2008-2009 Tulane Secondary Application Thread

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I'm sure this is posted throughout the thread, but what is the average wait time between being complete and getting an interview invite? I've been verified as complete as of last Friday (yes, I know, it's still early), but I'm anxiously awaiting something more. I know they're planning to interview through February, so I'm just wondering how long I can expect to wait.

Also, how much time is there between interview invite and the interview? I'm just wondering as far as buying a flight down there goes, since ticket prices tend to go up the closer you are to the date.

AHHHHHH!!!! I REALLY hope they give me an interview...this is definitely my ONLY choice. =)

Well, if you were finally complete as of last Friday, you're definitely not early. I've been complete since 8/24 and still waiting... But good luck to you, and hopefully you'll hear something soon, if this is your only choice.

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I posted this is the class thread too, but trying to get as many opinions as possible...

I'm trying to decide between schools right now... does anyone know about NOLA? I'm hesitant to go because of the city. All I've heard is that it's "really fun." I come from Chicago and didn't see a "downtown-like area" in NOLA. Where do students live? What's outside of the French Quarter? Do you think it feels like a real city?
I posted this is the class thread too, but trying to get as many opinions as possible...

I'm trying to decide between schools right now... does anyone know about NOLA? I'm hesitant to go because of the city. All I've heard is that it's "really fun." I come from Chicago and didn't see a "downtown-like area" in NOLA. Where do students live? What's outside of the French Quarter? Do you think it feels like a real city?

I don't know what you consider a "real city", but New Orleans is hands-down my favorite city in the world. It does have a CBD with tall buildings, etc that makes up the more traditional "downtown area." Adjacent to that is the French Quarter, and then you have Uptown further West, which is the pretty, residential area where the Tulane undergrad is. I think I remember from my interview that a lot of students live in the Deming Pavilion attached to the med school, or they live Uptown.
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Hey.. i go to undergrad in New Orleans so if you have any specific questions about Nola I can definitely try to answer them...
Agreed with some of the other posters. My first trip to NOLA was in November to check out Tulane (I'm applying through a different process and needed to check out the school before I made my final decision). I loved it SO much that I returned for New Year's this year. Also made an appearance at the Sugar Bowl (and am glad that Utah won!).

I absolutely fell in love with NOLA my first time there and am excited to hopefully go back again for an interview, and maybe one more visit. It's by far the most amazing city I've ever been to. The culture is great, the people are amazing, and there are so many opportunities for everything. On the plus side, you don't have some of the major hassles associated with big city life, which in my opinion is pretty nice. There are so many cool neighborhoods other than the French Quarter...ask anyone from New Orleans and they'll probably tell you they hardly spend any time in that part of town.

Anyways...I'm in love with NOLA and Tulane and I'm hoping for an interview invite soon! The anxiety is just killing me!!! =)
just received an interview invite... I assume I am just interviewing for a waitlist spot at this point?
I was accepted back in November as well and haven't got anything about a CBC either...?
just received an interview invite... I assume I am just interviewing for a waitlist spot at this point?

congrats. you could call and ask. does anyone know when they accept people. i only the other hand, haven't received anything. i'm beginning to think they lost my application
This is looking pretty grim....no news at all and I've been complete for a while. I would really love to at least get an interview here...to all still waiting, good luck and I'm right there waiting in agony with you :annoyed:

on a lighter note, to those that have been interviewed and accepted, CONGRATS!:thumbup:
This is looking pretty grim....no news at all and I've been complete for a while. I would really love to at least get an interview here...to all still waiting, good luck and I'm right there waiting in agony with you :annoyed:

on a lighter note, to those that have been interviewed and accepted, CONGRATS!:thumbup:

i called today ... and i am rejected, but i have not received any email/mail. good luck to those still waiting
bluesmd, which option did you select when you called (i.e., who did you talk to)? Also, did you get an interview?
no interview. just press 0 when you call the number
Well, I called today just to check on my application (since it would suck to find out something was missing after the deadline had passed). My application is considered "complete and under review". I guess that's a good sign, as I haven't been rejected. I just don't want to find out about an interview 2 weeks before as flights in February are going to be expensive due to Mardi Gras. Then again, it'd be a great birthday/Mardi Gras trip... =)
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i called today ... and i am rejected, but i have not received any email/mail. good luck to those still waiting

i too called today, and was "non-accepted" haha. no rejection email either! though they said they sent me one... :rolleyes:
Well, I called today just to check on my application (since it would suck to find out something was missing after the deadline had passed). My application is considered "complete and under review". I guess that's a good sign, as I haven't been rejected. I just don't want to find out about an interview 2 weeks before as flights in February are going to be expensive due to Mardi Gras. Then again, it'd be a great birthday/Mardi Gras trip... =)

you could at least have an mdapps made for us to stalk you. :rolleyes:

haha, when were you complete and what are your stats IF you don't mind saying?

I was going to call right after bluesmd posted earlier, but then I realized it was 15 min past 2:00 CT, errr. 2 days wait haha
congrats. you could call and ask. does anyone know when they accept people. i only the other hand, haven't received anything. i'm beginning to think they lost my application

I suppose I could call and ask... not sure if that is the best thing to do though. Has anyone else received an invite lately?
Well, I called today just to check on my application (since it would suck to find out something was missing after the deadline had passed). My application is considered "complete and under review". I guess that's a good sign, as I haven't been rejected. I just don't want to find out about an interview 2 weeks before as flights in February are going to be expensive due to Mardi Gras. Then again, it'd be a great birthday/Mardi Gras trip... =)

Yeah I also called yesterday and got the same reply "your application is complete and under review."

Anyone know how long applications remain "under review?" days? weeks?? months??!!
Yeah I also called yesterday and got the same reply "your application is complete and under review."

Anyone know how long applications remain "under review?" days? weeks?? months??!!

I've been under review since early November....and i'm kinda late compared to a lot of people that post on this site
For you still sitting in the under review category consider a letter of interest. I sent one earlier in the cycle and received an interview invite about one week later. Just something to consider
early november? hmm. guess its gonna be a while then. mine wasn't even complete till november! guess there's no real way of knowing.
For you still sitting in the under review category consider a letter of interest. I sent one earlier in the cycle and received an interview invite about one week later. Just something to consider

I've never written a LOI before, what exactly should you put in one? and do you email or snail mail?
For you still sitting in the under review category consider a letter of interest. I sent one earlier in the cycle and received an interview invite about one week later. Just something to consider

i've actually started writing one. did you send/email it to anyone in particular?
I wrote mine to Dr. Barbara Beckman. You will see her name thrown around in other parts of this thread, she is a really nice lady. I personally snail mailed it, but I know people who e-mailed it as well and that was fine.

As for the letter, I just talked about things I like about the school. For instance, I talked about how having a life outside of med school is important at Tulane. I also discussed the amount of volunteer opportunities in New Orleans and the awesome standard patient program that Tulane has. They also have early patient contact and focus their eduction around clinical skills, so I highlighted those areas as well. They are a P/F school for the first two years, so I talked about how this type of environment fosters cooperation etc.

I think if you hit some of those points, and explain why you would be a good fit their it may help. In total mine was about a 1/2 a page.
thanks so much for the info..that helps a ton!
you could at least have an mdapps made for us to stalk you. :rolleyes:

haha, when were you complete and what are your stats IF you don't mind saying?

I was going to call right after bluesmd posted earlier, but then I realized it was 15 min past 2:00 CT, errr. 2 days wait haha

As much as I would love to give you the opportunity to learn a little more about me (I myself am an avid stats checker when it comes to applicants), I'm trying to maintain some degree of anonymity at the moment, especially given that my circumstances are a little different than most. Sorry!

Still waiting on that interview invite...good luck to everyone else in the same boat!
interview invite on Jan 13 for early feb...complete back in september. don't lose hope...invites are still going out.
what number are you guys calling? idlike to check on mine as well..
what number are you guys calling? idlike to check on mine as well..

504-988-5187 and then press 0 (even though its not offered in the menu, I found that little trick on sdn).

I just called today. I've been complete since mid-sept. and still no news. I guess its better than a rejection.
Does anybody know how much of a scholarship Tulane may be willing to give out? I have an acceptance to my state school but since I started applying I have considered Tulane to be one of my top choices. I recently got an interview invite but I am trying to decide if I want to go to the interview. It really depends on the finances, 70K is a whole lot and I was wondering if anybody would be willing to disclose how much their need based scholarships are for.

Thank You to whoever is willing to post on this.
504-988-5187 and then press 0 (even though its not offered in the menu, I found that little trick on sdn).

I just called today. I've been complete since mid-sept. and still no news. I guess its better than a rejection.

er, I tried calling all morning. it always says they're on the other line and to leave a msg with your #. you know they aren't going to call you back, so you have to keep calling. then I had to go to work so I forgot. looks like I have to wait another half week!
if you send an email to [email protected] they'll get back to you- in about a week. i tried leaving a message once (obviously with no luck) but did get through on a different morning..
does tulane have any special programs that it is noted for, or are there any particular areas/specialties it is especially strong in? I'm just trying to figure out what makes this place unique.
does tulane have any special programs that it is noted for, or are there any particular areas/specialties it is especially strong in? I'm just trying to figure out what makes this place unique.

If you are at all interested in public health they allow you to do a dual degree MD/MPH in four years (instead of the usual 5 years), which is a program unique to Tulane. They also have a top ranked tropical medicine program.
If you are at all interested in public health they allow you to do a dual degree MD/MPH in four years (instead of the usual 5 years), which is a program unique to Tulane. They also have a top ranked tropical medicine program.

haha "non-accept" here!
As noted above, they have an awesome public health program that can be done in 4 years. But in addition to that, the place is just amazing. There are so many opportunities and the school and students just really seem to care about each other and medicine. I have never been as excited about a school as I am about Tulane, and I am really hoping to attend there this fall because I absolutely LOVE it and can't see myself anywhere else...

Yes, I will be that person on this thread who tries to convince everyone of how great Tulane is, even though I have yet to be interviewed/accepted because I am THAT excited about the school! =)

does tulane have any special programs that it is noted for, or are there any particular areas/specialties it is especially strong in? I'm just trying to figure out what makes this place unique.
yeah- every day i get my hopes up that i'll hear something, and every day my inbox is empty! going a little nuts! i wonder if they enjoy torturing us like this?!
First I'd like to wish everyone luck. Second I just want to say that if Tulane is your number 1 choice and you don't get in this round contact admissions as to why you didn't get in. They'll look over your application. In my case they told me to reapply early decision, which I did, and I managed to get in even though last round I wasn't even offered an interview.

There is hope, so if you really want in keep working at it.
How long after your interviews did you wait to call? I interviewed on the 16th, and already the nerves are driving me crazy!
I believe the adcoms meet every Tuesday, so they should have the results by then.
How long after your interviews did you wait to call? I interviewed on the 16th, and already the nerves are driving me crazy!

I heard about 2 and a half weeks later, though it was around christmas time so I think they made their decisions a little quicker. I think around 3-4 weeks pretty standard. I may be wrong though so if someone else wants to chime in please feel free to.

Good luck:thumbup:
I heard about 2 and a half weeks later, though it was around christmas time so I think they made their decisions a little quicker. I think around 3-4 weeks pretty standard. I may be wrong though so if someone else wants to chime in please feel free to.

Good luck:thumbup:

I interviewed in early October, but didn't get notified of acceptance until early January. I guess that the timing can vary, so don't stress out if you don't hear back right away.


Got the interview invite today!!!! Will be back in NOLA in a couple of weeks, and I'm SO ecstatic! Tulane is by far my number one choice and I'm glad I'll have the opportunity to interview.

SO...good luck to everyone else out there! =)

Got the interview invite today!!!! Will be back in NOLA in a couple of weeks, and I'm SO ecstatic! Tulane is by far my number one choice and I'm glad I'll have the opportunity to interview.

SO...good luck to everyone else out there! =)
congrats! what are your completion dates/stats? thanks!
congrats! what are your completion dates/stats? thanks!

Thanks! =)

I was complete late December. And I'd rather not disclose my stats just yet to maintain some degree of anonymity...sorry!
I just got an interview invite today. I was a little surprised because my stats aren't as high as others (27Q, 3.0). But, I'm retaking the MCAT on Friday, so maybe that will help.

I've heard people mention how expensive Tulane is ~$70K/year. I was a bit shocked by this because my MSAR says tuition is $38K. So, I checked the financial aid page and it says 2008-09 tuition is $47K + room and board and expenses. It's only money, right?
I have been in the 'acceptance range' since November. Has anyone received an acceptance after getting put in the 'acceptance range' yet?
well if you notice... the cost of attendance has gone up by ~10k in the past few years. I would assume the MSAR data might be out of date.
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