2020-2021 Jefferson (Kimmel)

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Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Sidney Kimmel Medical College

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What's a good way to tackle their secondary essay: If there is any additional information you would like to provide please include it in the box below.
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What's a good way to tackle their secondary essay: If there is any additional information you would like to provide please include it in the box below.
I applied to Jefferson last cycle and will be starting in July, and I used my essay to address some shortcomings in my application (a couple bad grades one semester) but a lot of people use it as an opportunity to express why they like the school, what they would offer to the class (diversity essay) and/or what challenges they have overcome. I’m freshly out of the application process so if anyone has any questions feel free to reach out
I applied to Jefferson last cycle and will be starting in July, and I used my essay to address some shortcomings in my application (a couple bad grades one semester) but a lot of people use it as an opportunity to express why they like the school, what they would offer to the class (diversity essay) and/or what challenges they have overcome. I’m freshly out of the application process so if anyone has any questions feel free to reach out

I'm applying to Kimmel and I was wondering if I should use the 'optional' essay to write about my gap year plans (I'm be doing my gap year in Philly, community service). Do you think that will be a good use of space or should I add more info (like a 'why us' type essay). Thank you!
I combined my diversity essay with a why jefferson/philly essay.

Did you write a pretty thorough essay? wondering if i should just make my essay short and sweet b/c of how many apps they get instead of writing more flowery stuff.
Did you write a pretty thorough essay? wondering if i should just make my essay short and sweet b/c of how many apps they get instead of writing more flowery stuff.
After combining, I was pretty close to the character count.
I'm applying to Kimmel and I was wondering if I should use the 'optional' essay to write about my gap year plans (I'm be doing my gap year in Philly, community service). Do you think that will be a good use of space or should I add more info (like a 'why us' type essay). Thank you!
You can do both in the same essay. I doubt your gap year plans will take up the entire space
I'm applying to Kimmel and I was wondering if I should use the 'optional' essay to write about my gap year plans (I'm be doing my gap year in Philly, community service). Do you think that will be a good use of space or should I add more info (like a 'why us' type essay). Thank you!
This is an opportunity to really make you stand out from the other applicants, so the more you mention about yourself the better! I think I'd prioritize your diversity/overcoming challenges essays first, then your "why us?" essay, then throw in you gap year plans if you have room, unless the community service work you're doing is really unique and interesting
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Received a secondary invitation less than a minute ago. OOS, regular decision.
I never know what to put for the optional additional info essays, feel like adcom members would prefer this to be left blank if we don't have something absolutely outstanding to say. I mean if they wanted to know how we contribute to diversity at the school or "why us," wouldn't they have asked?
I never know what to put for the optional additional info essays, feel like adcom members would prefer this to be left blank if we don't have something absolutely outstanding to say. I mean if they wanted to know how we contribute to diversity at the school or "why us," wouldn't they have asked?
I'm in the same boat
I just submitted this secondary and it says that my LOR's are incomplete. However, under "Document Status" it also states that letters were received in May when I added them to AMCAS. Has anyone else experienced a similar lag in LOR's being marked as received, for this or any other secondary?
Is anyone else thinking of leaving the optional essay blank? I feel I have a pretty strong primary and I don't feel like I much to add without restating something in my personal statement or my activities section.
Been debating whether to leave it blank because I feel like I don't have anything I want to write about that wasn't already mentioned in my primary
I just submitted this secondary and it says that my LOR's are incomplete. However, under "Document Status" it also states that letters were received in May when I added them to AMCAS. Has anyone else experienced a similar lag in LOR's being marked as received, for this or any other secondary?

Experiencing this as well, going to give it a little time to update before contacting them. Secondary received and submitted 7/10.
Is anyone else thinking of leaving the optional essay blank? I feel I have a pretty strong primary and I don't feel like I much to add without restating something in my personal statement or my activities section.

I am leaving it blank. I feel like ADCOMs are going to see right through anything you write here unless you are actually addressing a real concern on your app (a bad grade, withdrawals on your transcript, a special connection to the school, etc)
I am leaving it blank. I feel like ADCOMs are going to see right through anything you write here unless you are actually addressing a real concern on your app (a bad grade, withdrawals on your transcript, a special connection to the school, etc)
Could you do it as a COVID prompt? Or a why us? I feel like they'd say 'most applicants leave this blank' if they felt that way.
Could you do it as a COVID prompt? Or a why us? I feel like they'd say 'most applicants leave this blank' if they felt that way.

They have a space for COVID! That's where I talked about being furloughed from my research and postponing volunteering
I just received my secondary yesterday! Does anyone know how serious they are about having those specific professors write letters of recommendation (1-Biology, 1-Chemistry, 1-Physics, 1-Humanities)? I currently have 2 letters from my neuroscience professors, 2 from dance professors, and 1 from a physician. (I majored in dance and neuroscience in undergrad)
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Does anyone know how strict they are with the LOR requirements? I have one chem, one physics, one spanish, and then a letter from my PI (psych prof).
I just submitted this secondary and it says that my LOR's are incomplete. However, under "Document Status" it also states that letters were received in May when I added them to AMCAS. Has anyone else experienced a similar lag in LOR's being marked as received, for this or any other secondary?

this is happening to me too!
Does anyone know how strict they are with the LOR requirements? I have one chem, one physics, one spanish, and then a letter from my PI (psych prof).

saw someone in one of the latest cycles get in without it, doubt it is that strict
My status says my app is under review. Does this mean someone is actively looking at it, or will it say this until I get an II/R?
Does anyone know how strict they are with the LOR requirements? I have one chem, one physics, one spanish, and then a letter from my PI (psych prof).

Since they say "recommended" on the line where you indicate what letters are coming and people seem to have gotten in without it, it seems like they're flexible!
Anyone trying to submit the secondary but unable to submit? It says "contact the administrator" or something like that?