2019-2020 UCLA (Geffen)

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If I haven't heard by now, is it safe to assume the R?
There are still many people who haven’t heard back (probably more than 100 people in reality cuz there are 20-30 people on SDN). Anything can happen at this point (A/WL/R) to be honest.

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Accepted people, how many of you threw away your lunch bag?
:hello:i did! disposed of Jan 15 accepted Feb 3
but i cheated and threw it away in my recyclables so that i could take it out if i ever got in lol
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hi! I'm a 9/23 interviewee, and I'm still waiting for a decision. I thought I'd finally stop lurking, create an account, and join the cute little community in this thread. thanks everyone for sharing all your feelings, and in the process, validating my own. and thanks to all of you who are rallying for those still in silence and for reminding us that hope remains. oh, and congrats to all the peeps who were accepted! anyway, just wanted to say hi and thanks!
hi! I'm a 9/23 interviewee, and I'm still waiting for a decision. I thought I'd finally stop lurking, create an account, and join the cute little community in this thread. thanks everyone for sharing all your feelings, and in the process, validating my own. and thanks to all of you who are rallying for those still in silence and for reminding us that hope remains. oh, and congrats to all the peeps who were accepted! anyway, just wanted to say hi and thanks!

Since you're popping in so late, you're behind schedule on the wild speculation post everyone is required to add. So feel free to just throw a few darts at the wall and take a guess what the adcoms are discussing this week. Personally, my bet is on them running each application through google translate 15 times then going based on what translation makes any sense at all.
Hi friends,

We just sent out the email for the Class of 2024 Facebook Group invite to the currently accepted students

Allow me to save you the trouble from people bombing your inbox, knowing how neurotic this thread can get. I assume and correct me if I am wrong.

1. You can not disclose how many students have been accepted, now that you have the accepted students list
2. You can not disclose the names of students who have been accepted.
3. You can not provide updates whenever that accepted list is updated by the admission office

no thanks needed.
Allow me to save you the trouble from people bombing your inbox, knowing how neurotic this thread can get. I assume and correct me if I am wrong.

1. You can not disclose how many students have been accepted, now that you have the accepted students list
2. You can not disclose the names of students who have been accepted.
3. You can not provide updates whenever that accepted list is updated by the admission office

no thanks needed.

Thank you.
Unfortunately... You are correct. 😕

Although I want to keep the process as transparent as possible, I am in no place to disclose this information 🙁
Allow me to save you the trouble from people bombing your inbox, knowing how neurotic this thread can get. I assume and correct me if I am wrong.

1. You can not disclose how many students have been accepted, now that you have the accepted students list
2. You can not disclose the names of students who have been accepted.
3. You can not provide updates whenever that accepted list is updated by the admission office

no thanks needed.
Is anyone else still waiting for their travel reimbursement? :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

gonna be an MS2 by the time the check hits

Me! I haven’t received my travel reimbursement yet, but I haven’t been accepted either, lol. At this point, I really couldn’t care less about the money (they can keep it, though it’d be helpful to get it) - I just want to get in!!
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So I’m thinking of writing a letter of intent in the near future:

“Dear admissions team,
I’m very grateful for the ‘near-the-top‘ waitlist business, & I want to take the time to thank you. Also, I have an update that I believe truly proves my commitment (even while unconscious and incapacitated) to Ucla.

This past Friday, I had my 3 total wisdom teeth pulled (see, I’m diverse because I only had 3 as opposed to 4...so I’m confident this provides me the adaptability to cope with my own lopsided bone structure).

Anyways, as I was coming out of anesthesia, I decided to do so with vigor (similar to how I will conduct ALL my time at Ucla). With alligator sized tears, I began to very loudly bawl and point to the Ucla insignia on my tshirt.

“MOMMY I WANT TO GO HERE!” I yelled with bloody gauze in my mouth.

Loopy and confused, distressed and nauseous, I was still 110% sure of my passion for DGSOM. Only time would quench my tears, and my mumbled explanation to the nurse was probably uninterpretable.

Again, UCLA adCom, I ask that you see this as a testimony to my tenacity and endurance. Even under the influence of anesthesia, opioids, and Advil, my commitment does not waver.

True story.

Burt Macklin”
Anyone with an R receive a travel award?

I was offered the award but just emailed them saying I don’t need it and it should go to someone who traveled further than driving 30 min lol.

Edit: not that wording hahahha
Got my R at 1030 oompph what a heartbreak. It appears this is a Monday morning massacre. Anyone that gets WL or A's please share, it would be interesting to see if getting any information this late in the cycle is an indication of all rejections.

I am already expecting my rejection from UCSD since 3 out of the 4 schools I've interviewed at have handed me 2 Rs and 1 WL.
Same as a pre-II R

Thank you for your interest in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. We appreciate the time you have taken to prepare and present your candidacy through the application process. Your application to the 2020 entering class has been carefully reviewed by the Admissions Committee. The large number of highly qualified applications received made the selection process a difficult one. It is with regret that I must inform you that we will not be taking further action on your application.

You may reapply to the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in the new year (one reapplication per applicant is permitted). Furthermore, you are invited to review and consider the many diverse health sciences degree programs offered at UCLA.

We greatly appreciate your interest in seeking admission to the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and we wish y
Thank you guys for a great thread--this process SUCKED, but you guys made it much more bearable 🙂 Best of luck to you all! You guys will make amazing physicians 🙂

Even though I got an A, I’d be lying if I said UCLA’s admissions process didn’t bring up red flags for me. Seems like there was just no basic plan/organization, which is the very least you should expect from a T10 school

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yes! I second this. waiting has been a tough process. we've been holding our breaths for so long, looking for the relief of a breath out. but the community here has made this process more bearable, and your positivity lifted each other up! good luck to everyone!
Did you get accepted? I spent several dollars renting it and never got a reply.
hehe, no I didn't. I got my post-II R this morning. I also know someone who emailed and didn't get a reply. I thought it was a good sign for me lol, but it's okay! gotta keep making moves.