2022-2023 UC Irvine

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Pre-II R this morning. Secondary submitted 8/14.

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I was going to submit an update/letter of interest but realized it only allows 500 characters and no attachments?! so that's like 4-5 sentences haha
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Are they not going with phone calls this year? That's what it seems like so far, very interesting.
If you want to contact me make a thread on sdn ✌️
The real answer is I've been tutoring all day on zoom so my devices are on DND but I glance at SDN while they're solving problems
That’s a lot of words to say that ur scared of getting the smoke on darts
Just got the A interviewed 9/26, i know the email said we will be notified of your application status to LEAD-ABC/PRIME-LC at another time, but does anyone know when that will be?
If anyone who was accepted wants to make an unofficial discord to get to know each other DM me it would great to meet some of you.
Congrats to all accepted applicants so far!!!! Just an FYI - UCI provides a Facebook page for accepted applicants in the Spring as well as a UCI Discord so that type of info will all be shared in the coming months. I am a current student so feel free to DM me any questions you may have.
Hi, quick Q for anyone still waiting to hear back about IIs. On the status tab, all of my boxes are marked complete but my "Interview Status", "Interview Date", and "Admission Status" are all blank. I have seen some people mention that their boxes are marked as "under review". I just wanted to see if my dashboard looks different or if I'm just overanalyzing?
Hi, quick Q for anyone still waiting to hear back about IIs. On the status tab, all of my boxes are marked complete but my "Interview Status", "Interview Date", and "Admission Status" are all blank. I have seen some people mention that their boxes are marked as "under review". I just wanted to see if my dashboard looks different or if I'm just overanalyzing?
Same for me.