2020-2021 Jefferson (Kimmel)

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Does anyone know from past forums if people on the WL get a rejection letter or is it just a silent rejection, thus keeping you waiting on a decision until the first day of classes?
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does anyone know if you need to formally click plan to enroll if you only got in to one place?
Do you guys think Jefferson might not have as much movement as other schools or is it likely still to come?
Interested in the same question. I was expecting more movement but that doesn't seem to be happening (and I compared to last year's movement, it seems to happen immediately after 4/30).
Seems that way at a few schools. Probably the unpredictable nature of this cycle. I’m wondering if some schools are electing to wait a couple weeks to start pulling off WLs.

Yeah, I don't think no WL movement in the first 3 days = no waitlist movement at all. Each school has their own process to figure out how many people are not enrolling, and then to determine who to admit off the waitlist. I would give it another week or two before making a judgment about waitlist activity at any school.
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They usually pull around 60 people off the waitlist.. I find it hard to believe that especially in this year, and with how big the class is, that there hasn't been more movement. They are probably figuring things out internally. I wouldn't panic just yet but it is definitely odd.
i posted this in the waitlist forum yesterday but i’ll drop in here as well:

hi everyone

i’m being my neurotic self and have been combing through the 2019-2020 SDN forum. some notes:
- basically last year there were no reports on the forum of A off the WL in the first 3 weeks after april 30.
- someone called dr. callahan and she said that the WL movement had not happened yet bc of their later CTE deadline/covid
- email copy and pasted from the forum from Dr. C: “Even though applicants were supposed to give up all but one accept on April 30, they did not have to commit to enroll with us, so we are still sitting on a lot of accepts, not knowing whether they are going to come or not. As a result, we have not yet gone to our waitlist and it is unclear when we will.”

just to make anyone who’s legit going crazy feel a little bit better? idk if this is good or bad news honestly. but hopefully there’s still hope 🙂

edit: skmc CTE deadline this year is june 25, 2021
Can anyone who got accepted off the waitlist here say how long they gave you to decide?
Hey guys, you probably know me from my previous comments. I just want to tell you your boi just got accepted from the waitlist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH, I cannot believe it!!! Dr Callahan was really nice and I accepted immediately (I still need to find out how to do it on AMCAS and SKMC portal lol). Does another international student know what is the process I need to do to get a Visa??? Welp guys, we did it! The WL is moving so keep your hopes up!
Hey guys, you probably know me from my previous comments. I just want to tell you your boi just got accepted from the waitlist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH, I cannot believe it!!! Dr Callahan was really nice and I accepted immediately (I still need to find out how to do it on AMCAS and SKMC portal lol). Does another international student know what is the process I need to do to get a Visa??? Welp guys, we did it! The WL is moving so keep your hopes up!
Did you just get accepted now?
Hey guys, you probably know me from my previous comments. I just want to tell you your boi just got accepted from the waitlist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH, I cannot believe it!!! Dr Callahan was really nice and I accepted immediately (I still need to find out how to do it on AMCAS and SKMC portal lol). Does another international student know what is the process I need to do to get a Visa??? Welp guys, we did it! The WL is moving so keep your hopes up!
Congratulations! That’s great and thanks for posting, keeps the hope alive. I wish you all the best!
Hey guys, you probably know me from my previous comments. I just want to tell you your boi just got accepted from the waitlist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH, I cannot believe it!!! Dr Callahan was really nice and I accepted immediately (I still need to find out how to do it on AMCAS and SKMC portal lol). Does another international student know what is the process I need to do to get a Visa??? Welp guys, we did it! The WL is moving so keep your hopes up!
When did you interview if you don't mind me asking?
For anyone that was accepted: when you got the call, did you get a call from an "Unknown Caller" number or did a philly number pop up? Thx!
Do y'all think Dean Callahan would answer an email asking about relative chances for people on HPWL? I know generally med schools won't tell you anything but Jefferson seems a bit more transparent
Do y'all think Dean Callahan would answer an email asking about relative chances for people on HPWL? I know generally med schools won't tell you anything but Jefferson seems a bit more transparent
It looks like people from last year's thread were able to get in contact with her and she told them they hadn't really had much movement on the HPWL at that moment, so could definitely be worth a shot.
It looks like people from last year's thread were able to get in contact with her and she told them they hadn't really had much movement on the HPWL at that moment, so could definitely be worth a shot.
I emailed and Dr. Callahan told me that many of the accepted applicants seem to be taking the CTE of 6/25 to put off making a final decision, so they aren’t able to admit anyone at this point in time. Hoping for movement after 6/25!!
I emailed and Dr. Callahan told me that many of the accepted applicants seem to be taking the CTE of 6/25 to put off making a final decision, so they aren’t able to admit anyone at this point in time. Hoping for movement after 6/25!!
so no WL movement for over a month? That's tough..
I emailed and Dr. Callahan told me that many of the accepted applicants seem to be taking the CTE of 6/25 to put off making a final decision, so they aren’t able to admit anyone at this point in time. Hoping for movement after 6/25!!
Sorry if this is dumb but how does this work? Like are people holding multiple A's after they were supposed to drop all but 1? Or are they just so far seeing a very high yield of people they accepted PTE-ing there, but not CTE-ing yet?

Because the former seems a lot more hopeful than the latter for those of us on the WL.