2019-2020 UCLA (Geffen)

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Hello, beautiful friends.

Does anyone want the UCLA lunch bag and water bottle? I can mail it to ya!

I received the rejection email on Monday (at long last, that splendid sigh of relief!) and I created an SDN account because I want the lunch bag and water bottle to have a new, loving home. 🙂 Also, I can't bring myself to dispose of such high-quality products and further contribute to environmental waste. Haha.

Let me know!

For those who have been accepted to any program, congrats on your successes. And for those of you still waiting, hang in there!!

Looking forward to becoming physician colleagues in the future!


Did MD-only applicants get lunch bags??

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Hello, beautiful friends.

Does anyone want the UCLA lunch bag and water bottle? I can mail it to ya!

I received the rejection email on Monday (at long last, that splendid sigh of relief!) and I created an SDN account because I want the lunch bag and water bottle to have a new, loving home. 🙂 Also, I can't bring myself to dispose of such high-quality products and further contribute to environmental waste. Haha.

Let me know!

For those who have been accepted to any program, congrats on your successes. And for those of you still waiting, hang in there!!

Looking forward to becoming physician colleagues in the future!

I want to find a loving home for mine as well! We should collect them all from those who were rejected and do not want them and donate them somewhere, like a school to promote STEM! Not sure if thats allowed... but could be a nice idea 🙂
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I would give the water bottles/lunch bags to people really in need! Fill it up with some snacks and water in the bottle and give it to someone who's been hungry for the last few days! (Rather than trashing them or sending it back to the school)

Yes. This. You're brilliant! Thank you.

Was walking around downtown Boston today and met a lot of people who could have benefited from your suggestion. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this inspiration.
i know this thread is kind of dead and me reviving it hope it doesn’t trigger anybody (also hope that all decisions from UCLA have been released) and I do not feel comfortable yet posting this on FB page lol but i won’t be able to make second loook but I hope everybody that’s going asks the admin the hard Questions about the curriculum Change And ask for transparency and if so, pretty please report back!!! I tried emailing and calling but they don’t answer 🙁
Do you have any specific questions you want asked? You can pm me if you’d prefer.
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Do we feel like second look is definitely going to happen? Or will it be canceled like the others?
Same! My conflict for second look just cleared up and I was planning on calling tomorrow to see if I could still come to second look so I hope it’s still on!!
for those of you who registered and stuff, did they already provide details for lodging and stuff?
Please do and report back! And no, no formal details yet for me
I receive emails from UCLA as an alumnus and I currently work in research on campus. As of today, there have been no plans to close the campus (as notified by email). The university's overall response to the coronavirus epidemic is to encourage good-hygiene behaviors and place hand-sanitizer dispensing machines in commonly accessed areas. I can keep you all updated if I receive any other news!
Current UCLA med student here: currently, there are no plans to cancel second look and there are currently no coronavirus-positive cases at UCLA or in a UCLA-affiliated hospital.

Should this situation change, I will post here and in the 2024 Facebook group.
Filling out the housing application and just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Med students primarily live in Weyburn right? Are there any other buildings they live in?

Need to figure out how to rank my preferences
Filling out the housing application and just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Med students primarily live in Weyburn right? Are there any other buildings they live in?

Need to figure out how to rank my preferences

Correct, med students primarily live in Weyburn and I recommend just ranking all the Weyburn options first. Hilgard has a very small number of rooms available; thus first-year med students won't get assigned to Hilgard. Really, the only other option is family housing in University Village.
what about all the other options that show up for graduate housing?? All the ones Near university village?Also, do students live off campus at all? if so, what are some good areas?
Thanks in advance!

obvi I'm not familiar with med school housing situation, but I can speak to undergrad off campus-housing. Westwood is very very veryyyy expensive. The graduate housing UCLA is offering will be a fairer price than apartment searching yourself, unless you're okay living in a very decrepit apartment or commuting a distance (but then you'll have to pay for a parking permit). You could commute from Brentwood/Sawtelle area (only like 15 mins tops) but again, you may be double-paying for parking vs. just working with grad housing.
(plus, university housing comes fully furnished which is awesome!)

hope this helps a bit!
what about all the other options that show up for graduate housing?? All the ones Near university village?Also, do students live off campus at all? if so, what are some good areas?
Thanks in advance!
i was also curious so I entered the addresses from the housing site into google and it looks like the other options outside of weyburn/hilgard are 3-5 miles away from campus
Yeah I looked it up too but it also seemed like that’s where the university Village was so it seemed like other students do do it! And there’s a campus shuttle too. Those other options seemed like they are cheaper than Weyburn so that’s why I was asking. I have no familiarity with the area lol so thank you every body for the feedback! Will stick with Weyburn!
no, you're def right. I think some students live at the university village too. I looked at the virtual tours and some of them are pretty nice! I just think the majority of students live in Weyburn.
In-person classes and in-person exams at UCLA have been transitioned to remote/online. Classes at the school of medicine remain unaffected but deliberation is ongoing. Still no confirmed cases of coronavirus at UCLA.

No updates on second look; as of now, second look is still happening but I will update should the situation change.

Feel free to DM me any questions.
UPDATE: Second look is likely to be cancelled -- I'm waiting for an official email so don't take this as official confirmation, but I'm just giving everyone a heads up.

Will try to update everyone here and everyone in the facebook group once an official email is sent out.

The med school policy is in the process of being updated such that all large gatherings at the school of medicine are cancelled for now.
UPDATE: Second look is likely to be cancelled -- I'm waiting for an official email so don't take this as official confirmation, but I'm just giving everyone a heads up.

Will try to update everyone here and everyone in the facebook group once an official email is sent out.

The med school policy is in the process of being updated such that all large gatherings at the school of medicine are cancelled for now.
RIP 🙁 was really looking forward to it! (And I'm sure several others were)! Do you know if it will be an online thing like the others?
RIP 🙁 was really looking forward to it! (And I'm sure several others were)! Do you know if it will be an online thing like the others?

Not sure -- I just found out last night that the school of medicine is rolling out this new policy; we don't know whether there will be an online thing or anything.

In any case, I can assure everyone that UCLA is amazing and I'm happy to answer questions or discuss further, whether you're 100% committed to UCLA or are wavering between UCLA and another school. Everyone feel free to DM me and we can talk.
Hi friends,

Louie here from the StART team. I just want to let you know that we are actively communicating with the admission office trying to sort this out as soon as possible! At this moment, we have not received any updates from the admission office to officially canceled the second look nor a plan to make the event online or postpone. Once we have any information, we will be making an official post in the Class of 2024 Facebook Page. An email from the Admission Office will also be sent to all accepted students.
Hi friends,

Louie here from the StART team. I just want to let you know that we are actively communicating with the admission office trying to sort this out as soon as possible! At this moment, we have not received any updates from the admission office to officially canceled the second look nor a plan to make the event online or postpone. Once we have any information, we will be making an official post in the Class of 2024 Facebook Page and an email from the Admission Office will be sent.

Thank you Louie for working to sort this out with admins. 😀
Thank you so much for being so helpful! This is kind of random but is there usually stuff scheduled for the weekend of white coat ceremony? My family and friends are traveling very far to come and wanted to do some travel in the area the Saturday and Sunday of that weekend and I wanted to know if it was possible to do that stuff with them. They are planning to book ASAP for $$ reasons. No worries if you don’t know/if it varies from year to year!

Absolutely! After white coat ceremony, most people spend time with friends+family who came all the way to visit. There shouldn't be anything scheduled for that weekend (there certainly wasn't this past year).
UPDATE: Second look is likely to be cancelled -- I'm waiting for an official email so don't take this as official confirmation, but I'm just giving everyone a heads up.

Will try to update everyone here and everyone in the facebook group once an official email is sent out.

The med school policy is in the process of being updated such that all large gatherings at the school of medicine are cancelled for now.
Aw man I am so disappointed!🙁 Was really looking forward to this since my tour on interview day wasn’t very good. Thanks for keeping us updated though! Do you by any chance know if the med school offers general tours? I live in the area, but was hoping to get a better idea of the main building since we didn’t see much on interview day. Also does student housing offer any tours? Was hoping to see that as well before committing to living there.

Again, thanks for all of your help and take your time with any response! We appreciate you keeping us all in the loop!🙂
Aw man I am so disappointed!🙁 Was really looking forward to this since my tour on interview day wasn’t very good. Thanks for keeping us updated though! Do you by any chance know if the med school offers general tours? I live in the area, but was hoping to get a better idea of the main building since we didn’t see much on interview day. Also does student housing offer any tours? Was hoping to see that as well before committing to living there.

Again, thanks for all of your help and take your time with any response! We appreciate you keeping us all in the loop!🙂
^housing tours better than the virtual one on my housing would be nice lol. I was hoping to see some of the facilities like sim center/anatomy labs etc. Didnt get a chance on interview day 🙁
I was hoping for some more free UCLA/DGSOM swag...

Besides the lunchbox of course 😉
^housing tours better than the virtual one on my housing would be nice lol. I was hoping to see some of the facilities like sim center/anatomy labs etc. Didnt get a chance on interview day 🙁
yeah all i saw on interview day was the outside of the building and the first floor of the hospital lol
edit: also saw the student lounge. but daz it😳
I saw another post by a student on a different thread that they don’t do tours of the anatomy lab due to wanting to respect the donor bodies for education and not recruitment purposes...but I could be mistaken.

I stayed at a 2 bd/2 ba regular not townhouse during my interview and they were relatively nice and spacious! Standard furniture

But would be nice to see some studios!

I was so excited when my conflict cleared for second look and was really looking forward to meeting students and getting a sense of the social life (especially since I’m older) so this a real bummer 🙁

I know people are still deciding but I’m hoping the facebook group becomes more active! Or there’s like regional meetups or something lol
I feel you on wanting to meet some more students! Both current & potential future classmates. Getting a sense of the vibe of the people I’ll be around is super important to me. Loved my fellow interviewees though so that’s a plus! Hopefully it will all work out!
I feel you on wanting to meet some more students! Both current & potential future classmates. Getting a sense of the vibe of the people I’ll be around is super important to me. Loved my fellow interviewees though so that’s a plus! Hopefully it will all work out!
+1 we should make a group chat or something on fb or here or wherever! I wish the fb group was more active as well but I guess most people are undecided still