2021-2022 Northwestern (Feinberg)

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Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back after your interview? Seems like they're getting back very slow.
Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back after your interview? Seems like they're getting back very slow.
In my interview they said near the end of November people would hear about A or WL. If you are WL then it’s not until like end of cycle
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Can someone who interviewed and got the post-interview gift package tell me what is in it? Apparently my address was wrong on AMCAS so I haven't gotten it yet. Also side note: the admissions office just called me to tell me to update my address and I totally thought it was an A call 🙁
Can someone who interviewed and got the post-interview gift package tell me what is in it? Apparently my address was wrong on AMCAS so I haven't gotten it yet. Also side note: the admissions office just called me to tell me to update my address and I totally thought it was an A call 🙁
It's a physical packet with all of the information available in the applicant resources of the portal.
Hi! Does anyone know if it's too late to submit a letter of continued interest before initial decisions at the end of November?
Does anyone know if this school is receptive to pre-II update letters or letters of interest? Their application complete email said "Please do not submit any additional materials (including additional Letters of Recommendation) until after your FSM interview, unless you receive a request from the Office of MD Admissions to do so". However, on the portal there is an option to specifically upload Pre-II updates/LOIs.
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Does anyone know if this school is receptive to pre-II update letters or letters of interest? Their application complete email said "Please do not submit any additional materials (including additional Letters of Recommendation) until after your FSM interview, unless you receive a request from the Office of MD Admissions to do so". However, on the portal there is an option to specifically upload Pre-II updates/LOIs.
Weird... My application complete email said "Although you are welcome to submit updates and other communications to FSM via the Applicant Portal through the "Document Upload" tab, please only send additional Letters of Recommendation after you have been invited to interview."

I guess we got different complete emails then?
Weird... My application complete email said "Although you are welcome to submit updates and other communications to FSM via the Applicant Portal through the "Document Upload" tab, please only send additional Letters of Recommendation after you have been invited to interview."

I guess we got different complete emails then?
Ahh wait what, I wonder why. What day were you complete, if you don't mind me asking?
Also, for those who submitted pre-II letters, did you email admissions to let them know you uploaded to the portal? Sorry for any neuroticism lol
They said last week that it would for sure be after Thanksgiving, and probably on the very last day of November. I think it’s safe to assume we’ll hear back next Tuesday.
When did you interview?
When did you interview?
I interviewed in early October -- They gave an update about decision release at the town hall last week. Also, it sounded like the cutoff for November decisions is if you interviewed during the second to last week of October (10/18 - 10/22). I'm not sure, but they made it sound like if you interviewed in the last week of October your decision will be delayed by a week or so.
I interviewed in early October -- They gave an update about decision release at the town hall last week. Also, it sounded like the cutoff for November decisions is if you interviewed during the second to last week of October (10/18 - 10/22). I'm not sure, but they made it sound like if you interviewed in the last week of October your decision will be delayed by a week or so.
I interviewed at the end of October and they told us we were probably some of the last ones that would be a part of the end of November decisions so I think it's probably a start of November cutoff
I interviewed at the end of October and they told us we were probably some of the last ones that would be a part of the end of November decisions so I think it's probably a start of November cutoff
I really hope so!!! I interviewed end of October too and I interpreted Dean Kundu's words during the Town Hall as meaning we wouldn't hear back until March. Here's to hoping they stick with the November cutoff! At this rate I will spontaneously combust from stress before March
when you guys uploaded an update letter, do you see it in your portal? I thought I submitted one a while ago but I can't see it and now I'm not sure
I interviewed in early October -- They gave an update about decision release at the town hall last week. Also, it sounded like the cutoff for November decisions is if you interviewed during the second to last week of October (10/18 - 10/22). I'm not sure, but they made it sound like if you interviewed in the last week of October your decision will be delayed by a week or so.
Wait so is everyone guaranteed to get their decision at the end of November? For some reason, I had it in my head that only a couple acceptances go out in November and the majority are March (maybe the couple of acceptances comprises all of the early interviews?).
Wait so is everyone guaranteed to get their decision at the end of November? For some reason, I had it in my head that only a couple acceptances go out in November and the majority are March (maybe the couple of acceptances comprises all of the early interviews?).
from what i remember, everyone hears back, but only few will get an early acceptance. most will be told that we have a delayed/deferred decision until March. i interviewed in October tho so maybe it's different for later interviews.
How were y'alls interviews? Have mine coming up soon and am kinda nervous since this is def one of my top choices 😩
How were y'alls interviews? Have mine coming up soon and am kinda nervous since this is def one of my top choices 😩
One of the easier ones for sure for me. Everyone was super friendly and I actually liked having 3 different traditional interviews instead of just the normal 1 or 2, I felt like I got to talk in depth about something different for each one. I know it's easier said than done but just relax, you don't have much to worry about.

One of my interviewers also let me know that relative to most other schools they don't have many II's compared to class size so you actually have a really good chance of an A just by being invited!
One of the easier ones for sure for me. Everyone was super friendly and I actually liked having 3 different traditional interviews instead of just the normal 1 or 2, I felt like I got to talk in depth about something different for each one. I know it's easier said than done but just relax, you don't have much to worry about.

One of my interviewers also let me know that relative to most other schools they don't have many II's compared to class size so you actually have a really good chance of an A just by being invited!
Yeah I felt this interview was pretty laid back and my interviewers were super kind.