In my endless neuroticism, I made a spreadsheet with the decisions from 2/19 and 3/25.
This is the SDN data plus 5 non-SDNers I interact with (making up 123 of the ~900 pool):
View attachment 333731
*Does not account for withdrawn As and WLs from this thread. Had to infer several WLs based on the user mentioning sending LOI/Updates post-Feb 19.
Let say we can extrapolate 900/123 = 7.3x
Initial As: ~240 (Reasonable and it is in line with calculations made by last year's class of ~250.)
Initial WLs: ~610 (Low certainty, but possible. I would donate max 100 of these to the R pile.)
Initial/Final Rs: ~50 (Seems pretty small, but who knows.)
Can't extrapolate beyond Feb-19, because decisions no longer are applied to the entire collective. Just some food for thought.