2024-2025 Washington University in St. Louis

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When do we hear back after interviews?

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When do we hear back after interviews?
They mentioned the first day was like mid December? I have it written down but I don’t have the date on me rn. Then there is a date each month after that when they will release decisions
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Does anyone know if attending the Dean's Greeting was mandatory? I unfortunately could not attend due to an emergency.
[mention]data_gen_machine [/mention] Congrats! When were you complete? Good luck with your interview!
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do we think sending a post-II update is helpful here or is it better to use it after decisions in Dec to try and get off WL is that happens?

they don't R post-II in Dec or whatevre, right? You gt considered for the waves after I assume?
I just logged on and saw there are no interview dates. Has anyone been able to register today, or did they fill up already?
I'm probably missing it because I'm blind but does anyone know where to find the interview day schedule? I've got my interview times sent to me but other than that and the Dean's Welcome I'm not seeing anything? Is that normal?
According to MSAR, it seems that WashU interviews more than 1/4 of their applicants? Is this still true/does anyone who has attended an interview know if they are still interviewing this percentage of applicants?
According to MSAR, it seems that WashU interviews more than 1/4 of their applicants? Is this still true/does anyone who has attended an interview know if they are still interviewing this percentage of applicants?
This has been the case for many years, so I imagine it is still the case this year!

WashU is famous for interviewing nearly everyone with a high MCAT score. It’s also why they have a low post-interview acceptance rate.
I didn’t know that, that’s great!

Last year it was their largest wave too!
They have a huge II wave in December! Don’t worry 🙂 we're in this together

any other schools that have huge waves in Dec? ill check rn on the site but just in case I miss one that you know since you seem knowledgeable
Cornell tends to have some large waves in December!

Harvard had a large January wave last year!

do people actually get in off those waves though? maybe I'm wrong but I feel that late the person is prob interviewing for a WL spot unless they have the greatest interview of all time.

it's ok if you don't have the answer i'm just throwing my thoughts out there
do people actually get in off those waves though? maybe I'm wrong but I feel that late the person is prob interviewing for a WL spot unless they have the greatest interview of all time.

it's ok if you don't have the answer i'm just throwing my thoughts out there
Can’t speak on WashU but Harvard and Cornell are both non-rolling. Based on how Mayo works (another non-rolling school), they score your application and acceptances are made to the top x% of scorers, regardless of when you interviewed!
Can’t speak on WashU but Harvard and Cornell are both non-rolling. Based on how Mayo works (another non-rolling school), they score your application and acceptances are made to the top x% of scorers, regardless of when you interviewed!

gotcha thanks
✋✋✋, how much did yall type for the written response
I don't remember the number of words but I had like 3-4 paragraphs or so. I did spend some time kind of reordering things so it made more sense though. I know whoever sees my videos is going to laugh though. Pro tip for people who haven't done the Kira yet: drink your water earlier in your "think time" and not 10 seconds before you need to record your response
I don't remember the number of words but I had like 3-4 paragraphs or so. I did spend some time kind of reordering things so it made more sense though. I know whoever sees my videos is going to laugh though. Pro tip for people who haven't done the Kira yet: drink your water earlier in your "think time" and not 10 seconds before you need to record your response
lol these asynchronous MMIs are not my strong suit, but thanks for the good info!
I attended the Dean's Greeting on 10/22 for MD interviewees, the decision dates on the slideshow were 12/23, 1/20, 2/17, and 3/20.

I’m interviewing on 12/18. Does anyone know if I’ll be considered for the 12/23 acceptance round or just the later ones?
Has anyone received the WashU Interview Experience Survey email after your interview? Does it mean they have finished reviewing your application after the interview, or is it just a routine step? Thank you.
Has anyone received the WashU Interview Experience Survey email after your interview? Does it mean they have finished reviewing your application after the interview, or is it just a routine step? Thank you.
just a routine step
Hey guys! Any recent interviewees know the anticipated dates of acceptances? I saw different dates posted on here before mine in mid-november and was waiting to see what would be written during my session but no exact dates were given and it just said december.
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