2023-2024 California Health Sciences University College of Osteopathic Medicine (CHSU-COM)

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Just got the Call let’s gooo. I’m going to apply for the private loans now. We can switch to federal later I believe but that depends on when the schools starts to get the federal loans.
We can switch to federal later I believe but that depends on when the schools starts to get the federal loans.<=== Not for another 2 years at least

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This school seems to have not filled all the spots yet, sending emails to candidates who had applied
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just got accepted off the waitlist!! will be declining but good luck all 💗
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is there a groupme or discord for accepted students?
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Also got an A off the WL, will be withdrawing. Hope it helps someone on here 😊
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Just got the acceptance call after being waitlisted 3/28!! Will be accepting ^^ good luck to everyone the wait is rough but we’ll all make it eventually
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got the A today after priority WL since 4/12 :)
i think this has been asked before but is there a groupme for accepted students?
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can some people accepted this cycle drop their mcat gpa! want to gauge for a friend of mine
Congratulations to all of you that have been accepted to CHSU. I am NOT a CHSU student but I am a local. If you have any questions about the Fresno/Clovis area feel free to DM me.
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Accepted off the waitlist today and will be accepting! 😭🙌 wishing luck to everyone else waiting to hear!!
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Nope didn't get this wording :( also does anyone know if the medical spanish and food kitchen classes are required or electives?

They’re required / part of the curriculum but it’s not hard, and kind of fun, actually.
I have a friend who goes there. I’m not sure about other electives. I do know no one has time for anything else because all you do is study. Then study some more after studying. Typical med school life.
Attendance is mandatory for ALL classes. Yes, they verify doctor’s note if you submit one to be excused and avoid getting a zero. Otherwise, you get a zero.
Does anyone know if you can get federal loans attending CHSU yet?
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Hi! Pretty new to this thread. I haven’t heard anything from them since I applied. I didn’t even get a secondary invite. And then today they said they waived the secondary requirement and asked if I’m willing to join an interview session on 7/3. Anyone else get this email?
Got the same email, not sure how to feel about this? there’s so little info about the school online- I think it just got accredited & im not sure about matches before 2024. I have a seat at BCOM-FL and I’m not sure if I want to interview, especially bc everything for both schools start July 15.
Hi! Pretty new to this thread. I haven’t heard anything from them since I applied. I didn’t even get a secondary invite. And then today they said they waived the secondary requirement and asked if I’m willing to join an interview session on 7/3. Anyone else get this email?
Got the same email, not sure how to feel about this? there’s so little info about the school online- I think it just got accredited & im not sure about matches before 2024. I have a seat at BCOM-FL and I’m not sure if I want to interview, especially bc everything for both schools start July 15.
I’m on another waitlist, so whichever gives me a decision first I’ll take. I just don’t really know what to expect for this interview. They’re giving 2 days to prepare but I have work. Idk…
We can switch to federal later I believe but that depends on when the schools starts to get the federal loans.<=== Not for another 2 years at least
They will be getting federal loans sometime this academic year. They were just waiting for their first class to graduate.
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I just found out today that I sadly got waitlisted. How about you? Hopefully better news