2020-2021 George Washington

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For the clinical experience are people going towards a specific story or just their most important clinical activity in general?
I'm just talking about an activity. I personally can't point to a single anecdote from my clinical experience that made me want to pursue medicine, plus I feel like that would take me into a grey area HIPAA-wise? Maybe that's just me being paranoid!

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I'm just talking about an activity. I personally can't point to a single anecdote from my clinical experience that made me want to pursue medicine, plus I feel like that would take me into a grey area HIPAA-wise? Maybe that's just me being paranoid!
I wrote about a specific patient and how the interaction added value to the clinical experience as a whole. Omit PHI or use "Fake Names". The fake name helps as a character saver, too. Use names like "Xi", "Ed", "Jo", etc.
For the question about meaningful clinical experience, what should we do if one of our most meaningful activities on w&a was clinical volunteering? Should I just choose another experience so its not repetitive?
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For the question about meaningful clinical experience, what should we do if one of our most meaningful activities on w&a was clinical volunteering? Should I just choose another experience so its not repetitive?
I chose the same, because it's clearly the most meaningful. I only had room for 2 sentences on the secondary, so it isn't really redundant with the anecdotes included in my primary.
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For the gap year question, are they asking for us to describe only full-time activities, or are they asking us about what we will generally be doing? The wording is slightly tricky.
For the gap year question, are they asking for us to describe only full-time activities, or are they asking us about what we will generally be doing? The wording is slightly tricky.
I think its asking us to list and describe whatever activities will add up to 30-40 hr per week. (e.g., work 20 hours per week, volunteer 10)
I think its asking us to list and describe whatever activities will add up to 30-40 hr per week. (e.g., work 20 hours per week, volunteer 10)
You think they want us to provide anticipated number of hours, too?
You think they want us to provide anticipated number of hours, too?
I'm not sure, I think you could be fine providing them or not, for example if you say you're doing x job full time then hours can be assumed.. I'd just do whatever provides sufficient info/fits with your essay. If you mean anticipated total hours over the next year, then probably not.
So the first prompt is only meant for people who are taking a gap year? I was going to use it as an opportunity to include activities that I wasn't able to add in my primary app, but if it's only for gap years I'll leave it out (I'm hoping on matriculating right after graduating).
My status in the portal switched from Complete to Under Review and I'm SWEATING. This is my top choice
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Application has been reviewed and is on hold. RIP.
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My application has also been reviewed and is on Hold :/
Complete 7/13
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For the first prompt, are people providing an answer as a list or in paragraph form?
If some people are being put on hold does that mean some will receive II's soon?
If some people are being put on hold does that mean some will receive II's soon?
Last cycle, it looked like II's went out on 7/15, and people were first submitting 6/28. If that holds true, maybe II's next Monday (not tomorrow)? Or maybe they will begin sooner since this cycle is so abnormal.
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Is anyone not seeing an option to save at the bottom of the secondary? I am really confused by this.
my status changed this morning to on-hold for a re-review
I wonder what the status is for people that weren’t put on hold
I was complete 7/13 and my status still says your file is now complete (I haven’t seen it say under review)
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Has anyone who was complete on 7/13 not been put on hold? My status hasn't changed and I was complete 7/13.
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Has anyone who was complete on 7/13 not been put on hold? My status hasn't changed and I was complete 7/13.
From past years threads, it seems most people that got II's went straight from review to the II with no hold. Since they're looking at 7/14 applications, that's probably a good sign for you!
Complete on the 18th, if they are reviewing in order of completion date then i guess i still have a few days before my status might change?
For the most meaningful essay, do you think it is alright to talk about a different experience not mentioned in AMCAS primary? I talked about those a lot in my PS so I want to share something different.
Has anyone's status that was completed 7/15 change to being under review?
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I might be missing something, but where do they say which date they are looking at? I checked facebook and twitter but don't see anything.
They don't post it anywhere as far as I know - you just check your portal and see whether or not you've moved from "complete" to "under review" to "on hold" and then infer what your status means compared to other people who were complete the same day.
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For the first prompt, are people providing an answer as a list or in paragraph form?
I'm putting mine as a list, not sure if that's what they want but it looks cleaner to me than a paragraph.
Another question about this prompt: I lost my job cause of COVID so now I just have a part time job as a nanny. Should I include my job search hours and other activities I've been doing so that everything adds up to 30-40 hours?
I'm putting mine as a list, not sure if that's what they want but it looks cleaner to me than a paragraph.
Another question about this prompt: I lost my job cause of COVID so now I just have a part time job as a nanny. Should I include my job search hours and other activities I've been doing so that everything adds up to 30-40 hours?
Yeah! I'm 100% sure they are going to be understanding right now. If they interview you, they will ask you what you are doing then as well.
On hold as well. Is it possible to get an II from the on hold status? Would I need to send a letter of interest or update before I am considered again? Oof I'm a reapp and GW is my top choice!
On hold as well. Is it possible to get an II from the on hold status? Would I need to send a letter of interest or update before I am considered again? Oof I'm a reapp and GW is my top choice!
when were you complete? trying to see how far along they are on reviewing apps
Completed 7/15 and still at Complete, ready for review
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Are they basically putting everyone on hold this month haha..
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Does your status change from complete to “under review” or does it just stay at complete until a hold happens? I’ve been complete since 7/15 but I haven’t seen a change either way.
Complete 07/13 and placed on hold, this is what my status looks like on the portal


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