Worst case their class is "Full"- Lets break it down. The commit to enroll date is still months away so a good amounts of these people accept will commit somewhere else. Lets recall that UCR only accepts In state students and these Instate students usually rank UCR as their last choice. Many will choose UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI UCSF over UCR for sure so that leaves more room for us. Plus even considering private schools like USC, Kaiser, Stanford etc, people will school choose those over UCR so theres still room for people. BIG PATTERN - Because these interviews are on zoom, people aren't rejecting their interviews like in the past. So even if that UCSF accepted student has no interest in UCR, they will still show up to the interview regardless and take up "acceptance space" which they will later let go for other schools. Theres hope for lots of people.