2019-2020 Emory

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You can't really send a letter of interest with an update to Emory right? (I am on the alternate list) It's just that little box that says "Update my application"?

No you can't. They say that the essay you wrote before counts as your letter of interest

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Any idea how many spots Emory over-enrolls? In other words how many have to drop their acceptances before they start pulling from the waitlist? I’ve been watching the Facebook page numbers, and they’ve been dropping quite a bit!
For those of you who are curious/crazy like me: 237 —> 216 in the past few days. It may have been higher before not sure. Also not sure how many are accepted students and how many are current students there to answer questions or sell furniture lol. So take it with a grain of salt haha. Just thought I’d drop this nugget here bc I know a lot of people are refreshing sdn after traffic day.
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For those of you who are curious/crazy like me: 237 —> 216 in the past few days. It may have been higher before not sure. Also not sure how many are accepted students and how many are current students there to answer questions or sell furniture lol. So take it with a grain of salt haha. Just thought I’d drop this nugget here bc I know a lot of people are refreshing sdn after traffic day.

I think the most recent US News reports show that Emory accepted 311 people last year.

Edit: couldn’t get the link to work, but it’s on a post-acceptance rate google sheet made from the oh so helpful [mention]TheDataKing [/mention]
for people who are attending emory this fall, are you guys looking for housing/signing leases etc? will you move down there even if classes go remote? debating if i want to sign a lease, i'd rather stay up in Boston w/ my family if classes are remote!
I emailed them and they said that the class is still current full. Because they overstack the incoming class with accepted students its probably going to be a while before anyone gets off the waitlist. I'm thinking like late May to June
I emailed them and they said that the class is still current full. Because they overstack the incoming class with accepted students its probably going to be a while before anyone gets off the waitlist. I'm thinking like late May to June

Thanks for sharing that with us! Was that this week?
Do any of you all know if EMORY will be starting online or will it be virtual?
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Hi everyone! Just following up, are we assuming that the class is full? There's been some movement in the fb group adding members lately. I'm not sure if anyone from SDN has heard back from Emory recently?
Hi everyone! Just following up, are we assuming that the class is full? There's been some movement in the fb group adding members lately. I'm not sure if anyone from SDN has heard back from Emory recently?
The class is full rn; the only movement happening (if there is any at all) is from people dropping because of other WLs moving
Accepted off the waitlist a couple of weeks ago- still feels surreal as this was my absolute top choice Wanted to update y’all bc I know I’ve been refreshing this thread since November for updates

Congratulations! Did you get a phone call or email?
Hi I have 2 rooms available for rent in a house in East Atlanta. Emory shuttle comes right by the house. Quiet neighborhood. Private bathroom. Fully furnished. Spacious kitchen and living room. Fenced in backyard. $800 per month. Utilities included. DM if interested.
Does anyone know if Emory wants us to update them if our mailing address changes?
Any one else's portal down? Like when you click status
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Do you have the link to the portal? My undergraduate email address expired a couple weeks ago and I just realized I don't have access to my inbox anymore
Do you have the link to the portal? My undergraduate email address expired a couple weeks ago and I just realized I don't have access to my inbox anymore

So @mattyb68 yes I can login but when I click status I get a 500 error. Thanks for the reponse
514, 125 cars with acceptance here, and many other top schools, this past cycle! Also international student if that counts. Goodluck!