2024-2025 UC Irvine

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2024-2025 UC Irvine Secondary Essay Prompts: (they use character count "without spaces")

1. What personal accomplishment are you most proud of and why? (1500 char)

2. Please describe to the Admissions Committee a challenge or disappointment you have overcome and what you learned about yourself from that experience? (1500 char)

3. (Optional) Do you identify as being part of a marginalized group socioeconomically or in terms of access to quality education or healthcare? If so, please describe how this inequity has impacted you and your community. (1500 char)

Good luck to all applying!
Interview Feedback:

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Does using a committee packet matter much for UCI? They prefer individual letters. But if your committee packet includes your individual letters, does it matter?
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Visited the UCI school of medicine today. Loved the campus. Very spacious, green, and safe for walking and biking. No major traffic either. Target and Dunkin’ Donuts nearby too.
Are you visiting all the UCs?
1. What personal accomplishment are you most proud of and why? (1500 char)
2. Please describe to the Admissions Committee a challenge or disappointment you have overcome and what you learned about yourself from that experience? (1500 char)
3. (Optional) Do you identify as being part of a marginalized group socioeconomically or in terms of access to quality education or healthcare? If so, please describe how this inequity has impacted you and your community. (1500 char)

There is also a section to list the activities most important to you (Similar to UCSD). However, there is no space for writing anything about it. Just the name of the activity, hours per week, and the dates.


@kaczyisspazzy @Basalganglia4life
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🙁 no IS secondary for me I really hope this means I'm not cooked this early on
why does this school make me do my primary app all over again? 😕
Same reason in police interrogation, they make you repeat yourself over and over again: to induce mental fatigue so when they interview you, you're more likely to slip up and they can catch any lies on your application.

That was a joke, for the record.
If you have a committee packet, the system may not recognize your recommendation letter requirement as complete. Be sure to check and send a message through the portal to have them correct it.

Edit: Wait, does UCI usually have a delay between when you submit your secondary and when your letters are considered complete?
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why does this school make me do my primary app all over again? 😕
UCI adcoms after they read your primary:
UCI adcoms.png
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Is your letter of recommendation designated as complete? I think UCI has a delay in when that part becomes complete, but I can't recall.
Is your letter of recommendation designated as complete? I think UCI has a delay in when that part becomes complete, but I can't recall.
Their "application complete" email confirms they received my letters.
primary app verified the 5/29 and I didn't receive a secondary. should i be concerned?
primary app verified the 5/29 and I didn't receive a secondary. should i be concerned?
Give it a week. But you should know UCI is one of, if not the school, that screens most heavily for secondaries. Only about half of their applicants get a secondary. If you got the email saying they received your primary and are reviewing it for a secondary application, it could they didn't consider it good enough to give a secondary right away (based on your verified date), but will consider it again down the road. I didn't get that email, I just got a secondary.

I'm beginning to think how quickly UCI gives you a secondary can be a good indicator to how strong your primary application is.

I could be wrong for both.

Keep in mind it's one indicator, doesn't mean you won't get in somewhere if you don't get a secondary right away.

This is pure conjecture so don't rip my head off if I'm wrong.
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Anyone else IS and still waiting? Verified 6/21

same here! Same verification date. Hopefully doesn’t mean anything lol
Did you get the email saying they received your primary?
No, I haven’t received it. So I’m not sure what to think about it lol
Then they probably haven't looked at yours yet. I think if they look at yours, it's either you get a secondary or that email. They probably don't do it chronologically. You're just a file in the pile to them and all medical schools.
Received Secondary this morning at 2 am PST. Seems like they really do go one at a time.
View attachment 389305
I obviously should have checked this pre-req before seeing it on the secondary portal but this is kinda a scary amount of biology topics to not accept.

geez, my major was in the bio dept and one of our pre reps is called intro to bio: ecology and evolution. can’t even use one of our introductory biology courses. might need to take a course at a CC (if i get an interview somehow)
+1 OOS just received secondary at 4AM today! My app was verified 6/14
View attachment 389305
I obviously should have checked this pre-req before seeing it on the secondary portal but this is kinda a scary amount of biology topics to not accept.
I must have misread this and listed an intro bio course called "organismal and evolutionary biology" as one of the pre reqs 🙁 I've already graduated with a major in biology so I have plenty other courses that would fulfill it. Should I reach out to them about this?
I must have misread this and listed an intro bio course called "organismal and evolutionary biology" as one of the pre reqs 🙁 I've already graduated with a major in biology so I have plenty other courses that would fulfill it. Should I reach out to them about this?
In the secondary portal on the prerequisite page, it says, "If invited for an interview, you will be notified of any prerequisites that are missing or need further explanation prior to the interview date." Not surprising that they get this mistake a lot so it means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
In the secondary portal on the prerequisite page, it says, "If invited for an interview, you will be notified of any prerequisites that are missing or need further explanation prior to the interview date." Not surprising that they get this mistake a lot so it means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
It’s nothing apart from it being a requirement to matriculate…
It’s nothing apart from it being a requirement to matriculate…
Did you not read the part where you can correct it if they invite you for an interview? This happens every year so they're not exactly oblivious to it. So it'll have 0 impact on your application.
Did you not read the part where you can correct it if they invite you for an interview? This happens every year so they're not exactly oblivious to it. So it'll have 0 impact on your application.
Maybe my mistake, but your comment appears like you were saying not having the required prerequisites means “nothing in the grand scheme of things.” Prerequisites are requirements for matriculation

If you are referring to imputing (edit should be inputting*) your prerequisites wrong in the secondary then I guess it isn’t game over, but it is a exercise in following directions and being detail oriented is an important quality in a doctor. So I wouldn’t say “0 impact”…
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Maybe my mistake, but your comment appears like you were saying not having the required prerequisites means “nothing in the grand scheme of things.” Prerequisites are requirements for matriculation

If you are referring to imputing your prerequisites wrong in the secondary then I guess it isn’t game over, but it is a exercise in following directions and being detail oriented is an important quality in a doctor. So I wouldn’t say “0 impact”…

Considering applicants have dozens of secondaries, it's not that surprising they rush and overlook a minor thing or two. If they have an applicant they want to interview, inputting the wrong prerequisite won't even faze adcoms because they have what adcoms want. So in the grand scheme of things, I doubt it has any impact.

Considering applicants have dozens of secondaries, it's not that surprising they rush and overlook a minor thing or two. If they have an applicant they want to interview, inputting the wrong prerequisite won't even faze adcoms because they have what adcoms want. So in the grand scheme of things, I doubt it has any impact.
I don’t know bud misspelling something on sdn and inputting the wrong prerequisite on a secondary are two different things.

Maybe it won’t have an impact, but again being detailed oriented is important. To confidently say making a mistake in your secondary will have “0 impact” out of nothing but vibes is foolhardy.
I don’t know bud misspelling something on sdn and inputting the wrong prerequisite on a secondary are two different things.

Maybe it won’t have an impact, but again being detailed oriented is important. To confidently say making a mistake in your secondary will have “0 impact” out of nothing but vibes is foolhardy.
Semantics. Does "minimal" work better for you?

I am trying to say this in the nicest way possible, you don't realize the irony of preaching about being detail orientated yet you misread the first post you replied to, do you? The fatigue of applying catches up to people, including you.
Semantics. Does "minimal" work better for you?

I am trying to say this in the nicest way possible, you don't realize the irony of preaching about being detail orientated yet you misread the first post you replied to, do you? The fatigue of applying catches up to people, including you.
Irony sure. But I guess we are ignoring the difference between a post on sdn written on a tiny keyboard and a medical school secondary.

What it am saying is that you have just as much of idea what uci takes seriously as the rest of us. But making a mistake on a secondary is objectively worse than not making a mistake. Certainly we can agree on that?
Irony sure. But I guess we are ignoring the difference between a post on sdn written on a tiny keyboard and a medical school secondary.

What it am saying is that you have just as much of idea what uci takes seriously as the rest of us. But making a mistake on a secondary is objectively worse than not making a mistake. Certainly we can agree on that?
Depends on the mistake. Inputting an incorrect prerequisite is negligible. Copy and pasting the wrong essay response would have a noticeable impact. After all, if they said they give you the chance to correct the prerequisite if invited for an interview, I'm going to stick with 0 impact because that's really nothing to showcase your qualities or story, especially since I'm betting a good chunk of applicants probably do that every year.