2019-2020 Tulane

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To all my fellow people on hold, I’m assuming that because Tulane sends out interviews super quickly and far in advance, there actually might be some movement off of the hold list for interviews as I’m guessing some people will cancel their interviews at Tulane if they receive an acceptance somewhere else they would prefer to attend starting mid-October, so I’m not going to lose hope! *also this is just my theory not necessarily based on anything other than the fact that apparently there is movement off of hold status from previous threads*

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Just got my under review email. But I'm kind of worried since everyone says the they sent 75% of their II and only looking for competitive apps now. Is my GPA 3.8 and mcat 511 competitive enough?
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It's pretty interesting how this thread is already at 27 pages whereas other threads aren't anywhere close. don't know if Tulane is doing this knowingly, but having a fast cycle seems to greatly increase the amount of interest for their school. I think it is fair to say that Tulane has a good program, but I don't think it would have nearly this much interest on SDN if it weren't given the label of being that school that gets back to you quick (which isn't true for most applicants)
It's pretty interesting how this thread is already at 27 pages whereas other threads aren't anywhere close. don't know if Tulane is doing this knowingly, but having a fast cycle seems to greatly increase the amount of interest for their school. I think it is fair to say that Tulane has a good program, but I don't think it would have nearly this much interest on SDN if it weren't given the label of being that school that gets back to you quick (which isn't true for most applicants)

Other threads will pick up once more interview invites go out. By the end of the cycle maybe those schools will catch up in pages. This thread will eventually lose interest since almost all of the interviews dates are filled while other schools will have more discussion. Just like it started fast it will end fast.
found out my EDP application didn't go my way so i took a long shot and submitted a few primaries. What do y'all think my chances are at this point?
I'm a business major, OOS, 511, cgpa and sgpa in mid 3.8's, pretty decent ec's
Should I be hopeful or just kiss my chances at a secondary goodbye
Tulane is an early, early school so I would say it's not worth the money/effort to submit here at this point.
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For those who have interviewed already, what was interview day like (high stress, low stress, conversational, etc.)? What is your overall impression of Tulane now that you’ve been there?
For those who have interviewed already, what was interview day like (high stress, low stress, conversational, etc.)? What is your overall impression of Tulane now that you’ve been there?

You should take a look at the Tulane interview thread on this site, it's pretty accurate. They emphasized that they wanted us to relax and that they wanted to see our personalities come out. It was really fun! Very "southern hospitality", they made us feel welcome and like they wanted us to choose them as a school. Very low stress. You'll start off with a greeting in which they talk about "why Tulane" and some icebreaker questions as a group (not evaluated). Then you have three interviews privately with some time in-between: the patient simulation, the faculty one, and the medical student one. The one with the student is done over lunch. After, you get a tour and Q & A session.

MD: 1°: 1 I 2°: 1 I II: 1 I IA: 1 I A: I WL: I R:
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TOS still applies in the school-specific threads. Be professional. There was an extremely unprofessional post that was removed with action taken against the user. If you quoted said post, your post may have been edited or deleted by a moderator to clean things up.

Stay on topic and keep it professional in here. Thank you.
OK promise to continue being professional, but can someone tell me what the unprofessional mom posted on here LOL :corny:

Continued off topic posts will be subject to moderator action. If you want to know, PM someone who saw it (not me).
A few days till the interview on the 20th... what should be my final steps to prepare? This is my first interview and although I heard Tulane has super chill interviews I am still nervous.. lol
So I haven't submitted my secondary due to financials. I was trying to submit tonight 🙁 Is it too late?
in progress since 7/28 am i missing anything to be moved to under review?
Hi guys. I submitted my secondary September 8 (yes, I know I'm late) and received an "under review" email today. Does anyone know if this actually means anything or is this basically them just verifying your complete?
Hi, so this is the final step before they decide to grant you an II or not. A reviewer is looking at your application and decides whether or not to submit your name for II. I'm EDP so my reviewer looked over my application then submitted me to the team who does EDP who agreed to interview me and then sent the invite. Hope that helps! I imagine it's a similar process for RD.
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Any others apply EDP here? If so, what was the outcome - did you get an II etc?

I applied EDP and I Interviewed on 8/21/19..haven't heard anything since. Was wondering if anyone else that was EDP who interviewed has received an acceptance/denial yet? Getting nervous!
I applied EDP and I Interviewed on 8/21/19..haven't heard anything since. Was wondering if anyone else that was EDP who interviewed has received an acceptance/denial yet? Getting nervous!
So my faculty interviewer explained the whole process to me, we find out on Oct 1 though they've typically made their decision well before. On your interview day how many EDP people were there? I was the only one on my day! 9/10. ALSO, so happy to encounter another EDP applicant for this school!
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