2022-2023 Michigan State

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Can anyone share how the student interview & MMI were for them? Any tips at all would be appreciated!
Pretty sure we agreed not to disclose parts of the interview, but I will say that I personally really enjoyed the MMI and actually found it pretty fun overall. My student interviewer was super nice too. Don't stress it

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Does anyone know if with the interview push back if they will still be adhering to the original decision notification dates?
IF I am lucky enough to get in...do not want to lose another $1000 on a deposit...
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Would I be shooting myself in the foot before my interview if I asked them if they are still adhering to the posted admission decision release dates that were posted, despite current events?
i wouldn’t ask, i’m still waiting for a decision as well, i think it’s more respectful to just wait it out
Would I be shooting myself in the foot before my interview if I asked them if they are still adhering to the posted admission decision release dates that were posted, despite current events?
Would I be shooting myself in the foot before my interview if I asked them if they are still adhering to the posted admission decision release dates that were posted, despite current events?
At the end of the interview, they mention when you can expect to hear back from them.
Would anyone be open to creating a chat for accepted students or is it best to wait for the university to create one. I'm not too sure how this works but any insight would be helpful 🙂
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How long for turn around after II? The MMIs were actually pretty fun!
Based on the decision notification dates for this cycle, it’s looks like it’s either 3/1 or 3/15. I did ask at my interview and the admissions staff said normally 4-6 weeks, but since we’re all the end of the cycle, it’s more likely that it will be sooner. Hopefully we hear back this week!!
Can anyonr share what exactly the post interview student panel is?
I just got done with it. It seemed like an informal opportunity to just ask questions to current med students about the program. Not too many applicants were there. I wonder if all interviewers got this invite? I also only saw 2 other applicants from my interview in the panel and we had 18 applicants in my interview.
I do not think there is a GroupMe for the class of 2027. I created one so feel free to join GroupMe
I interviewed in December and on December 14 I was referred to the ABLE program. I haven’t heard anything since. I have since gotten accepted to two different DO schools out of state. I prefer to stay in Michigan close to family but the ABLE program isn’t guaranteed….

I read some of the details online about the ABLE program and I saw this:

MSUCHM acceptance is offered to program completers who fulfill the following conditions: 1) an overall cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all classes of ≥ 3.2 during the post-baccalaureate year, 2) complete two first-year medical courses with a passing grade set for medical students, and 3) participate in required Educational Development seminars and academic support programming throughout the ABLE Program. (W. D. Lipscomb, personal communication, December 20, 2014).

Does anyone have any information about the acceptance rate to the ABLE program after getting referred, or at the very least when should I hear back from them?

Last question and sorry for the long post, should I email MSU CHM admissions email and inform them of my other acceptances and the MSU remains my top choice if I’m offered a chance?

Thank you very much in advance for any insight on this!
Hey, feel free to DM me. I also got referred to ABLE and talked to a couple current students at MSU CHM who were referred to ABLE and they were a great help!
After your conditional acceptance how long does it take to receive an email for CBC?
Anyone know if this school is rolling admissions? I interviewed and was curious if I interviewed for a waitlist spot ?
How long did it take for you guys to receive the formal acceptance? After finishing background check
Wow. I received the A call 2/28 and received the CBC call a coupledays after. Hopefully since we are at the end of the cycle it is processed faster.
I wouldn't hold your breath. Most of us have been waiting since Jan 10th.
Anyone have the most recent match list? I cant find it anywhere in the internet
Anybody know where we can find MSU's match list for previous years?
+1, hopefully we hear back by Wednesday since that’s the 15th 🤞🏿
Sorry, but I am a bit confused... do they make calls on special days (ie Tuesday / wed)? Is the 15th an important date? I thought the calls were made throughout the week
Sorry, but I am a bit confused... do they make calls on special days (ie Tuesday / wed)? Is the 15th an important date? I thought the calls were made throughout the week
on their website they said when the committee will be meeting, for march they had march 1st and the 15th. there’s been a trend on sdn where students who have been accepted have been called the day before those dates
on their website they said when the committee will be meeting, for march they had march 1st and the 15th. there’s been a trend on sdn where students who have been accepted have been called the day before those dates
Thank you! I noticed on the site that it lists March 15th as the last date. Historically speaking, were there committee meetings OR acceptance calls beyond that date?
Thank you! I noticed on the site that it lists March 15th as the last date. Historically speaking, were there committee meetings OR acceptance calls beyond that date?
np 😀 i’m not 100% sure but pretty sure there will be. someone on here said they received an II invite on Thursday so i’m sure there will be another committee meeting plus schools still have to accept off the waitlist throughout april may and june