2024-2025 Wayne State

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WL interviewed 11/04

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Anyone who completed their secondaries in early September hear anything yet about II or R? Im getting nervy lol
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Is there a preferred method for sending letters to the adcom committee? I know they wanted us to send thank you letters to the adcom email, but would they prefer letters of interest/intent on the application portal?
Does anyone think that a new wave will come out before the holidays ?
What is the typical wait time for a decision here after an interview? I don't remember them saying during mine and I'm too scared to ask them, haha
2-4 weeks depending on your interview day, the committee meets every 2 weeks from what I heard. I heard back after 15 days
anyone know what’s the deadline to accept the offer for peeps who’s already interviewed? I am waiting to get off waitlist
Should I send a letter of intent? Some peeps they are not gonna read it. Been WLing for 3 months