2020-2021 Wayne State

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Ofc not that I don’t believe you, but if they planned on accepting LESS people this cycle, they should not have interviewed more....wat the heck!
The adcom for sure said that but I agree with you in that I have no idea why they'd interview so many people! Maybe due to the increase in applicants this year they just wanted the best pool for them? Sigh

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I remember being at one of Wayne State's virtual coffee chats and an adcom who was there said quite plainly: "We plan on accepting about 675 students total." I'm pretty sure the acceptance tracker was at that number before April 30th, so maybe that means there won't be the kind of waitlist movement that has happened in the previous years?? Either way I gave up all hope and am sadly preparing for this next cycle 😢
hmm I've been to a lot of the coffee chats and I don't remember them giving an exact number of As. they were pretty vague when talking about the WL or acceptances. If you can find the coffee chat on their website can you please send me it? Also, if they were going to not do ANY WL movement they would've rejected a lot of people in the two major r waves that they recently had. we can all speculate but none of us knows for sure what Wayne's doing this year and what their motive is

edit: also last year the tracker didn't update to show WL movement that occurred in May. Maybe they're giving out ~675 acceptances but that might not reflect WL movement which can vary and isn't set in stone ya know?
hmm I've been to a lot of the coffee chats and I don't remember them giving an exact number of As. they were pretty vague when talking about the WL or acceptances. If you can find the coffee chat on their website can you please send me it? Also, if they were going to not do ANY WL movement they would've rejected a lot of people in the two major r waves that they recently had. we can all speculate but none of us knows for sure what Wayne's doing this year and what their motive is

edit: also last year the tracker didn't update to show WL movement that occurred in May. Maybe they're giving out ~675 acceptances but that might not reflect WL movement which can vary and isn't set in stone ya know?
I'm sure each coffee chat is different because in the one that I attended it was based off of us premeds asking the med students questions. Multiple waitlisters in the chat were asking about waitlist movement, so the Adcom explained on video chat that the best time to send in LOI would be closer to April when there would be more waitlist movement, and that they would accept around 675 students total.

And I never stated there wasn't going to be ANY waitlist movement. There definitely has already been movement, I'm just saying that now with 679 admission offers that's very similar to the number that adcom told us. I think maybe the waitlist movement started earlier this year? That's the only thing I can think of. People will still probably be pulled off the waitlist in the future I'm just being realistic with information that I was given by an actual Wayne State adcom.

I've never been on their coffee chat website I only clicked the virtual link when I was an attendee in December and have only ever been to 1 coffee chat.

Btw guys I'm not here to be a debbie downer or kill any hopes of anyone getting off the waitlist. I hope you all get off and I'm sure people will continue to get off! I'm just sharing information that I was given by a credible source. Choose to believe me or not, I have zero reason to lie as I am also on the waitlist and this is my only waitlist lol.
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hmm I've been to a lot of the coffee chats and I don't remember them giving an exact number of As. they were pretty vague when talking about the WL or acceptances. If you can find the coffee chat on their website can you please send me it? Also, if they were going to not do ANY WL movement they would've rejected a lot of people in the two major r waves that they recently had. we can all speculate but none of us knows for sure what Wayne's doing this year and what their motive is

edit: also last year the tracker didn't update to show WL movement that occurred in May. Maybe they're giving out ~675 acceptances but that might not reflect WL movement which can vary and isn't set in stone ya know?
Was the R wave massive? I think I missed it.
Slap that DNR order on my dreams, baby. 😔

When they had taketh stressedpremed123 from us, the remaining SDN waitlisters were forsaken. Be great doctors y'all.

It's been real. ☮️
Awww I'm so late to this but you guys got this!! I highly doubt they're done with WL movement, may/june is huge movement historically 🙂
Mine says can't find the server. How can I fix this? I tried using a different browser too, it didn't work.
Damn I just tried again and I got an error page! The neurotic side of my brain thinks this must mean something but it's probably just site maintenance...
Damn I just tried again and I got an error page! The neurotic side of my brain thinks this must mean something but it's probably just site maintenance...
HAHAHA I thought the same!!! hope it's not a mass rejection though 😂😅
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Tough to swallow, but I think delusions aside we all might need to start thinking about the next cycle, or going to plan B (which for me is a DO program)
I think its over for us. Facebook page just keeps climbing and climbing
I agree 🙁 Feels like they are sending out As everyday to a few number of people and probably the tracker will update once a week.
Would this make sense: Wayne is pretty damn close or is currently filled. Will accept a few people yet as some people may come off waitlists at other schools?
absolutely! Someone on the WL support thread even recommended emailing Wayne to ask about WL movement.
Took one for the team and sent an email to mdadmissions. I'll keep y'all posted if they reply!

Very helpful Wayne, thank you
Wayne really giving us nothing to work with but thank you so much for asking
Dw I’ve been there for the last several years as a student and employee and I can say there’s only more where this came from if one were to attend! Don’t get me wrong tho, I’d still go if they took me. The Stockholm syndrome is real
Dw I’ve been there for the last several years as a student and employee and I can say there’s only more where this came from if one were to attend! Don’t get me wrong tho, I’d still go if they took me. The Stockholm syndrome is real
do you feel hopeful for WL movement? How are you feeling seeing as you've worked at Wayne and know the school well 😉
do you feel hopeful for WL movement? How are you feeling seeing as you've worked at Wayne and know the school well 😉
My personal thoughts at this point are that there will be very little movement that occurs right before classes begin, but this entire cycle has been unpredictable from the beginning so who knows lol. I’ve decided to move on and start preparing for DO school🤷‍♀️
I really think that ~150 WL --> A on April 1st was the last huge movement, but I'm sure there will be a few more As trickled before classes start. Although considering the current size of the WL (hundreds) those few As wouldn't account for much.
My personal thoughts at this point are that there will be very little movement that occurs right before classes begin, but this entire cycle has been unpredictable from the beginning so who knows lol. I’ve decided to move on and start preparing for DO school🤷‍♀️
Embrace that DO acceptance and become the amazing doctor that you will be. If anything, it's their loss for losing someone loyal and committed to their school like yourself
I really think that ~150 WL --> A on April 1st was the last huge movement, but I'm sure there will be a few more As trickled before classes start. Although considering the current size of the WL (hundreds) those few As wouldn't account for much.
yes exactly. at this point it's best to reapply or commit to a DO school. wayne having major WL movement would be a bonus. this cycle has been very bad for WL movement for many schools & not just for wayne
Embrace that DO acceptance and become the amazing doctor that you will be. If anything, it's their loss for losing someone loyal and committed to their school like yourself
Haha that’s how I feel too! I’m grateful that I’ll be able to pursue my dreams either way with the DO acceptance🙏 Wayne doesn’t seem to care much for loyalty anyway, since they’ve been losing their hospital affiliations to other schools in the area so 🤷‍♀️
Haha that’s how I feel too! I’m grateful that I’ll be able to pursue my dreams either way with the DO acceptance🙏 Wayne doesn’t seem to care much for loyalty anyway, since they’ve been losing their hospital affiliations to other schools in the area so 🤷‍♀️
LOOL i love the shade! made my day
Haha that’s how I feel too! I’m grateful that I’ll be able to pursue my dreams either way with the DO acceptance🙏 Wayne doesn’t seem to care much for loyalty anyway, since they’ve been losing their hospital affiliations to other schools in the area so 🤷‍♀️
Fr, Wayne was my top choice (out my interviews) until I saw that they somehow lost both DMC and Henry Ford in the last 2-3 years. I'm almost impressed by how bad they they are handling their school and I'm sure its only going to get worse in the future