
  1. M

    Do dental schools emphasize BCPM GPA or Science GPA?

    My BCPM GPA is currently at a 3.1ish. However, I have taken multiple "other science" classes that I knew would be easy to do well in so my science GPA sits at a 3.3. Which do schools emphasize/look at? if my cGPA is a 3.4 and DAT is 25AA and 26TS, should I apply this cycle? Because I have so...
  2. F

    Needing Advice

    Hey everyone! This next semester I’ll be going into my senior year of undergrad. I just wanted to see what y’all thought of my current situation, as I am beginning to stress about the application process! I currently have a 3.3 GPA and if everything goes accordingly I should be able to get that...
  3. S

    Chances of getting into dental school

    Hi guys, I am just posting to see what I need to do to strengthen my Dental application for this May. I don’t have that many volunteer hours (about20-30) and i have only been able to shadow an oral surgeon for 55 hours. I also am on the table tennis team at my university and a TA. I have called...
  4. D

    First post

    Hello, SDN!
  5. petomed

    Nontrad MD-PhD with weak stats but strong direction

    MD-PhD's are the high rung concerning competitiveness. Can anyone speak to knowing someone who gained acceptance with a < 512 MCAT and/or < 3.7 GPA? How did the rest of their application resolve these crucial deficits? Is there any value added by having not just passion for research, but a...
  6. D


  7. Perchperkins

    I got a 3.0 this semester with an overall GPA of 3.63, what are my chances?

    Hey guys, I posted a few days ago about how my grades went down. My first semester was a 3.77, my second a 3.89 and now my third was a 3.0. It was a huge drop - thanks calculus. I had a lot going on with work, COVID and online classes. The good news is that I got an A is orgo, the bad news is...
  8. A

    Chances with MCAT score?

    Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well :) I'm a Canadian applicant and I'd really appreciate some perspectives on my chances at Western and Queens specifically! MCAT: 514 (127/127/128/132) 2YGPA: 3.87 Thanks in advance!!
  9. O

    Will my acceptance be rescinded for Bs?

    I've been struggling with personal life and I currently have 5 acceptances but they're to MD schools and they all say I need to maintain academic standard. My stats are uGPA: 3.0 with strong upward trend (~3.8 last two years) Neuro masters: 4.0 If I get two Bs it will be my first semester and...
  10. C


  11. A


  12. P

    Advice? What are my chances ?

    Hi everyone ! I recently applied to 15 schools (10 DO schools and 5 in states MD schools, FLORIDA) for this application cycle of 2020. Some quick stats... MCAT : 499 (44th percentile) Chem/physics: 125 54% CARS : 122 23% Bio: 125 51% Psych: 127 70% Overall Bachelors of science in nursing...
  13. khunmohdokhtar

    Schools that have expirations for pre-reqs?

    Just as the title (hopefully) gets at, does anyone have a list or have a good idea of which schools have expirations (require you to take the course recently) on pre-req courses? I had a spreadsheet going earlier this cycle that made notes here and there of which school wanted pre-reqs to be...
  14. V

    No more grade replacement OptomCAS

    Hello everyone, I submitted a few applications and relialized that my gpa on the verified application is way below what I originally had from my official transcripts. I spoke to an Optomcas agent and was informed they are no longer accepting only the final attempt of a repeated course. Does...
  15. M

    How Do Medical Schools Look At GPA

    Hi everyone, I have a question. I'm a sophomore as of this academic year but so far have attended 2 universities. One for my first semester as a freshman, and the other since then and which I plan to graduate from. Thus I would have attended 2 different universities when I'm ready to apply from...
  16. thelazyvaca

    WAMC - Considering DAT retake as well

    Date of submission: June 14, 2020 for this cycle, and as early as possible for the 2021 cycle (if needed) Overall Undergrad GPA: 3.13 (says overall is 3.19 on TMDSAS after entering graduate GPA for Fall) Science Undergrad GPA: 2.84 (11 hours of A's to bring it up to a 3.00) (says overall is 2.94...
  17. T

    Abysmal OAT Scores, any chance of getting into UAB?

    So I recently took the OAT and ended up with a TS: 270 and AA: 290 with my lowest score being 220 in physics. My individual scores were Bio/GenChem/Orgo/Reading/Physics/QR = 280/320/280/310/220/310. I've been studying for 2-3 months using a combination of coursesaver, kaplan practice tests and...
  18. velvetcoffee

    Transfer or not during Covid-19

    Hello all, I am current student at Texas Christian University (TCU), but I am thinking of transferring to Vanderbilt University. However, I have a perfect GPA at TCU as a rising sophomore with research opportunities and others activities lined up. I also have connections with professors from...
  19. M

    My upward trend

    Hello, I am currently a pre-med student, and I wanted to gain some perspective on my situation. During my freshman year, I lost motivation and unfortunately ended my first semester with a 1.6 GPA... I know. My second semester was 3.91. Ever since then, I have had a 4.0 throughout my sophomore...
  20. Y

    chance of getting into an MD school

    As of now I stand at a 3.0 gpa, and a first time score of 512 on MCAT, what are my chances of getting an MD/DO acceptance?
  21. drhong

    How do D.O. schools calculate GPA? Am I screwed?

    OK I am very worried. My undergrad GPA is a 2.99ish. I feel angry at myself that I wanted to be Dr. the last minute. Even if I do a career change post-bacc with 43-46 credits and get around 3.7 to 4.0 GPA, it will only bring up my GPA to 3.1 to 3.2 ish, which is still pretty bad. My question is...
  22. H

    % vs letter grade GPA - Please help me :(

    Does the ADEA AADSAS preferentially use the % or letter grade to calculate GPA in the case that the transcript shows both? I am a Canadian applicant and my GPA is higher using the % rather than the letter grade conversion listed on ADEA. Would they just use whichever yields the higher GPA?
  23. Tea Leaf

    3 days to decide, please help!

  24. Ramona Flowers

    Should I acknowledge a "C" grade in the optional comments secondary essays?

    Hi there, I am working through secondaries right now and am curious about other perspectives on whether to acknowledge or not acknowledge C grades? I have already submitted one essay from a school that specifically asked to comment on any STEM grades below a "B" so I feel like I have a good...
  25. nicolek817

    Which GPA is more important: undergrad vs. post bacc?

    Hi! I graduated (Johns Hopkins) with a cGPA of 3.42 after only taking 2 premed classes. I had an upward trend, my last 3 semesters being 3.87, 3.93, and 4.0. I ended up doing a formal postbacc (USC) of 30 credits (Bio, O Chem 2 semesters, Gen chem 1 semester, Physics 2 semesters, Biochem 1...
  26. thelazyvaca

    Post-Bacc AND Masters All in One? Do they exist?

    I will be attending a one year masters program in the fall that will award an M.S. in Medical Genetics & Genomics. It is an SMP program that I thought up until now was exclusively a masters program. However, in the description it mentions how it is a post-bacc as well. I emailed an adcom, and...
  27. A

    How do med schools group GPA by year when applicant has more than 2 years in community college?

    So med schools look at each year of undergrad & postbacc or whatever else after that. But what about spending super long in community college part-time before transferring to a university? I read somewhere that med schools look at freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year individually, then...
  28. K

    Mediocre GPA Decent DAT What Are My Chances?

    Hi SDN I just took my DAT and did pretty well. Unfortunately my GPA/extracurriculars aren't the greatest so I'm still stressing about my application. Overall GPA: 3.47 Science GPA: 3.33 DAT score : AA: 25/ TS: 24 / QR: 24/ RC: 23/ Bio: 24/ GC: 22/ OC: 30/ PAT: 20 State of Residence: North...
  29. I

    First Year GPA 3.18 from a LAC. Int student. Help me.

    As the title says, that’s my current GPA. I messed up my first year so badly, second semester being affected by Covid situation too. Now, being an int student makes things even harder. I need to have minimum gpa of 3.75 or 3.8 to be competitive. I calculated that I need to get an A every...
  30. thelazyvaca

    Has anybody been accepted/interviewed at MeHarry that did NOT take quantitative analysis? School suggestions would be helpful too.

    Hello folks, I am an applicant deciding on schools to apply to this cycle, and saw that MeHarry requires (urges?) applicants to take quantitative analysis. I have tried searching for this topic, and can not find any posts or website saying that it is strictly required. Also, knowing my...
  31. uchiha_21

    Tips for a Undergrad

    Hey everyone! I just finished my Sophomore year at my undergrad college and am wondering if anyone can offer tips to help me prepare for Optometry School admissions. I don't have the best GPA, in my Freshman year, I've dealt with a lot of personal problems and thus I started with a GPA of 2.45...
  32. F

    Advice for student with several unofficial withdrawalss

    I’d like to start off by thanking the SDN and the network of people who give proper guidance to students like myself. Long story short, I come from a lower socioeconomic background where pursuing higher education isn’t a priority for many. Starting 2012 I attended three different universities in...
  33. k6mryn

    HELP: B+ Or S for grading period

    Good afternoon to everyone. To make a long story short I ended my spanish class with an 89.92% and my professor has made it extremely clear he won't round up my grade to a 90.0. I am currently a freshman and last semester my grades did not do well at all (literally had the worst grades ever in...
  34. thelazyvaca

    One year Masters before dental school question & advice!

    Hey folks! I hope all are well during the strange times. I just wanted to post my situation right now to see if any of y’all wouldn’t mind giving me some advice! I am just about to graduate and I did not gain a seat to dental school this cycle. It left me with a gap year to do something...
  35. Boomer7200

    I Messed Up..In Need of Help

    Hello everyone, I messed for the first three semesters of college. I have a 3.1 gpa through the first three semesters. I received a D+ in Orgo I as well. This semester I transferred and was able to get a 3.7-3.8 as I realized I needed to change. Next semester I am retaking Orgo I. I am just...
  36. J

    UC Davis for pre-med vs small liberal arts school?

    I am a biology major who is interested in pre-med and wants to go to medical school. I am choosing between a small liberal arts school (University of Puget Sound) and UC Davis for undergrad, and I do not know which one can best prepare me for medical school. In high school I had a very strong...
  37. B

    504 MCAT Helppp

  38. D

    Applying to MD PhD with One Withdrawal

    I plan to apply for MD PhD programs my senior year (taking a Gap year). My two top schools are Emory and Stanford. I currently have a 4.0 GPA and I’m a junior. I’ve been doing research since the summer of freshman year, each semester. I also got into Mayo Clinic’s summer fellowship for this...
  39. F

    Really Messed Up and Need Some Advice!!

    Hi, I know there's probably tons of these stories out-there but it would be helpful if I got some advice. So long story short, when I was inn High School I wanted to be an anesthesiologist, that was my goal. However, I really got into app development and programming so when it came time to pick...
  40. L

    GPA Questions

    Hi everyone! I am currently a sophomore in undergrad and will not be applying to vet school until the fall of 2021, but I am looking for a bit of advice. I am feeling a little bit discouraged about my GPA right now, after last semester (first semester of sophomore year) I had a cumulative 3.71...