2021-2022 George Washington

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Jan 21, 2016
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Thank you to @tortelloni_tortelloni for sharing this year's questions!

2021-2022 George Washington Secondary Essay Prompts:

1. Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2022. (750 characters)

2. The MD Program includes substantial content in Clinical Public Health (population health, health systems science, health policy, and community health) to prepare GW graduates for an expanded scope of practice required to be successful 21st century physicians. What are your specific interests and experiences related to that aspect of the MD Program? (350 characters)

3. What is your most meaningful clinical experience to date, involving direct patient contact? (350 characters)

4. What makes you a unique individual? What challenges have you faced? How will these factors help you contribute to the diversity of the student body at GW? (1000 characters)

5. What is your specific interest in the MD Program at GW? What opportunities would you take advantage of as a student here? Why? (2000 characters)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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I got a secondary and an email saying they received my primary but I'm still not under review/processed on AMCAS. Has this happened to anyone else?
I got a secondary and an email saying they received my primary but I'm still not under review/processed on AMCAS. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hi! I am a reapplicant. This happened last year as well. And yes, I just received my secondary.
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+1, OOS. I am just going to hold onto this secondary because my primary is not verified yet. haha. I wouldn't be able to mark it complete even if I submit it today
Secondary prompts for this year:

1. Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2022. (750 characters)

2. The MD Program includes substantial content in Clinical Public Health (population health, health systems science, health policy, and community health) to prepare GW graduates for an expanded scope of practice required to be successful 21st century physicians. What are your specific interests and experiences related to that aspect of the MD Program? (350 characters)

3. What is your most meaningful clinical experience to date, involving direct patient contact? (350 characters)

4. What makes you a unique individual? What challenges have you faced? How will these factors help you contribute to the diversity of the student body at GW? (1000 characters)

5. What is your specific interest in the MD Program at GW? What opportunities would you take advantage of as a student here? Why? (2000 characters)
Secondary prompts for this year:

1. Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2022. (750 characters)

2. The MD Program includes substantial content in Clinical Public Health (population health, health systems science, health policy, and community health) to prepare GW graduates for an expanded scope of practice required to be successful 21st century physicians. What are your specific interests and experiences related to that aspect of the MD Program? (350 characters)

3. What is your most meaningful clinical experience to date, involving direct patient contact? (350 characters)

4. What makes you a unique individual? What challenges have you faced? How will these factors help you contribute to the diversity of the student body at GW? (1000 characters)

5. What is your specific interest in the MD Program at GW? What opportunities would you take advantage of as a student here? Why? (2000 characters)
Bruh for some of these questions why are we repeating our primary app??
I got a secondary and an email saying they received my primary but I'm still not under review/processed on AMCAS. Has this happened to anyone else?
I just read their website and it says they do that! It says you can submit your secondary before your primary is verified.
+1 OOS don't know how to feel about these schools sending secondaries before my primary is verified lol
I got a secondary and an email saying they received my primary but I'm still not under review/processed on AMCAS. Has this happened to anyone else?
Yup. Another school sent me secondary too even though mine hasn't processed yet

Also, the email GW also says this "We appreciate your interest in our program and invite you to complete our secondary application. Please note that you can proceed with submitting our secondary application, even before your AMCAS application is verified"
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Secondary prompts for this year:

1. Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2022. (750 characters)

2. The MD Program includes substantial content in Clinical Public Health (population health, health systems science, health policy, and community health) to prepare GW graduates for an expanded scope of practice required to be successful 21st century physicians. What are your specific interests and experiences related to that aspect of the MD Program? (350 characters)

3. What is your most meaningful clinical experience to date, involving direct patient contact? (350 characters)

4. What makes you a unique individual? What challenges have you faced? How will these factors help you contribute to the diversity of the student body at GW? (1000 characters)

5. What is your specific interest in the MD Program at GW? What opportunities would you take advantage of as a student here? Why? (2000 characters)
Wait, 350 characters?? That's like three sentences...
For the question that asks: "Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2021. (750 characters- not including spaces)" do you all think it is asking for activities that are full time or for any activities that you will be doing that ADD UP TO full time? Trying to see how much I should include. Thank you for your help!
For the question that asks: "Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2021. (750 characters- not including spaces)" do you all think it is asking for activities that are full time or for any activities that you will be doing that ADD UP TO full time? Trying to see how much I should include. Thank you for your help!
Basically whatever is going to be taking up your time until Fall 2022. So you're working and in school, you're taking a gap year and working, or just in school and doing activities there; something like that
GW really be out here like, "tell us your entire life story and why you want medicine and an impactful patient story" oh and you have must only use 3 words 🤣

these character requirements are a joke
Character count doesn't include spaces or punctuation I think
Does anyone have advice on how I can tell GW about the in-person shadowing I did between the primary and secondary? They're the first secondary I received without a COVID question where I can put this stuff.
Any else not sure how to differentiate the Clinical Public Health 350 char prompt from the 2000 char Why Us? prompt? Health policy is totally my thing, which is why I love GW, but I don't want to keep repeating myself.
Are you all interpreting the most meaningful clinical experience prompt as just expanding on your amcas clinical exp description or specifying a particular moment/example?
Question for reapplicants. Since all of the questions are the same as last year, how much are you changing your answers?
Are you all interpreting the most meaningful clinical experience prompt as just expanding on your amcas clinical exp description or specifying a particular moment/example?
+1, wasn't sure if they want a specific moment or picking one clinical experience over the other
Has anyone had a change in status on the portal? My last LOR is still outstanding but wanted to know if they're starting to mark others complete or under review.
Has anyone had a change in status on the portal? My last LOR is still outstanding but wanted to know if they're starting to mark others complete or under review.
Yeah mines complete but it was completed as soon as I submitted secondary since my letters were already in
Has anyone had another school besides GW that doesn't include spaces or punctuation in their character counts? I was thrown off when I entered my responses in and they were shorter than expected.

I have not (at least from the 20+ secondaries I've received by now)
Question for reapplicants. Since all of the questions are the same as last year, how much are you changing your answers?
I have the same ideas and just added more reflection in my responses and new experiences that I took part in. I last applied in 2019-2020 however so I feel like I can reflect more than those you applied last year. Good luck!
Has anyone had a change in status on the portal? My last LOR is still outstanding but wanted to know if they're starting to mark others complete or under review.
Yes. I have been reviewed and placed on hold for re-review
Same it says on hold for re-review… is that good though or they just say that because they don’t do any rejections?
Based on the last couple years, that means you aren't going to be invited for an inteview in the next few weeks, but you're far from out of the running. It looks like a lot of people go accepted after being on hold, and a only a few get interviews right away. Its not a soft R
Based on the last couple years, that means you aren't going to be invited for an inteview in the next few weeks, but you're far from out of the running. It looks like a lot of people go accepted after being on hold, and a only a few get interviews right away. Its not a soft R
I agree with this based on looking at the past couple years too! Seems like people with close ties or super high stats MAY get some early IIs around this time but majority of people get placed on this and wait to get IIs. 🙂 Basically I just think that this school is nice and actually tells you if they have even glanced at your app yet!
Based on the last couple years, that means you aren't going to be invited for an inteview in the next few weeks, but you're far from out of the running. It looks like a lot of people go accepted after being on hold, and a only a few get interviews right away. Its not a soft R
Aah okay thank you! Damn I wonder what sorts of people they invite right away!!
I never seen a school want you to answer a secondary in two sentences lol what do you learn about us?
Welp needed a mental break and submitted This secondary late. How screwed am I ?