2020-2021 Pittsburgh

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Waittttttttttttt...... when did the Application Status page change its heading? Remember it used to say "MedA Application Status" (see @wallstreetbroke post/meme on page 19 of the thread). Now it says "Medical Admissions Application Status" (see my post/meme on this page).
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Waittttttttttttt...... when did the Application Status page change its heading? Remember it used to say "MedA Application Status" (see @wallstreetbroke post/meme on page 19 of the thread). Now it says "Medical Admissions Application Status" (see my post/meme on this page).
Whattt you're right! Maybe this is one of the glitches they smoothed out a few weeks back?
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Whattt you're right! Maybe this is one of the glitches they smoothed out a few weeks back?
Waittttttttttttt...... when did the Application Status page change its heading? Remember it used to say "MedA Application Status" (see @wallstreetbroke post/meme on page 19 of the thread). Now it says "Medical Admissions Application Status" (see my post/meme on this page).
same here whats going onnnnn
Who wants to claim the title of "Most Neurotic" and tell us exactly when this change happened?
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I remember that they have changed this since decisions were released on 2/19 so you guys are definitely overthinking this.
The changes we are expecting reduce down to one or more of these:
1) Early PREP email
2) Status disappears
3) Committee Decision File
4) Reset your AMPUP password
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Sorry if this has been asked already, but does Pitt Med have AOA? What is the school’s approach regarding it/ future of AOA? Thanks
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Welp.....still waitlisted. Guess I'm batting 0/2 for this week on decisions.
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Still on the WL... and I got rejected post-II from the PSTP. Does this mean I’m basically screwed?
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A!!!!!!! My first one and at my dream school!!!! H2P guys!!!!
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Got off the WL train too; congrats everyone we made it 😩😭
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Congrats to everyone who got As!

To everyone like me still on the waitlist: Let's not be discouraged! Remember there's still lots of time! The fact that there was a bunch of movement this early bodes well because usually the most movement happens towards the end of April!
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How many times in one app cycle has there been WL movement in the past? If we didn't get in today, does that mean it's over basically? Super sad rn :(
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did anyone who got in off the wl not write a LOI or anything post wl?
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How many times in one app cycle has there been WL movement in the past? If we didn't get in today, does that mean it's over basically? Super sad rn :(
I believe in the past there have been 3 major movements, one in March, one in April and last one in May. I definitely think there will be more movement especially after the April 30th deadline.
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Just got accepted off the waitlist today! Didn't submit LOI/updates. OOS.
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I got it yesterday when they released all the post-II PSTP decisions.
So sorry to hear! :( Were u notified of a decision via email? Its strange how pstp decisions came out earlier for others.
So sorry to hear! :( Were u notified of a decision via email? Its strange how pstp decisions came out earlier for others.
Yeah I got an email that they were available on the portal and then a personalized email with my decision.
My stomach just dropped. WL gang how are we feeling? :(

Congrats to everyone accepted off the WL!<3
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My stomach just dropped. WL gang how are we feeling? :(

Congrats to everyone accepted off the WL!<3
:confused: Honestly...I don't like my chances anymore. Compared to prior years, there just appears to be way too many people on the thread already committed to the plan of matriculating here. Maybe the financial aid drop will shake up the list, but they'd have no reason to pick me with median stats and weak ECs.

It was a long shot anyways and lured me into a false sense of hope...
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Congrats to you all who were accepted. The PDF for things to do in their email indicates a background check that needs to be done. Did you receive an email for this or is it automatically conducted. For reference, I was accepted off of the WL recently.
Would any current students mind providing insight into how grading works? Is it P/F throughout the curriculum and is there an internal ranking that is kept? If there is a ranking do all years factor into it or just clinical years and is the ranking reported when you apply for residency?

Also has there been any discussion as of yet regarding a return to in person activities for the fall? Thanks!
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Congrats to you all who were accepted. The PDF for things to do in their email indicates a background check that needs to be done. Did you receive an email for this or is it automatically conducted. For reference, I was accepted off of the WL recently.
You should receive an email for the background check! For me it came a couple days after my official acceptance.
:confused: Honestly...I don't like my chances anymore. Compared to prior years, there just appears to be way too many people on the thread already committed to the plan of matriculating here. Maybe the financial aid drop will shake up the list, but they'd have no reason to pick me with median stats and weak ECs.

It was a long shot anyways and lured me into a false sense of hope...
I cannot relate more to this. :( Pitt is my dream, but it's not looking too good now. Still holding onto some hope though, although yesterday hurt pretty bad. Happy for everyone who got accepted though.
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I cannot relate more to this. :( Pitt is my dream, but it's not looking too good now. Still holding onto some hope though, although yesterday hurt pretty bad. Happy for everyone who got accepted though.

Looking like I might have to reapply at this rate, I'm crushed :(
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Still on WL too. But keep your heads up! FA packages come out soon (lots of people seem to withdraw then). Plus choose your school deadlines are approaching. There's still plenty of time for WL movement
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Would any current students mind providing insight into how grading works? Is it P/F throughout the curriculum and is there an internal ranking that is kept? If there is a ranking do all years factor into it or just clinical years and is the ranking reported when you apply for residency?

Also has there been any discussion as of yet regarding a return to in person activities for the fall? Thanks!
Current MS1. Pitt is P/F unranked for the pre-clinical years - no AOA either. Clerkships are graded honors, high/low satisfactory, unsatisfactory. In-person activities are almost assured for matriculants by the fall and should be the case for basically every medical school in the country. We are already in-person for our clinical experiences courses and shadowing has been wide open at UPMC for a few months now.
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Can any current students speak on the pros/cons of living at Darragh? What's the consensus, is it worth it?
Can any current students speak on the pros/cons of living at Darragh? What's the consensus, is it worth it?
Not a current student but from the area and have been in the aparrments; Darragh is significantly more expensive than a comperable apartment in the area.
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Accepted off the wait-list! I was elated for about one minute when I got the news before the reality of packing up my whole life and moving to an entirely different climate set in lol. I'm knocking on the door of age 30 and have been out of school working full time for several years. As a result, I currently own a 2016 Toyota Camry, enough furniture and housewares to fill a 900+ sq ft apartment, and both large and small appliances. Questions from a southern nontrad student -

1) Should I sell my car, trade it in for a cheaper/more weather-appropiate vehicle, trade it in for a hybrid (save on gas), or just keep it?

2) Do I need to overhaul my wardrobe or just add in a good winter coat and boots? I'm from a southern state where we get snow maybe once or twice a year and most of my clothing is for warmer weather.

3) Should I consider selling any of my furniture or appliances (e.g. my washer and dryer)? I will be moving roughly six hours away from my current residence to attend Pitt.

Thanks in advance!
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