2010-2011 University of Tennessee Application Thread

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I have one e-mail in my junk folder and that was it. What are the odds ha

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The fact that some people had the email end up in their spam filter probably means that it was a mass email, so I'm guessing the email means absolutely nothing in regard to waitlist/acceptance/rejection. I just want some love from UT.
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How do you know what position on the waitlist you're in? Do they rank us or is it a guessing game?

Based on last year's thread, it looks like people could call Nelson Strother and he would let you know about where you were on the waitlist (top third, top fourth, top half, etc.). Not sure what the policy will be like this year, though.
Based on last year's thread, it looks like people could call Nelson Strother and he would let you know about where you were on the waitlist (top third, top fourth, top half, etc.). Not sure what the policy will be like this year, though.

Who's the brave soul volunteering to call first (next week)? (Not it!)
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Who's the brave soul volunteering to call first (next week)? (Not it!)

I'm tempted to call now. :) If it is correct that all of us who got the your-letter-will-be-mailed-Friday email are really getting waitlist/reject "letters" instead of acceptance "packets", then maybe we can find out our relative ranks without waiting for the letters. I kind of doubt it. I did email Mr. Strother yesterday, though, to ask if it was reading too much into that email (and past anecdotal evidence) to assume it means no outright acceptance. He hasn't responded yet.

I'm new to this board, by the way. I interviewed last week (3/29).
I'm tempted to call now. :) If it is correct that all of us who got the your-letter-will-be-mailed-Friday email are really getting waitlist/reject "letters" instead of acceptance "packets", then maybe we can find out our relative ranks without waiting for the letters. I kind of doubt it. I did email Mr. Strother yesterday, though, to ask if it was reading too much into that email (and past anecdotal evidence) to assume it means no outright acceptance. He hasn't responded yet.

I'm new to this board, by the way. I interviewed last week (3/29).

It's up to you. The suspense is killing me and I interviewed last month... some people on this thread have been waiting for months for their "no decision" to change... hopefully a few more days won't kill any of us. I want to call too and I know the call won't affect my position on the list, but out of respect for Mr. Strother and the adcom I will wait until I have the letter in my hand. Best wishes for everyone!
I completely agree with GL. Let's wait for our letters before we start making calls. Does everyone think that a batch of acceptances will go out with the waitlist letters?
I wasn't all that serious, folks, about calling Mr. Strother even now.

I don't think it's quite fair to suggest that those who have had "no decision" letters for months have suffered any more than those of us who spent months not knowing if we'd even get interviews. All of us have had to endure and, hopefully, grow in our patience. I agree a few more days isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Best wishes to all of you!
I wasn't all that serious, folks, about calling Mr. Strother even now.

I don't think it's quite fair to suggest that those who have had "no decision" letters for months have suffered any more than those of us who spent months not knowing if we'd even get interviews. All of us have had to endure and, hopefully, grow in our patience. I agree a few more days isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Best wishes to all of you!

You're right paroikoi, it isn't right to suggest some have suffered more than others during this long and tedious application process so I apologize if my statement came across as if that's what I meant.

Does everyone think that a batch of acceptances will go out with the waitlist letters?

Judging from previous years' threads, I wouldn't hold my breath. Then again, hope should be the last thing we lose.
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You're right paroikoi, it isn't right to suggest some have suffered more than others during this long and tedious application process so I apologize if my statement came across as if that's what I meant.

Apology accepted. Thanks.

Then, hope should be the last thing we lose.

After our minds? :)
I'm probably going to call the minute I have my letter in hand. If I'm in anything less than the top 1/4th, I'm going to assume that I will be rejected, and start focusing on next year's app. As much as I will hate to find out, being rejected will be a relief in a way, because this waiting is excruciating.
I haven't received an email from Diane about a final decision. I hope it's not a rejection :( FWIW, I interviewed 3/16 and 3/21.
After our minds? :)

Lol. I lost my mind a looong time ago! ...Don't tell the adcom! It's a secret between you, me and everybody else reading this public forum... d'oh!
Do not call Nelson until you have your letter, he will not tell you anything until then. Aslo, Nelson is not allowed to tell you much anyway. I have noticed in years past that the higher on the wait list you are the more specific he can be. Even after the new class was in session he still was unable to tell me my specific number on the list. Anyway, they usually get through the top 50-60 on the list lately. So to say top 1/4 is relative. If the list is only 100 people then you will not have any worries being in the top 1/2. I hope this year the list is much smaller and I am high on it.:xf:
Was there any particular reason why the waitlist was so large last year? I mean I understand they want to ensure that they don't exhaust it but 240 seems a little excessive for a school that traditionally takes 50-60 off. I'm just terrified of an ambiguous waitlist position that causes me to cling to false hope when I should be working on improving my app for next year.
Was there any particular reason why the waitlist was so large last year? I mean I understand they want to ensure that they don't exhaust it but 240 seems a little excessive for a school that traditionally takes 50-60 off. I'm just terrified of an ambiguous waitlist position that causes me to cling to false hope when I should be working on improving my app for next year.
Well, I was talking to one of the board members the other day and they said that some of them just dont want to say no to some students so they wait list them. Also, if you did not get in, you should work on yor application. What I mean by not getting in is...if you did not get an acceptance without being wait listed you need to work on your application. Do not wait on UT.
New to the board, interviewed back in October, accepted in October, final decision was last week to attend!

Looks like I'll be joining the rest of you guys in August!
Today's mail arrived here in south-central TN, about 200 miles from Memphis. No letter or packet from UTHSC, as expected. In case anyone lives a similar distance from UT...
New to the board, interviewed back in October, accepted in October, final decision was last week to attend!

Looks like I'll be joining the rest of you guys in August!
I dont understand your post. Were you accepted in october or last week? Or were you accepted in october and decided to attend last week? If so, why did you decide to attend? Also, most of us still posting in this room have not been accepted...yet.
New to the board, interviewed back in October, accepted in October, final decision was last week to attend!

Looks like I'll be joining the rest of you guys in August!

Congratulations tehzimmy! Like Vital mentioned, most of the people still reading this forum are most likely on the alternate list waiting for someone to defer or decide to go somewhere else. So you may want to instead check out this Facebook group for accepted UT students:
Although if my guess is correct, you already joined it.
Hi Chillywilly,
Congrats! Would you mind sharing some ways that you improved your application? I am on 3 waitlists and got the "no decision" from UT in January but I liked UT best of the schools I interviewed at, so I'm trying to figure out my game plan for reapplying and how to improve first....
Thanks for your help!

Hey everyone,

I interviewed last Wednesday (3/9/2011) and just got my acceptance letter today (3/15/2011).

I really want everyone on this board to read this: Never lose sight of your dreams. Not only was I a re-applicant to Tennessee, but I didnt even get an interview last year. Not only did I receive an interview, I didnt even get a SECONDARY from Tennessee last year. However, I focused on improving every part of my application and worked my tail off this past year.

If you work hard enough, I guarantee it will work out for you. I was in a pretty rough place this time last year, but I am living proof that if you work hard enough you will eventually get in. Even if you have been rejected, please don't lose focus. Take it from me, if you work hard enough, it WILL work out for you.

I wish everybody waiting on letters, on the waitlist, or any of you aspiring to be a physician the best of luck. Keep your head up. If you want it bad enough, it always works out.
I dont understand your post. Were you accepted in october or last week? Or were you accepted in october and decided to attend last week? If so, why did you decide to attend? Also, most of us still posting in this room have not been accepted...yet.

I got into Quillen and the decision between the two was easy for me because I would rather live some place more urban. I interviewed with, but did not get accepted to UNC Chapel hill, and I got waitlisted at New York Medical College. I doubt NYMC is going to come through, but it's really for the best because it would cost nearly double to go to NYMC, so UTHSC is a terrific option from that standpoint.

Plus, looking at the residency match list, UTHSC seems to have a pretty good track record of getting people into good match locations/programs :)

I joined the facebook group, but I'm still here to answer any questions in regards to the application process.

To answer your question, I interviewed and was accepted in October, but I finalized my decision to attend UTHSC just last week (i.e. withdrew elsewhere).
Has anyone received a financial aid award letter? If not, does anyone know when these should be sent out?
Has anyone received a financial aid award letter? If not, does anyone know when these should be sent out?

I spoke with financial aid last week, they told me that mid april is their convening deadline to determine the financial estimates... after that, they get together and determine what aid estimates people need so they can get loans and whatnot together. They said expect something within the next month.
Here's how you know you're becoming obsessive: My fiance said that I was stalking the mail man. Every time I saw a mail truck on my road I would go outside and see if he was coming to deliver the mail to my house. Finally he came, only to deliver disappointment (no letter today).
I got my letter yesterday, but I'm waiting till you guys get yours to open it.
No letter today either... FYI: I'm within 200 miles of UT.
Today's mail came for me (~200 miles from UT). Still no letter.

Sure. First off, if you got waitlisted at 3 places, then you are almost there. I didnt even get waitlisted at one place after the first time I applied, so you should be proud of your accomplishment.

I focused on improving everything. I called Nelson Strother and basically asked what I needed to do to improve, and he said my biggest issue was my undergrad science GPA. However, just to make sure, I started volunteering at a local hospital, performed cancer research, and also stayed involved in community service. Nelson suggested that I take classes at nearby Belmont, Lipscomb or even MTSU in order to bring up my science GPA. I instead elected to apply a one-year masters program for Pharmacology (one of my interests), and finally chose to attend Georgetown University here in DC. I stayed in constant contact with Nelson throughout the year in order to let him know how bad I wanted it. I studied my tail off for everything to show that I could do med school work.

So my advice to you would be to call Nelson and ask what you need to improve, and whatever he says, just blow it out of the water. Put all your effort into improving and it will work out for you.
I am in the pharmacology program here at UT, and I know some people were wondering about it. Just to let everyone know: as of today, 11 out of 12 of us were waitlisted this year, with varying positions on the waitlist (the last person's letter is going to east TN).
There are 246 applicants on the alternate list...
Good luck!!!
Just got my waitlist letter and called Nelson.....I'm on the bottom half of the list. Good luck to everyone else.
Waitlisted. Not like I didn't expect it, but it's still disappointing because there are 246 people on the waitlist this year.
Middle 1/3; definitely a rejection. My letter said to try and gain as much clinical and hands on experience as possible. I'm obviously thinking CNA, EMT, and shadowing. However application season isn't too far away and I'm a little tied up until after my finals/graduation. Does anyone have any other good ideas that could help me improve in this area in a limited timeframe?
Got my letter too. Waitlisted. Top 50. God be thanked! Best wishes, everyone! I hope lots of us get in.
I'm in middle third as well. Oh well better luck next year. If I have go to through this waitlist process again next year I'm going to explode. Good luck to the rest of you.
Middle 1/3; definitely a rejection. My letter said to try and gain as much clinical and hands on experience as possible. I'm obviously thinking CNA, EMT, and shadowing. However application season isn't too far away and I'm a little tied up until after my finals/graduation. Does anyone have any other good ideas that could help me improve in this area in a limited timeframe?

You don't really have time to become an EMT and probably not a CNA before the next app season...am I wrong? My only idea is to find the sort of clinical volunteering that can lead to hands-on experiences, like volunteering to help provide care at free clinics in urban areas...but sometimes you can also find doctors to shadow who let you do hands-on things.

My letter is probably [edit: definitely haha, just got home] waiting at my house. I'll call tomorrow I suppose. *shrug* Sorry about the bad news, everyone. Tentative congratulations to paroikoi : )
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