2008-2009 Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) Secondary Application Thread

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Haha I love this. I received an interview for the waitlist at MCW, and MCW states "they usually don't pull from the waitlist".

Haha. I thought the same thing when I first read it, but on review, it actually says, "We do rely on our waitlist to fill our class". :p

Hey, at least they are honest. I withdrew. Here's hoping one of you SDNers get this invite. Good luck.

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My interview is on 1/9, and my email specifically says "interview for a place int the entering class of 2009" not interview for a spot on the waitlist. Also, I called the school and asked about moving the date, and they said that I shouldn't because there are open spots to interview for now, and they could not guarantee I would get a date soon enough to compete for a spot.

Edit: Also, I should clarify my earlier statement. I would stay on the waitlist as long as I felt the interview had enough of an impression on me. I said I would consider withdrawing, not that I definitely would.

My apologies
Wow, looks like the interviews for the waitlist are about a month earlier than last year. Last year, Febuary interviews were still for "the few remaining spots in the class and for the waitlist".
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Wow, looks like the interviews for the waitlist are about a month earlier than last year. Last year, Febuary interviews were still for "the few remaining spots in the class and for the waitlist".

alot of applicants this year
They r still in august small poolers???!!!...when i called in december, thats what he said....man....they should start september....:(

They are definately making stuff up because I just looked my stuff and I wasnt complete until september 25th-ish....and yup i was small pooled on oct 13th...and i interview tommorow. Anyways, goodluck people!
They are definately making stuff up because I just looked my stuff and I wasnt complete until september 25th-ish....and yup i was small pooled on oct 13th...and i interview tommorow. Anyways, goodluck people!

I'm pretty sure they group applicants into three or more pools: reject, competitive, and very competitive. If you yourself came from the very competitive pile, then that is probably the reason why you were interviewed before others.
Does anyone know if they are waitlisting in general or if they are waitlisting for instate or out of state separately? I know they have a certain percent of the incoming class be instate and I wasn't sure if they had already reached that mark.
Does anyone know if they are waitlisting in general or if they are waitlisting for instate or out of state separately? I know they have a certain percent of the incoming class be instate and I wasn't sure if they had already reached that mark.

MCW is not obligated to take any in state students since they are a private institution. On average, they take quite a few in state students, and in my experience, they seem to be quite accommodating to in state people. I would guess that if you call in they can give you a pretty good feel for the state of things.
Who is interviewing on the 23rd? Can I expect to see any of you at the social the night before??
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i will be withdrawing my application, hopefully the spot will go to someone here, although it is for a WL spot =/
Does anybody happen to know when the dean will implement his plans of horizontal and vertical integration of the basic and clinical sciences? I heard he might start that type of curriculum in time for the incoming class?
Or, I'd like to find out more if anyone knows when the international programs/tracks emphasizing global health might be initiated. I heard this dean is quite innovative and has a lot of changes he wants to make...I was just wondering WHEN those changes would be made.
Does anybody happen to know when the dean will implement his plans of horizontal and vertical integration of the basic and clinical sciences? I heard he might start that type of curriculum in time for the incoming class?
Or, I'd like to find out more if anyone knows when the international programs/tracks emphasizing global health might be initiated. I heard this dean is quite innovative and has a lot of changes he wants to make...I was just wondering WHEN those changes would be made.

From what I've heard, it'll start with this year's incoming class.

Can't totally confirm it, but that's what I've heard from people.
Does anybody happen to know when the dean will implement his plans of horizontal and vertical integration of the basic and clinical sciences? I heard he might start that type of curriculum in time for the incoming class?
Or, I'd like to find out more if anyone knows when the international programs/tracks emphasizing global health might be initiated. I heard this dean is quite innovative and has a lot of changes he wants to make...I was just wondering WHEN those changes would be made.

What exactly is this horizontal and vertical intergration you speak of?
http://www.mcw.edu/display/docid1760.htm Is that what you're talking about? Because it seems like they are already implementing it.........

Also, for the international programs/tracks is there any place to get more info it?
What exactly is this horizontal and vertical intergration you speak of?
http://www.mcw.edu/display/docid1760.htm Is that what you're talking about? Because it seems like they are already implementing it.........

Also, for the international programs/tracks is there any place to get more info it?

why yes, that is what I'm referring to when I mentioned the integrations.
I had to ask though, because when I questioned current students how their curriculum was set up--it didn't match what I knew about horizontal integration of basic sciences. However, they do have something similar currently being employed with the medical students right now that feels a lot like clinical integration with the basic sciences...I just think the dean's purpose is to improve upon what is already being used for that aspect of the integrations.

I didn't find out about the global health tracks until my interview when I started asking questions. I had already known about international rotations from asking other students and faculty members, but from what I heard, it seems the dean has a big interest in global health and wants to push some programs sometime soon.
Pre-interview hold on 9/15. Interview invite yesterday for waitlist spot. Dates available were Feb 6th and 20th.

I declined the interview invitation (it was hard to do though!). I hope one of you gets the spot!
when were u complete monkeygirl09?
Has anyone gotten an email this morning about an acceptance decision from last Friday's interviews?
Has anyone gotten an email this morning about an acceptance decision from last Friday's interviews?
Wow, you're already expecting to hear back?!
I thought that all decisions were scheduled to be mailed out today through the US Postal Service. So, even if you do live right next door, the earliest a letter can make it to your residence would be the next day (Saturday).
I imagine that for people who live outside of the region (ie, California) might expect to receive their decision by Wednesday of next week.
Wow, you're already expecting to hear back?!
I thought that all decisions were scheduled to be mailed out today through the US Postal Service. So, even if you do live right next door, the earliest a letter can make it to your residence would be the next day (Saturday).
I imagine that for people who live outside of the region (ie, California) might expect to receive their decision by Wednesday of next week.

I was reading some of the old posts on this thread and everyone who was accepted said they received an email like at 9 or 10 am from Mr. Istwan on the Friday the week after the interview. I believe they send email and postal mail decisions.
I was reading some of the old posts on this thread and everyone who was accepted said they received an email like at 9 or 10 am from Mr. Istwan on the Friday the week after the interview. I believe they send email and postal mail decisions.
oh okay, thanks for the heads up--I wasn't aware of that. I will try to keep my positive attitude today even if I don't receive any ominous emails from MCW...I'll just expect to get something in the postal mail so that anything in addition to that will simply be a pleasant surprise.
Istwan said that responses would not be emailed, despite what people had been saying on SDN
Istwan said that responses would not be emailed, despite what people had been saying on SDN

Oh okay. Thanks I guess I forgot that part. I do remember he was trying to get everyone to make sure their address was the right one but I didn't recall him saying no emails would be sent. That's a relief. I've be watching futurama and checking my email compulsively for the last 4 hours ><.. oh well time to get to class...
I received an email a month ago, so eventhough they're saying that they don't send emails, most of us received them.
I received an email a month ago, so eventhough they're saying that they don't send emails, most of us received them.

I received an email acceptance, but that was for only people who interviewed nov 21st. B/c of thanksgiving the adcom wasn't meeting at their regularly scheduled time. We had to actually wait longer between our interview and decision notification then other people. MCW was kind enough to notify us the day they mailed their acceptances. Pretty sure this was a one time case and that everyone else was going to be notified by mail. GL to all and maybe see you guys in fall!
I interviewed in December and Mr. Istwan said that he might be sending out emails the morning that they send out the decision letters. He said that they were toying with the idea. Someone I talked to asked him after about this email and it sounded like he said that you would only get an email if it was good news. Sure enough, a week later I received an email on Friday morning that said that I was accepted.
I interviewed in December and Mr. Istwan said that he might be sending out emails the morning that they send out the decision letters. He said that they were toying with the idea. Someone I talked to asked him after about this email and it sounded like he said that you would only get an email if it was good news. Sure enough, a week later I received an email on Friday morning that said that I was accepted.
well it doesnt look like anyone ran naked through the MCW thread screaming of an acceptance email today--which leads me to believe that they didnt email the applicants....i hope.
for you guys who have already interviewed..is there a student hosting program? if so do you know if it would be possible to crash with a student for two nights?

flights home from milwaukee are $400 if i leave the night of the interview, but $78 if i leave early the next morning...
for you guys who have already interviewed..is there a student hosting program? if so do you know if it would be possible to crash with a student for two nights?

flights home from milwaukee are $400 if i leave the night of the interview, but $78 if i leave early the next morning...

They do have a student host program, but as for multiple nights, I would talk to the person in admissions that sets you up with the host night, or talk to the student you're staying with.
or you could just get a hotel room for that second night.
thats what i did.

but then i had to get a hotel room for ANOTHER night because my flight out the next day got cancelled due to weather :thumbdown:
A hotel is a good idea. I had someone stay for 2 nights my m1 year on a weekend where I had plans for months in advance. I felt bad for her cu she was going to sleep in the airport. It was an all around bad situation, and I didn't host after her. She was weird. Anyway.

They don't assign you to your host until the social event thing, so you don't know if a person's gonna be free or not. Hotels aren't too expensive in milwaukee, and if it's right around an exam week, it'd be a bad time to spend 2 days.

That's just my perspective though, as a former host. It takes a lot of time for those of us who keep a cluttered apartment to make it look organized. ;)
Received my acceptance letter today! :soexcited:

(Oh, and btw...I didn't receive an email yesterday morning. It was purely through snail mail)
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Received my acceptance letter today! :soexcited:

(Oh, and btw...I didn't receive an email yesterday morning. It was purely through snail mail)

Congrats, and thanks for that edit...I was totally going to ask you that. (Hopefully I'll be finding out Tuesday then...stupid government holidays!)
Congrats tbucky!

I guess this means that there are still open seats for people who interviewed that day.
Did anyone else get the feeling that MCW was a doctor factory? But, I guess all schools are in the end. lol.
Did anyone else get the feeling that MCW was a doctor factory? But, I guess all schools are in the end. lol.
I specifically asked that same question to my interviewer (albeit not with those exact words) and he was able to alleviate the concerns I had.
I think most med schools are like that though...but for some reason I just felt inclined to ask during the MCW interview.
I apologize for being naive but what exactly is a "doctor factory"?
I apologize for being naive but what exactly is a "doctor factory"?
I'll take a stab at this...
I suppose it can be akin to an assembly line where the end product is a doctor.
You simply grab the initial materials which consist mostly of hopeful premeds with dreams of making a medical impact in the world...then you grind them through the gauntlet that which is the American medical curriculum and watch the motivation and aspirations drain out of them.
In the end, the final result is a carbon copied physician who has lost all sense of personal identity (which has been replaced by a encyclopedic amount of information and defensive medical strategies).
I was referring to the mass amount of applicants they interview at once, and then rotate interviewers. That, and I don't know if I had the standard interview, but neither the student or physician read my file. Thus, they did not know one thing about me, it just felt very impersonal in the end. The director seems like a nice guy, however, I have heard that he likes to play admission games so I'm not sure I'm sold on him.
I was referring to the mass amount of applicants they interview at once, and then rotate interviewers. That, and I don't know if I had the standard interview, but neither the student or physician read my file. Thus, they did not know one thing about me, it just felt very impersonal in the end. The director seems like a nice guy, however, I have heard that he likes to play admission games so I'm not sure I'm sold on him.

Oh I see where you're coming from now. I must admit it was quite a change from some of the other interviews I've been on; even more apparent when my next interview had a total of FOUR people scheduled for that day!
I don't hold it against them though, I think they are just trying to be as efficient as possible. The only sacrifice that comes from this efficiency might be a lack of a intimacy between the interviewee and all that is MCW. I felt comfortable during my time there (despite the weather!) and I tried to take advantage of all the opportunities offered (student host, thursday night social, lunch with students/faculty, student tour-guides, questions to ask the interviewer, etc...) so that I could get a good feel of what it would be like to be a student at MCW.
I was referring to the mass amount of applicants they interview at once, and then rotate interviewers. That, and I don't know if I had the standard interview, but neither the student or physician read my file. Thus, they did not know one thing about me, it just felt very impersonal in the end.

What's a standard interview other than going in and getting asked questions and having the opportunity to ask questions. Btw... we're supposed to read the files. I showed up early to read all the peoples' files before I interviewed them.
Slick, i'm sorry your experience was like that...I don't believe its reflective of the general interview experiences others had though. With that being said, I would try to resist mentally stigmatizing the entire program based on your one experience...however difficult that might be.
MCW was really high on my list since I live right by it. I grew up in the Milwaukee area, but after my interview, I have decided to go away for four years to DMU. I do want to practice in the Milwaukee area since I do view it as my home, but I just didn't like the interview experience. First, why is an out of stater interviewing canidates at MCW? They, just went there because it was a school that let them in. Then, he doesn't read my file and has an ego. Thats alright, I can pass on MCW's opportunity.
MCW was really high on my list since I live right by it. I grew up in the Milwaukee area, but after my interview, I have decided to go away for four years to DMU. I do want to practice in the Milwaukee area since I do view it as my home, but I just didn't like the interview experience. First, why is an out of stater interviewing canidates at MCW? They, just went there because it was a school that let them in. Then, he doesn't read my file and has an ego. Thats alright, I can pass on MCW's opportunity.

Um, wow. Just wow. I turned down my state school in Hawaii to go to MCW.
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