2020-2021 Jefferson (Kimmel)

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FYI. The student interviewer informed during my interview on 3/24 the last and final admission committee meeting is on 4/14 . They are not meeting on 3/31 and 4/7 .
Sorry - Quick question - did they specify that no meetings would be held in the interim or only that the final admission decisions would be made April 14th? Confused 🙂 thanks!!
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FYI. The student interviewer informed during my interview on 3/24 the last and final admission committee meeting is on 4/14 . They are not meeting on 3/31 and 4/7 .
Wondering why/how @poptarts5921 reported a HPWL on 3/31 then. Do they release HPWL/WL positions before?
Just got that R as well. Good luck to everyone still in the running.
Can anyone who has heard back share about what time of day Dean Callahan usually calls on Wednesdays?
FYI. The student interviewer informed during my interview on 3/24 the last and final admission committee meeting is on 4/14 . They are not meeting on 3/31 and 4/7 .
If the last meeting is on 4/14, how is that they usually make WL movement decisions anywhere from late-April to mid-June?
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A few questions for any current students maybe @mdapplicant2024 since you’ve been so helpful on this thread in the past
1) how does the class size affect things socially? Do you feel like it’s easy enough to make friends or do you feel like cliques form quickly?
2) are exams more lecture based or boards based? How necessary is it to actually go to lecture if you want to do well in terms of class rank?
3) what is your least favorite thing about Jeff? I feel like every student I talk to LOVES it which is clearly great, but I would like to hear some downsides too

would love anyone’s opinion on these thanks so much in advance!
Bumping these questions thank you!
I sent a letter of intent to Dr Callahan and when I checked the portal it said it was uploaded as a letter of interest? Should I email admissions to make sure they didn’t confuse it? Cause I specifically said in the email “letter of intent” and in the letter as well.
Also is it common to not receive a reply?
I sent a letter of intent to Dr Callahan and when I checked the portal it said it was uploaded as a letter of interest? Should I email admissions to make sure they didn’t confuse it? Cause I specifically said in the email “letter of intent” and in the letter as well.
Also is it common to not receive a reply?
I sent one too and it was also uploaded as a letter of interest. I think that is just how they categorize them. Did you email Dr. Callahan directly? I know if you email the admissions email there is just the autoreply
Does anyone know what percentage is accepted off the waitlist, in particular the high priority waitlist? I tried to look on MSAR but realized my subscription just expired😕

Also is HPWL the post II decisions that most waitlisted applicants receive or does it hold some weight?
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Does anyone know how clerkship grading works here? In particular, what if any limit is placed on the % of students who can earn Honors in a clerkship?
does anyone know if they've already awarded the full-tuition scholarship for URM?
Does Jefferson do merit aid? If so, does anyone know when to expect to hear back about it/if they've already awarded all those scholarships?
People who are going to the second look day, did they send you any information on the number of acceptances they gave out this year?
I'm on the waitlist but am really concerned since i have a commit to enroll date for another school on June 1. Does anyone have advice on what to tell admissions? I'm afraid asking them to hurry a bit will just cause them to send me an R
I'm on the waitlist but am really concerned since i have a commit to enroll date for another school on June 1. Does anyone have advice on what to tell admissions? I'm afraid asking them to hurry a bit will just cause them to send me an R
You have time. Just wait it out until the middle of May for WL-decisions to get rolling. If you do not hear anything until then, I'd recommend calling them and explaining your situation.
You have time. Just wait it out until the middle of May for WL-decisions to get rolling. If you do not hear anything until then, I'd recommend calling them and explaining your situation.
Horrible advice. Let admissions know NOW Jeff is your #1 and explain your situation because our school lovesssss interest. They will never hold it against you to show interest and there’s no such thing as rejecting you because you have a deadline. That’s absurd
Horrible advice. Let admissions know NOW Jeff is your #1 and explain your situation because our school lovesssss interest. They will never hold it against you to show interest and there’s no such thing as rejecting you because you have a deadline. That’s absurd
Thanks for the information!