL that's actually pretty funny.
It was an alarming phone call. I live on the west coast, too, so it was at ~ 5 AM.

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I withdrew from here several weeks ago by sending an e-mail to the admissions committee e-mail address, but they apparently didn't receive it and I got a call the morning of my interview asking where I was. So I think it would be smart to verify that they received your updates lol
Well, apologies for the confusion - it happens from time to time, even when I was interviewing for residency I had the exact same situation happen. It's not your fault, but your story illustrates an important concept that will serve you well in medicine: "closing the loop" and making sure that critical information is received on the other end is good policy. Anyway, congrats and good luck to wherever you end up.
It was an alarming phone call. I live on the west coast, too, so it was at ~ 5 AM.

Your story inspired me to check on the status of my update letter, which I'd emailed in December after my interview. Turns out it'd been lost in the cloud! I just re-sent it and got a receipt confirmation; hopefully the committee has time to look at it prior to the ranking meeting -_-.

Good luck everyone!
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Your story inspired me to check on the status of my update letter, which I'd emailed in December after my interview. Turns out it'd been lost in the cloud! I just re-sent it and got a receipt confirmation; hopefully the committee has time to look at it prior to the ranking meeting -_-.

Good luck everyone!
What email did you send the update to? I sent an inquiry about whether my update was received to Ms. Wright again and she seems intent on not replying...
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What email did you send the update to? I sent an inquiry about whether my update was received to Ms. Wright again and she seems intent on not replying...
I emailed Ms. Wright both times (though the second time I also cc'd the general admissions email, so you could also try that one?). She was super nice on interview day, so I'm sure it's just that the office has been swamped...
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I emailed Ms. Wright both times (though the second time I also cc'd the general admissions email, so you could also try that one?). She was super nice on interview day, so I'm sure it's just that the office has been swamped...
Yeah, she's the best!
To accepted students, have any of you received more specific information about Second Look? The portal for me says March 26th, 2015 (Not 2016). Wondering if this was just a typo on the year, or if another date will be released. Thank you!
To accepted students, have any of you received more specific information about Second Look? The portal for me says March 26th, 2015 (Not 2016). Wondering if this was just a typo on the year, or if another date will be released. Thank you!

It is on April 7 and 8.
I emailed Ms. Wright both times (though the second time I also cc'd the general admissions email, so you could also try that one?). She was super nice on interview day, so I'm sure it's just that the office has been swamped...

Called the admissions office this morning to inquire about my update letter. I was told that my update letter had been accepted and I would receive email confirmation at some point today. Might be worth a phone call to close the loop, but I'd also keep an eye on your email in case you get a confirmation there.
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Same, I just got a confirmation today! (I did not call or inquire today, they just sent me one)
Good luck today, everyone! I hope that we all get to meet one another in class next year!
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Same!!!!! I got the call yesterday! So thankful! Awaiting on several more decisions but this really solidifies some options for me. Good luck to all.
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I also don't think Dr. Franco is done making phone calls. She talks with all the PIs of those ranked before she calls you.
Also accepted yesterday :). Good luck everyone, and I'm sure more ppl will be notified on Monday!!
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Folks: (posted in both CWRU thread and here) Dr. Franco shot me an e-mail saying she had to leave town Friday and understands that you are all waiting for responses. However, she wasn't able to complete all the calls herself before she had to leave. :( Hang tight if you do not have a decision yet - Nobody should panic if they haven't heard back! Just chillax - we are terribly excited about all of you, so I'm asking for a little patience!

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Folks: (posted in both CWRU thread and here) Dr. Franco shot me an e-mail saying she had to leave town Friday and understands that you are all waiting for responses. However, she wasn't able to complete all the calls herself before she had to leave. :( Hang tight if you do not have a decision yet - Nobody should panic if they haven't heard back! Just chillax - we are terribly excited about all of you, so I'm asking for a little patience!

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Thank for the update!
Have any post-second-ranking rejections gone out yet?
Do you get a call if you're on the wait list?
You're welcome. She sent me an email this weekend but I missed it because I was away until this morning. I think entering rejections into the system is tedious, so those will take some time do. And no, it's logistically hard enough to make acceptance calls! Besides, we don't think THAT highly of ourselves to think that people want to be told in person that they are on our waitlist

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Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Any idea on when the waitlist will be formed?
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All final decisions will be posted on the website within the next two weeks, according to my sources. That is, waitlist and rejection decisions will be posted

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Were any calls made today?
Just wondering
Even if you are not ranked #1-32 (accepted) and you are invited to Second Look, consider that a "High WL". In years past, there have been candidates that were invited to Second Look that got accepted. As stated earlier, about 40-44 are accepted to fill a class of 32. How many are accepted off the WL obviously depends on the first 32's decision whether or not to matriculate to CCLCM. Best of luck to all.
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Even if you are not ranked #1-32 (accepted) and you are invited to Second Look, consider that a "High WL". In years past, there have been candidates that were invited to Second Look that got accepted. As stated earlier, about 40-44 are accepted to fill a class of 32. How many are accepted off the WL obviously depends on the first 32's decision whether or not to matriculate to CCLCM. Best of luck to all.

Will sending updates impact your ranking and/or consideration for acceptance or do the rankings remain unchanged following the February meeting?
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Hoping/assuming no calls were made today given the silence. Can anyone verify this?
Will sending updates impact your ranking and/or consideration for acceptance or do the rankings remain unchanged following the February meeting?
I was wondering the same thing and I assumed if you're not within the acceptance or wait list rankings then an update doesn't matter.

But I too would really like a more concrete answer from someone who knows for sure (e.g. @adcom101 @vc7777 )
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@Physiology94 and @Almighty Saguaro

I don't know if sending an update now will be that useful since your entire application was discussed in totality at the time of the ranking meeting among the admissions committee. However, if you're in the high WL (e.g. #33-40), and you have a significant update such as an accepted publication, it won't hurt to send in. Be sure that you get a receipt confirmation from Ms. Wright. Hope that helps, or not really? Sorry that I couldn't be more specific than that.
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@Physiology94 and @Almighty Saguaro

I don't know if sending an update now will be that useful since your entire application was discussed in totality at the time of the ranking meeting among the admissions committee. However, if you're in the high WL (e.g. #33-40), and you have a significant update such as an accepted publication, it won't hurt to send in. Be sure that you get a receipt confirmation from Ms. Wright. Hope that helps, or not really? Sorry that I couldn't be more specific than that.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I figured if one doesn't make it to the WL, an update isn't going to get them there, but an update could make them a more competitive applicant to pull off the WL.
I'll just hold off on updates until I know if I'm still under serious consideration.
Now, if you're invited to Second Look and you are on the WL, then definitely!!
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Do we know if Dr. Franco is done making calls? Not sure if the lack of response is because there's still calls to be made or because I won't be called at all (hopefully the former!)
Not sure whether to be worried or relieved about the silence..
Not sure whether to be worried or relieved about the silence..
Would LOVE to be wrong about this, but if acceptances started going out last Friday, I feel like silence is bad. Granted Dr. Franco is probably a VERY busy person, but there weren't many seats to start with... BUT, I'd rather put good vibes out into the universe, so the silence is not bad. We're all going to be accepted, right?!?!?! (nervous laugh)
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I don't think silence is bad, I mean we know they were not done on Friday and I think SOMEBODY would have reported hearing if anyone had been called this week, so maybe she's not back yet...? Or maybe she's back but not done calling everyone's PI?......:xf:
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I don't think silence is bad, I mean we know they were not done on Friday and I think SOMEBODY would have reported hearing if anyone had called this week, so maybe she's not back yet...? Or maybe she's back but not done calling everyone's PI?......:xf:

The force is strong with this one.
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Just thought I would share this recent article by Dean Franco as it seems relevant to the current discussion about sending updates...especially her last sentence: "Finally, if you do have an appropriate update to submit for 2016 enrollment, now is the time." What do you think @adcom101?

And good luck to everyone!
Please see my prior post #334 and #336. It won't hurt to send an update now. I'm not sure if Dr. Franco is done with all the phone calls but an accepted student communicated with me that her acceptance was in the portal after the call, and acknowledge/accepted the acceptance. So, you might also want to check the portal.
Are we still in silence limbo? Nothing in my portal.
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Someone's PI must be on a long, faraway vacation.

Edit: sadly, mine is very much in town - probably not the best sign that no call has come.
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I am almost certain that the next 16 accepted students have their offers of acceptance now in the portal. It will be a very good sign if you get invited to Second Look. Best of luck.
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I guess it's unfortunate for those of us with no portal update. Still irrationately optimistic for some reason.
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I guess it's unfortunate for those of us with no portal update. Still irrationately optimistic for some reason.
I suppose the possibility of high hold / second look invite is still on the table for us. Maybe.
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Hey, whether you get the first acceptance or the last one from the waitlist, an acceptance is an acceptance. It ain't over until the fat lady sings!
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